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  1. Right "these" loco foreigners should stay in their own country for this disgusting perversion with these miscreants
  2. When city hall builds pedestrian overpasses instead of kicked back white elephant parking garages. Enforces traffic chaos. And city hall comes out with this "tourist safety" slop every other week. And no end to these creatures horror show.
  3. Good idea round up these radical left domestic terrorists and send them South
  4. Greenland and Panama. Go Trump!
  5. At least half the European population would love to have Trump as the leader of their country. Because America is not getting this sh*t show
  6. Trump wants to stop this disaster in Ukraine. Millions of lives lost. Another M.E warmonger You mean protecting commercial shipping. Warmonger???.Compared to Bush ,Cheney, Obama, Hillary. What ???. And do you have any specifics on your paragraph on collusion???. And can see I'm not the only one not going for this mumbo jumbo
  7. Indeed this dogs sh*tshow is just a symptom. A no win situation it is. So maybe that's one of the reasons long stay foreigners are segregated and do not speak Thai. After all the girls speak bamboo English+ online translation. So who else would you want to talk to ???? . The neighbors refuse to speak to you... You ain't missing much. It's no look no talk for me.
  8. Have to put up with another one of these crap dogs apologist. Your replying to
  9. It highlights these whacked out hallucinating dogs barking at nothing all hours. If these so called animal control people would be doing their jobs people would not have to act .
  10. The only thing new around there are locked gates so you have to walk all the way around in that outer area along North parking lot. And blue painted concrete where that grassy lawn was between market and bay
  11. Right , just speechless with this slop from a few of these "cases"around here. Just enjoy the Schadenfreude they are providing as they wallow in these endless anti Trump diatribes
  12. Trump doesn't have to do anything else but just disengage. That has been the plan. How many billions is enough is enough. Let the Europeans continue this lost cause . Putin is going to get and was always going to get that Eastern. Not saying that is right just reality. So it would have been bette sooner. The US just cannot afford trying to prevent this. And by the way , the way Trump and Vance conducted themselves with Zelenski was one of the reasons Trump won.
  13. On a planet without medication.Its bad enough putting up with these non US citizens butting into US affairs around here day in day out. As if they are living in a utopian Europe Stan. But then we have these so called US citizens with these rambling irrelevant diatribes all over the place.. Indeed Trump is straighteng the US out and the world.
  14. Who is stirring up the confusion? All Trump & Co want is an end to this institutionalized "gender identity" mumbo jumbo. It's XX and XY- only. End of Story . So enough of this nonsense from these saps. Time to get on with the obesity and drug problems. Have no idea why your making up this ridiculous conflation about the economy. That's is being addressed with Trumps team. Maybe you should try reading the 0P instead posting some bs story.
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