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  1. Same as they are doing right through the high season in Jomtien . As always a bogus unnecessary kickbacked project. When all that was required are some of these:
  2. It's good the locals are complaining, since no one else would be listened to. The Russians, Indians , Chinese and the Euro/UK trash are all oblivious to this mess. Yes they have really screwed up Jomtien this time. The only way this area could ever be squared away would be from a special zone : Naklua, Pattaya, Jomtien to be administered by a select Western group from California, Australia. Because the folks in charge now are lucky if they can tie their shoes every morning
  3. Yes as you say in op:the essence of socialism is the workers owning the means of production. As stated in this link:https://www.marxists.org/subject/economy/authors/pe/pe-ch28.htm And in particular: However National Socialism/Nazism does not give the workers that ownership:
  4. In national socialism the workers do not own the means of production
  5. That's the same as saying Socialism is Nazism. Not even.
  6. I don't know about that,: The nationalities above visiting most likely do not care about the same things Westerners complain about
  7. + SAPS. The polls missed alot of Trump supporters: Especially group1.in
  8. Says another one of these whackos. That just cannot control their endless nonsense. That don't know wtf talking about. And of course applies to above post by PH
  9. Awhile back when foreign tourism declined city hall decided to promote domestic tourism: All these happy sh*t events along the beach, beach side parking. So now there are way too many Thais and their vehicles driving around in circles all day. Bang Saen Beach up the coast would have been best place for domestic tourism. City hall might be learning you can't have it both ways,/ be careful what you ask for- you might get it
  10. Even just normal fermentation of grape wine produces methanol but in such small quantity it is harmless. I guess improper distillation could concentrate methanol to dangerous levels. Well whether it was that or added - they do that I understand. It is terrible stuff. It shuts down the ATP producing Krebs Cycle at the last cytochrome series stage. Same as cyanide
  11. And the rest of this (as usual) nonsense from this SAP is strawman stuff. Hitler may have had plans for Europe but that's not quite annexing parts of Eastern Ukraine. And this diatribe just gets more and more ridiculous with this TX , AZ / Mexico nonsense. Any way hopefully there will be provisions in 2025 that will include re - education camps for these very very disturbing war loving democrats. ( anti personal land mines now ) ! So the rest of us can be spared putting up with them. Like I said before: conversing with "these people" is a lost cause.
  12. You know what you can do with your lame strawmans argument
  13. The Bush Cheney Rumsfeld bogus invasion of Iraq dismantled a Suni government and paved the way for Shia Iran and terrorists ISIS to become established there. As well as the Afghanistan disaster. They should be held accountable. So all this subsequent mess are symptoms of Bush Cheney Rumsfeld cabal. Of course the only winners were /are the military industrial complex. And ongoing along that not such a winding road to Ukraine . Edit : if anyone wants to comment try reading the moving parts more carefully, I don't have the patience to school some of you people

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