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Posts posted by ballbreaker

  1. Skytrain to On Nut and then taxi up Sukhumvit to Bang Na, but probably a lot slower than tollway due to traffic on Suk.

    Yes Skytrain to On Nut... then taxi to Bang Na Central.

  2. One unforeseen problem no one mentioned is your wife. If she's willing to dutifully run off to work for six years while you sit around with nothing to do but squander your savings, she'd be 1 in a billion.

    Could you end up 6 years from now with an intact marriage, proceeds from the condo sale in your pocket, and a job to go back to? Sure, people win the lottery all the time.

    But the odds are, you're going to go through the money you have much faster than you think. Either you'll spend it or you'll get divorced and lose half or more. Maybe both.

    If you still decide to go ahead in spite of recommendations to the contrary, don't take everything out at once. Not only are you guaranteeing you pay the highest taxes on it, but once it's out of the retirement account, it's out in the wild. Retirement accounts aren't easy to touch. Regular bank accounts everyone can get to. Move it to Thailand and you might as well put a target on your back.

    Could not have summed it up better myself.

    At 45 I was in your position minus the credit card debt and like you I wanted a change. Instead of jumping right away, the wife (Thai) and I decided on a 10 year plan. I sold off all my toys (boat, custom van, motorcycle and motor home) and banked the proceeds. I worked overtime when it suited me and the wife got a job. We saved but also took yearly trips to Thailand to scope things out before we make the jump. At age 54 we made the move. I have been here 6 years and have no regrets waiting because I live the lifestyle I like not one I'm forced into because of financial concerns.

  3. This is an option that I prefer.

    Take the 2 all the way to Sara Buri.

    Switch to the 1 going toward Bangkok at Sara Buri.

    Stay on the 1 till you get to the 9 (Outer Ring Road East). Watch for Suvarnabhumi Airport sign it directs you to Outer Ring Road East.

    Stay on the 9 (Outer Ring Road East) till you get to the 7 (Bangkok-Chon Buri expressway). Again the airport signs will put you on the 7.

    Take 7 toward Chon Buri/Pattaya and stay on the 7 until it dead ends at the 36 then take exit to Pattaya.

    Follow the signs to Pattaya.

    I think much quicker with less hassle than 304/331 route and very well marked.

  4. Have a good friend transfer some of his validity time to your phone. Have friend dial *140 on his phone and follow instructions.

    This works if both are on AIS network. Not sure if other networks have same option.

  5. You should have a motorcycle license to be legal.

    There was shop on Suranaree street between Burin and Bua Rong streets that rented bikes. It is located on the right side if coming from Burin. Burin is the street that runs in front of Bus station #1 (old bus station). Traveling from bus station #1 to Suranaree turn left and look for it on the right side of street. Haven't look recently so not sure if still open.

  6. The wife has a fair bit of property and not that it's on my mind :o but what happens under Thai law if she dies or we get a divorce? This is to settle an argument really as I have told her that in either case in the UK she gets my house, but I don't think it works the other way.

    You might wish to check out the below link and it will answer your questions. Read through book 4 located on bottom of page.


  7. Sounds like he needs to get his lazy a** to Thailand and find out the details of what he signed. As an alternative he can stop making payments and stay out of Thailand for 10 years and not worry about it anymore.

    One other thing, don't forget the lesson he has learned.

  8. Why do people always wait till the last minute to take care of something so important. I generally process my extension 2-3 weeks prior to expiration.

    Was the immigration officer really that bad. Since you overstayed she could have very easily given a 7 day extension to leave the country and then you would have to start the process all over. She did not but instead fined you and gave you the extension you requested.

  9. Many good responses in a thread you previously posted but at your age perhaps you have forgotten.

    Just to repeat I think it best you make out a will that covers only your Thailand assets if you want to best protect her interest and your wishes.

    I have a friend that recently had a lawyer make up his will. It cost him 2000 baht and only covers his Thailand bank assets which is what you need. He was told that the accounts would be frozen upon his death and would take 1-3 months to process release of accounts based on the will.

    As previous poster mentioned a beneficiary can be named for your account and this is done at the bank.

    Your idea of wife using ATM card to withdraw funds from your account is not a good one for a couple reasons. What happens if ATM card stops working or the account is frozen? Your kids could also request funds if you have no legal document in form of beneficiary named on the account or a will for

    Thailand assets.

    Stop asking questions and take action on Monday.

  10. I seem to recall that I named a beneficiary when I opened my account some years ago. Can anyone that's opened one recently verify if that is the case.

    If you really care about your wife's well being and you where in the military during a war time period ( WW1, WW2, Korea, Vietnam) then she will most likely be eligible for death pension benefit. You can check for details on Veterans Administration web site (www.va.gov). You can also check with the Pattaya chapter of VFW.

    I know you have a reluctance to make out a new will but it is the best way to protect your wishes.

  11. Pantip is where I bought mine. Recently purchased replacement battery for my five year old Leonics from IT City and they do stock Leonics brand UPS. I don't know if they have APC brand or not.

    Don't buy cheap because it will cost you in the long run. I bought one of the cheap units and it lasted about 1 year before it was good only for a paper weight. I would only buy Leonics or APC UPS's.

  12. Google is your friend. Easier to check first before questioning me. Do you think I didn't check? :o

    No actually it is easier to question you than spend my precious time googling. :D But spend my precious time i did and after a few minutes of delving i came up with nothing - hence why i questioned you.

    I'm not saying i don't believe you - just that i find it highly unlikely. Sounds to me like one of those intentionally misleading marketing slogans.

    To say that TCL is the biggest TV producer in the world just makes no sense at all, if we are talking about TVs badged as TCL. But perhaps that's the trick to the statement - perhaps TCL is a manufactorer that produces TVs which are then badged as something else. Now that i could believe.

    Anyway Bobbin, you obviously have all the facts and figures at your fingertips concerning TCL, so stop being a tease and give us what you've got!

    They are the largest television manufacturer in China thus the largest in the world.

    I didn't really have any problem coming up with the info. Lots of news links, so google TCL under the news category.

    Their factory was opened in Thailand somewhere near Samut Prakhan I think. My TV was made in Thailand in June 2008.

    One quick Google seach and we have an answer.


  13. However found a place that I particularly fond of in On Nut - I have been on BTS but never got to On Nut so can someone advise me what is that place like? Are there many restaurants, malls? Is it expat comfortable? I like the "modernisation" around Siam, Chidlom, Phloenchit, Asoke (have not been past Asoke unfortunately) so would I like On Nut?

    Greatly appreciate your assistance here.

    Soi 64 is a bit far to walk in the heat and rain to and from On Nut BTS. The walk will be shorter in a year or so when the BTS extension opens.

    I have lived near the On Nut BTS for a total of four years and find it enjoyable. There is not much in the way of fine restaurants but the skytrain is just a few hundred meters away so thats not a problem. If you need stores other than Lotus, Carrefour and local shops then once again the skytrain will have you there in minutes. As for security I have never had any problems walking the streets to and from sky train.

    You might want to look around On Nut BTS station because there are a number of new apartment/condo's that have been built in the last year and all would be within a few hundred meters of BTS. They are located on Soi 50, 52 and 79 and are all within five minute walk of BTS.

    I would suggest you try and find a place within a few minutes walk of skytrain or subway because it makes life easier getting to places you like.

  14. I was a member of easynews till last year and during my years of membership I noticed periods when postings would slow down. They always seemed to jive with breaks in college and university schedules which made me think they might be responsible for many of the postings. Over the last couple weeks spring break has been underway in many of these institutions so it should increase in a week or so if I am right.

  15. Does anyone know if this reduction in transfer fees has been extended to March 2010, in another post it said they had but I can't find an official source for that information anywhere

    Its only an article but you can read where it was extended another year. Go to be below address and then click on "builders urge tax breaks".


    Read below thread.


  16. Does anyone know if this reduction in transfer fees has been extended to March 2010, in another post it said they had but I can't find an official source for that information anywhere

    Its only an article but you can read where it was extended another year. Go to be below address and then click on "builders urge tax breaks".


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