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Posts posted by ballbreaker

  1. First off long distant relationships are a waste of time and money so listen to your gut feelings and enjoy the travel instead.

    Most Thai women send anywhere from 1-3000 a month but it will depend mostly on their monthly salary. I would ask how she can afford to send 20k a month when she makes far less.

    A friends Thai GF pays a sister 5K a month to take care of 12 year old son but I'm sure that's only because she currently has farang BF.

    Remember that if you found one ladies company you enjoy their is always another fish in the sea. Cut you loses and move on.

  2. Your making a mountain out of a mole hill.

    You have a couple choices.

    You can sweet mouth her and get back in her good grace or you can pack your stuff and leave when she is not around. I for one would take the second option.

    On the matter of keep or damaged property write it off to a learning experience. Going to the police will be more trouble than its worth.

  3. Agree Nyquil is great for a good night sleep when you have a bad cold or flu. If you ever find please post. I usually bring back a few bottles when in the states but its long since gone.

    What are your symptoms? My GF has something that I thought might be a touch of food poisoning but perhaps I'm wrong. Her body aches all over, wants to vomit and has diarrhea.

  4. The Thai Gold Card is now nationwide.


    Sorry, by the Gold Card mention, do you mean the 30 baht medical care card...

    I had a Thai lady friend working in Pattaya... no... not a BG... who had to go back home to the north last June for treatment for breast cancer because the hospitals in Pattaya wouldn't cover her.

    Has something about geographic coverage for the 30 baht scheme changed since then???

    Coverage is good only where registered. If a person moves they must be a resident for either 30 or 90 days, sorry don't remember which, before they can apply for a card at new location.

  5. Spend time reading through Thailand Local forums on this site and you will start to get a feel of this place.

    Number of reasons criminals come to Thailand:

    1. Easy to remain in country with visa's that require border runs or setting up legit companies that allow you a visa. You can also just over stay your visa and hope you don't get caught by police. Some people have done the latter for years without problems but you must stay under the radar.

    2. Large number of foreign nationals in Thailand that can be ripped off through various business ventures.

    3. Forged documents can be obtained if you make the right connections.

    4. Sex for sale brings large number of people for various types of pleasure.

    5. Police although very good at their job only perform when its in their interest. Problems will go away for the right price or it can come down hard if someone powerful applies pressure to solve case. (You might look at the on going attempted murder case that happened in Hua Hin.)

    6. Corruption seems to be a way of life in this country.

    7. Laws can be broken but don't violate the rules.

    Many more reasons can be added to this list and I'm someone will continue.

  6. My wife's sister is estranged from her husband for half a year now.

    They own a big house on land that has been in the family for 100 years.

    There is a 2nd house where her mother and father live.

    If anything happens to her, the husband will get the house and half the land.

    What does a Thai woman have to do to execute a will to leave her share

    of the property to her mother or sister in case anythiing should happen to

    her before the divorce settlement ?

    Is it as simple as going to the Ampur with a signed will including

    witnesses as it is in the US ?

    Or is Thai law here very different and if so, how so ?

    Thanks for the help.

    Will would provide best protection.

    Wills can be be done as you say but make sure witnesses ARE NOT named as beneficiary.

    Thai law is not same as US law. There is a pecking order on how assets are divided in this country when a will does not exist.

    You did not say if land is in wife's name.

  7. Hi just wondering if anyone had a recommendations for internet companies in Thailand? (Korat specifically)

    Looking for one that has a good balance of speed, reliability and price.

    Ideally would want one that give me a free wireless router but not essential :o

    Do true do any packages with internet and TV combined?

    Friend of mine uses Maxnet which is provided by TT&T if I'm not mistaken. They have an office in the mall.

    He seems very satisfied with the service.

  8. I've been trying to listen to streamed radio stations, CBS Radio Wave 94.7 smooth jazz in particular, using a Nokia N73 but it says I need Flash. The N73 has Flash already installed but its an older version so I have installed version 2.1 but I still see the older version in the applications list on the phone. Will version 2.1 work and how does the browser know to select the newer version and not the still installed 1.1 version?

    I still keep getting message to install Flash when I attempt to access the live stream.

    Connecting the N73 to my PC and using Flash on the PC everything works great over EDGE connection.

    The phone uses Flash Lite while PC uses full feature Flash.

    Sorry for double posting but internet connection problem. You know how it goes sometimes.

  9. I've been trying to listen to streamed radio stations, CBS Radio Wave 94.7 smooth jazz in particular, using a Nokia N73 but it says I need Flash. The N73 has Flash already installed but its an older version so I have installed version 2.1 but I still see the older version in the applications list on the phone. Will version 2.1 work and how does the browser know to select the newer version and not the still installed 1.1 version?

    I still keep getting message to install Flash when I attempt to access the live stream.

    Connecting the N73 to my PC and using Flash on the PC everything works great over EDGE connection.

    The phone uses Flash Lite while PC uses full feature Flash.

  10. The fact you start to lose your mind after several months in her village should tell you it would be a mistake to move there.

    I tried the village life for 8 months before giving up and moving to Bangkok.

    Keep in mind that retirement is suppose to be enjoyable not a life of boredom.

    If your willing to compromise then try renting in the closest large city to her village and give it a try for several months but don't build anything until your sure. If she is unwilling to compromise then you have the wrong woman.

  11. White House in Tech Dark Ages

    The team members, who were used to working on Mac systems

    Perhaps this was the reason for problems.

    Don't get me wrong I'm not saying Mac systems are bad but some people go through a slow learning curve when switching over to Microsoft world. I saw it happen with the IT department for a company I worked when company switched from Mac to PC systems and network.

  12. My GF was able to owe money to a government animal hospital in Bangkok for intensive care for her dog so one would think the same is possible with government hospital for people.

    My GF also described some sort of lending group she has borrowed money from in the past. Its a group of people (co-op) that lends money to person willing to pay highest interest. Its sounds like an auction process from the way she described everything but I am not sure of all the details. I also get the impression you have to be member of co-op to borrow but that may not be the case. In her case she won the bid for a flat 25 percent. She borrowed 44k baht so twenty two members each contributed 2k baht each to total 44k. She then was required to pay 5k a month for 11 months which totaled 55k at the end.

  13. Anyone able to advise on how where to get a P.O box in Bangers? Thanks

    I have one at Nana Post Office which is located on Sukhumvit between Soi 4 and Soi 6. If memory serves me correct I needed my passport and a physical address in Thailand. I may have also needed a piece of mail with my name on it but cannot remember since it was 4 years ago. It was issued on the second floor of the post office.

    Just renewed box and it now cost 500 baht per year. Although this time they also gave 4 extra months free. Perhaps because of the big leap in cost from previous years which I think was 150 baht.

  14. Simple test with voltmeter will tell if charging system is functioning properly.

    Cars also have a voltage regulator which sometimes is located in the alternator but can also be located external. I do not which type you have but since you have replaced battery and alternator in past you should ask where your voltage regulator is located. Might be worth checking if external.

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