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Everything posted by realfunster

  1. Or equally factually At the same time, the government also reported 87 new COVID deaths, up from 78 the day before, this figure remains 72% lower than Thailand's record during the COVID pandemic of 312 daily deaths in August 2021. BTW - I do greatly appreciate your daily efforts in preparing and sharing such detailed data/information
  2. Methinks someone is seeing the potential insurance claim upside of this event…
  3. As I posted on another thread, perhaps just easier if we circulate a (short) list of businesses that are not owned by CP/True or have their footprint all over it. Farcical and indicative of edging even further towards oligarchy.
  4. Are they mad ? Sharing their brilliant ideas that will see Thai tourism rising like Lazarus? Its a competitive market, they should be careful others don’t steal these genius concepts. Back to reality, we see here the uselessness of ineffectual and untalented government departments. I mean seriously, is this nonsense around digital tourism/crypto really tackling the core challenges of Thai tourism or is it just a way to create a spurious budget that can be milked ?
  5. If you are currently infected, there is only a miniscule chance of having Deltacron if I understand the OP correctly, in that both variants need to be circulating in the population to form the hybrid. For Bangkok at least, Omicron was expected to outcompete Delta and be >90% of new cases by end of January and I assume will be 99.99% of all new cases by now. Hang on, I found a link from 7th March with some actual figures.. "He also said that the Omicron variant now represents 99.6% of all COVID-19 cases in Thailand and is now spreading in every province, adding that of 1,898 cases tested last week, only seven cases were Delta variant." https://www.thaipbsworld.com/ba-2-sub-variant-of-omicron-becoming-dominant-strain-in-thailand/
  6. My word, I have read some heartless comments on here over the years but this takes the biscuit for totally lacking any human compassion. How the hell do you envisage they can travel home at the moment ? Let's hope their their travel insurance company office is not located in Mariupol, that would slow down their claim more than a bit wouldn't it ? Do you even think the country of Ukraine is "functioning" at the moment or perhaps a chance that much infrastructure has collapsed, things are not really normal and people perhaps have other things to concentrate on like avoiding artillery shells and fighting Russian tanks ? There's a big clue in the OP, if you bothered to read it or perhaps the mere mention of the word 'refugee' left you triggered. "It is a different situation for the Ukrainians who are here, as it would be unsafe for them to be forced to return home now. "
  7. I think you are being over-dramatic this point in time in forecasting severe risk to Ford. The drift to EV is coming, but it will be a long-one, probably take decades and happen at different paces depending on national circumstances. Last year's 4,000 EV sales were <0.5% of the Thai domestic market. In the UK (wealthier, more social/environmental incentives & awareness) 11% of new sales in 2021 were EV. Ford sold around 40,000 vehicles in Thailand in 2021, I also believe Ford export more than half their local production.
  8. Good Lord ! It's groundhog day. At the risk of repeating myself (adopting the spirit used by ASEAN Now), do we have to have the exact same articles regurgitated several times over a couple of weeks period ? Is there no screening taking place to maximise fresh content, is there no 'new' news ?? I expect you can only milk the multiple clicks and interactions on duplicates for so long before members will get bored....
  9. ASEAN Now you mean ? I believe pretty much the same original article (from TAT press release) was published and already discussed on here on 10th March. I guess the web today is all about driving clicks and traffic and this is linking to a different site, which has decided to re-print the article. In fact, I can see in today’s ASEAN Now ‘news’ a large number of re-hashed stories from the past couple of weeks or so and limited new content. Perhaps the ASEAN Now news compiler could be a bit more discerning and avoid bombarding members with repeated versions of the same article ? News is meant to be well, ‘new’.
  10. Papa and Prayaschit means ‘sin and make amends’ apparently. I assume a reference to the very diverse tourism offerings in Thailand. Spend your evenings ‘out and about’ and visit temples the next day.. Must be a bit embarrassing when Indians are taking the <deleted> and the place has this kind of prevailing reputation. Clearly TAT has much work to do in changing Thailand’s image and attracting ‘quality tourists’. They obviously require more budget for their wondrous PR campaigns. The government could throw in a new calculator to assist with forecasting as well.
  11. Wouldn't it be easier for TV readers if a list was published of businesses that aren't actually owned by CP Group ? Just for consumer information. I am sure that it wouldn't take long. Around my parts : The Mom & Pop shop at the end of the Soi. The 7-11s and Lotus'sss (sic) are inexorably edging closer, but they are surviving for now. The bloke with the cha-yen motorbike sidecar stall That pick-up truck that circulates on a weekly basis selling mops & brooms Erm.......yeah, that's about it.
  12. I can see the merit in the 'neofeudalism' concept as explained but I am not convinced by your argument on this specific issue. Given the general socio-economic mix in Thailand, by definition, most of these traffic victims are motorbike drivers/passengers or middle class/working class car drivers, who will highly likely go to government hospitals. I see it rather as another aspect of the 'neofeudalism' social contract, the higher ups should not overly harass the working class so as to cause unrest. This combined with the usual laissez-faire mindset...
  13. A rambling OP but yes, even THB 5,000 is over the top for a friendly match. When I checked the PR on this, I saw an interesting snippet : The organiser said it would renovate the entire stadium, from the stands and the tunnel to the dressing rooms, akin to stadiums in the UK. I have no idea of the costs of such renovations but I assume that does not come cheap and I guess they will be using the pre-paid ticket fees received for this purpose ? I hope they have a healthy cash reserve in case the event is cancelled for some reason, like for example, unfavourable circumstances regarding a certain virus or LFC/MUFC not being satisfied with the promised stadium upgrades (likely included in the contracts)... Otherwise, you might find it quite difficult to get your ticket refunded...we have already seen Thai insurance companies promise the world and then fail to meet their customer commitments over the last 6 months.
  14. There's more than a few clues in the OP and the responses from various Thai commercial organisations. Basically, this equates to about a quarter step back from current requirements. Personally, I would be much happier doing no tests and with just being vaccinated being sufficient. If more palatable, doing only a pre-flight PCR test at least gives me & host country reasonable comfort I am coming in negative and will have a high probability of avoiding any quarantines/costs etc. and actually be able to enjoy my holiday as planned. Doing an on-arrival test does not give me so much confidence to travel, as the risk remains that I test positive on arrival and any holiday is then ruined. I also have to <deleted> about with all the various Thai Pass requirements, including insurance cost. That USD1,000 saving doesn't look so attractive for your example family, if they get pushed into quarantine upon arrival.
  15. For goodness sake try harder before you write something for the whole world to read on the internet. Even if using an assumed anonymous web ID, make an effort and have some pride in what you write. 1) She was not sentenced to jail in Thailand and this is not mentioned anywhere in OP or linked article. This would take approximately 10 seconds to understand. ”The woman was arrested in Thailand in January for reportedly overstaying her visa and deported back to Sweden. Upon arrival, she was placed in custody and has now been sentenced to one year and three months in prison for taking the child to Thailand and for benefit violations. ” 2) ?? No <deleted> idea what you are talking about, she is jailed in Sweden. 3) Zzz Red Bull. Because 1 & 2 are so off the topic, you have mistakenly brought Red Bull into it which has zero relevance.
  16. I see your point but I feel a next logical downgrading is removing the on-arrival test. I think that would be very logical. Passengers can then travel with a pre-departure test with little fear and Thailand, when receiving guests, can have some comfort that arrivals are COVID free. Of course, as is standard these days, such guests will be at least double vaxxed as well. The proposed softening of no pre-flight tests but tests on arrival reeks of illogical thinking and milking the insurance/hospital/hospitel cow. It leaves passengers still at risk of getting dragged into the Thai quarantine system upon arrival, with the associated costs. Unbelievably ill conceived and let’s face it, idiotic. We see here the idiosyncratic Thai culture at play. Unwilling to make bold but sensible decisions based on voluminous global data on Omicron for fear of upsetting higher ups. or heaven forbid, making a marginal mistake. The result is, if being generous, complete mediocrity.
  17. Thai style enforcement and regulation. No pro-active testing of sausages just wait until someone gets sick or dies... The kids got ill from 'unbranded' sausages which I assume means the kind of thing you will see on the BBQ at your local market. One can only hope that the 'branded' sausages are produced under better monitoring conditions...
  18. The New Menace (sounds like a Star Wars film) is all the delivery drivers with phones cradled on their handle bars to accept bookings and following their maps to destination. Often to be found recklessly zooming around moo barns. I gave one a gentle beep the other day on a main road as he was weaving into the middle lane whilst playing on his phone. Literally a minute later, I caught up with him at next traffic lights and he had driven into the back of a car. He was OK but crestfallen. I assume that delivery was quite delayed as they waited for insurance to arrive....
  19. In 2019, Prachuap Khiri Khan welcomed 7.1 million tourists, with approximately 5.9 million domestic tourists, and 1.2 million foreign tourists, which generated 28.8 billion baht in revenue. In 2020, this dropped to 4.1 million tourists, generating 16.1 billion baht in revenue. However, in 2021 both tourist arrivals and income plummeted dramatically, with the province welcoming 2.6 million tourists, of which just 3,597 were foreign tourists, while the income generated totalled a mere 36 million baht. As usual, none of these numbers make much sense. 2019 and 2020 income covers Thai & foreign. 2021 income covers only foreign ? If you pro-rate 2020 pax figures for 2021 that would be around income of 10.2bn. I make that a drop of 18.6 billion from 2019 (28.8-10.2). So where is the headline of 30bn coming from ? Does someone seriously believe that 2.6 million tourists in 2021 contributed income of only 36 million ??
  20. I see the usual Thai logic at work. I think of all the tests, the pre-departure PCR is probably the one which is the most useful as it gives a tourist a go/no go sign and ultimately reduces chances for host country of receiving an infected guest. However, Additionally, the TCC urged the government to relax the “Test&Go” scheme by revoking the RT-PCR testing within 72 hours before entering the country and only doing the test on the day of arrival. Great. So you don’t do a pre-departure test and then still have the Day 1 risk to get snagged in the Thai COVID healthcare system… More logical phased relaxation of requirements : request pre-departure PCR and remove any PCR requirement on arrival. Then people can book and travel with some confidence.
  21. Thai companies have a moral decision to make That’s it, we are <deleted> then.
  22. The lawyers must be loving this. 20 years. Virtually an entire career spent pissing about on one case….
  23. I get your point and I accept that the future for electric cars is promising. However, the thread seems to have conflated a general discussion on high petrol prices pushing people to EVs and the wider overall EV outlook. If high gasoline prices are a major concern for you, I doubt that rushing out to purchase an EV is going to be top of your list, as the OP suggests. One final bit of information for readers regarding your example regarding Mercedes EQS : "2021 Mercedes-Benz EQS hits UK dealerships at £99,995."
  24. Let us know how you find them when they arrive ! I'm tempted.
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