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Everything posted by realfunster

  1. I have zero law enforcement experience but don't more sophisticated law enforcement agencies allow the low-level mules to go to their drop-off under surveillance and then nab the higher-ups ?...
  2. My experience is that the standard of English, at least amongst graduates, has improved over the longer term and there are ever increasing numbers of international/English degree programs. I can’t say I have observed any obvious increase in the prevalence of Mandarin skills when reviewing graduate CVs but then I do work for a western company. Of course, those going through university are somewhat privileged in the scheme of things and this report is more likely a reflection of the continued poor delivery and standard of English in the state education system.
  3. All of that didn’t make a blind bit of difference when CP/True bought out Tesco, markedly reducing consumer choice. I don’t hold out much hope that this will get a robust antitrust review either. I like the way they are calling it a “merger”, I suspect the truth is somewhat different. Just put CP/True in charge of the country, it would save time.
  4. I have a contact in the industry. I was absolutely gobsmacked when I was informed some policies were being sold at 500-1000 with 100k-200k coverage just for getting COVID. Not health costs - just being able to present a positive test. It was absolute insanity and greed to have been issuing these policies. I understand some companies continued to issue until as late as June this year. Stupidity, if not negligence. Be careful what you wish for when you request the OIC/government take a hardline stance on this matter. As usual, only the big boys will survive and available choice in the market will reduce.
  5. Oh come on…it is well known and publicized that current vaccine effectiveness diminishes over time and numerous countries around the world are already giving boosters.
  6. I have heard similar with even infected personal items being sold to ensure an infection. Not that surprising really as 100-200k for many Thais is a handsome payout and worth the risk if you are under 40 and without other conditions. Some insurance companies were unbelievably stupid and greedy in issuing these policies for less than 1,000 and offering 100,000+ cash payment for being infected. No medical bills or expenses required. Just hand over the damn cash. The reality is that some of these companies are now near financial ruin, beware celebrating that too much, as that will only leave the big boys around….
  7. Well, we all like time off work but this is ridiculous. IIRC public holidays have already increased by 2 per year due to additional days dropped in over the last 3-4 years. 99% certain my private sector employer will be ignoring this announcement, I can’t say I blame them.
  8. As I noted in the thread regarding counterfeit goods raids publicised today, I detect the whiff of heightened law-enforcement PR activity off the back of the recent medical gloves scandal.
  9. I read somewhere that if sitting immediately (i.e no space) next to someone who tests positive, you are also put into quarantine. However, at least for the moment, I gather international flights are far from full so most airlines are ensuring spacing on seating arrangements.
  10. This has the whiff of window dressing after the medical gloves scandal….
  11. The linked article explains more clearly than the extract, the 4% growth quoted is for 2022, which is already a downward revision from the previous 5% estimate. You would think with a worse than expected 2021, the rebound should be higher in 2022 but obviously they suspect differently. Perhaps a realization that tourism is not coming back until at least 2nd half of 2022?
  12. Now that really is impressive. 11/10 to all concerned !
  13. This gave me good chuckle, complete butchering of US and Russian anthems
  14. I think you are missing the point. The TAT leader knows well that for many reasons, some domestic, some global that Thai tourism numbers will remain significantly below 2019 levels for several years to come. Obviously, the best way to spin that positively is to present it publicly as the result of a deliberate TAT policy and strategy change to attract “higher quality” tourists in lower numbers. Of course, the reality on the ground will be much different and all Thailand will actually achieve will be to attract lower volumes of ‘lower quality’ tourists. This is great news for the ‘lower quality’ tourists, who can head to Thailand in Q1 or Q2’22 (after ASQ/local general restrictions relaxed) for a wonderful holiday with plentiful choices, reasonable prices and undercrowding on offer ! I guess it will feel like Thailand of 20 years ago.
  15. I believe both are readily available in KL and possibly all over the more liberal western side of the country. IIRC the eastern side is more strictly Muslim. Even if not, its easy enough to fly to Phuket or BKK for a few days “R&R” right ?
  16. I like this Squid Game meme for the local market...don't copy as only the RTP have the right to do so !
  17. Please kindly let us know where exactly she ever said that. An extract below from the OP of the day when the murder story broke.... She admitted to being someone who liked to go out and party with friends. Two years ago she said she met Sathian, a general employee and farmer, who was a friend of a friend. She said that he tried to initiate a relationship with her but she declined his advances. She would meet him in the village and say hello, that was all.
  18. My understanding of the previous situation was that Thailand AZ was accepted, The issue was the administration in Thailand. E.g Thai AZ given in Malaysia was not a problem. So, I believe we are now all clear for Thai AZ given in Thailand.
  19. I see it differently for the recognition of Thai AZ in the UK. From reading the UKgov website what I understand is that (amongst other factors) they consider 2 things : 1) The vaccine - Vaxzevria (The Thai AZ) is an "approved" vaccine per UKgov website. 2) The vaccine delivery programme - Thailand is NOT approved. I expect they have concerns over the integrity and validity of vaccine delivery (ID of recipients, watering down of doses, incorrect storage etc etc) and probably also the opportunity for fake vaccine certifications to be obtained....difficult to overcome these structural issues in the short-term. The likely red list exit route for Thailand is for cases to drop-off significantly. For example, I believe if I was innoculated with Thai produced AZ (approved vaccine) in Malaysia (an approved programme) then I would be considered fully vaccinated for UK entry purposes.
  20. Oh come on, please don’t fall for their nonsense. What is more likely ? 1) Unassuming Joe Ferrari is the car seizing super hero Thailand needs. All of this achieved from the innocuous central northern province of Nakhon Sawan, which for some strange reason is like a magnet for Lamborghinis or … 2) Joe Ferrari knows he can “cash in” stolen and smuggled cars in Thailand and is involved in an international car theft ring…
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