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  1. Alot of these upcountry males follow their girlfriends down to Pattaya whether she likes it or not,(not). This is a seaside tourist town and unless males have gainful employment they should be prohibited from entering. Just read the news and look around . There are way too many of them here. Nothing but a sh*tshow.
  2. Of course, can't have a nice park around here when concrete white elephants /city hall/kickbacks can be had.
  3. Not really. All that is required is an order to roll in army trucks, round them up , and take them inland or upcountry for farming.
  4. Elaborate ? The higher class visitors are not so visible. Like the 5 star enclave in Wongamat. But what do you expect in the main parts of the Pattaya infrastructure sh*tshow. The city /country gets billions baht tourists revenue. But the citi cannot even build flyovers and pedestrian overpasses. Both of which would be solutions to current news topics.
  5. Oh decline in environmental quality. You tell us about that city hall-parking garage/concrete/palm trees kickback contractors cabal. Like that nice park near Lam Pho seafood market. That got parking garaged. Then what was a nice promenade, now a glorified road. These people just use can't stop screwing this place up
  6. Ya all's got nothing but strawman arguments. Actually Europe in the 1930s would look good compared to where it's going now
  7. That would have to be negative pressure rooms. Not likely
  8. Seems most replying are these in denial pro smoking rooms saps. As evidenced by all this: ' it's ok just let them smoke there ' Completely oblivious to all this smoke diffusion out of the rooms that contaminates the surroundings. Most of "these smokers" besides being slobs are ignorant, in denial, obnoxious.
  9. https://www.govexec.com/defense/2020/06/can-president-really-order-military-occupy-us-cities-and-states/165864/
  10. Trump talked the talk about sending the military in to restore order. In times of civil unrest the president has this authority to do. It is time now for that before it goes way out of hand.

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