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Posts posted by ThaiFelix

  1. On 10/20/2023 at 7:31 AM, HappyExpat57 said:

    It's commonly understood corruption is an acceptable daily part of Thai life, and schools are no exception.


    I worked on and off for 10 years at several branches of the largest private school system in Southeast Asia. The advice given to all new farang teachers from existing farang teachers: "We're not here to teach, we're here to give the appearance of teaching." Of course that was a little tongue in cheek, but there was a lot of truth to that statement.


    The examples of corruption ran strong with that school, from the directors on down. If they can avoid paying a promotion or any other bonus to a returning teacher, well it's just cheaper to let that teacher go and get another fresh victim.

    I reckon I worked for the same cash cow, the president, now passed was well known as being insane , loyalty over skills or experience, provide as little as possible but extract the max from parents while all the time fooling everyone it is a Hi So 'school'.



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  2. 1 minute ago, Will B Good said:

    I similarly find it annoying.....but a language 'professional' explained to me it is unfair to view these as 'failures' in understanding. The reason being that language is highly dynamic and changes rapidly.....even more so in this day and age.


    Could we understand spoken English from say the 1400s?

    Correct and it also varies from area to area within the same country.

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  3. 2 minutes ago, Cake Monster said:

    All the assistance in the World will never make a jot of difference to the ability of the Thai people in speaking, or understanding English.

    The major hurdle to overcome is the willingness to actually want to learn the language, or anything else.

    There seems to me, that there is some kind of deep ingrained resentment towards all things that are not to a persons liking, and an animosity towards being told that what they are doing is incorrect, or could be done differently.

    An Electronic Teacher or an Eastern European Techer is just not going to cut it when there is little or no access to English outside of the Classroom

    Where are the Free to Air TV Channels in English for the Population to watch and learn from ?


    Biggest hurdle is fear of loss of face, most Thais wont say a word unless they are sure its perfect.


    I tried to introduce more use of audio visuals when I was teaching because its no sectret kids cant take their eyes of a screen even if its just the weather.  I was refused because the school believed the parents would complain the teachers are just being lazy by letting the kids watch TV??


    I dont think its so much resentment as nationalism,  Thailand is perfect, the biggest and best country in the world, best food etc etc.  Why learn an inferior language?  Anyhow Prayut said the rest of the world will speak Thai soon.

  4. 2 minutes ago, jesimps said:

    I agree with a lot of what you say, but with the UK having so many young left-wing teachers and the country being the melting pot that it is, it's hardly surprising.

    That is applicable to many countries today not just the UK.   Im an old Aussie, born and bred, and was talking to someone online a few days ago who said he was Australian and my reply was "Thats funny, you dont look Indian at all"! LOl

  5. 1 minute ago, Aleksey75 said:

    Actually, calling that "person" a president is not correct at all. All the legal and political terms cannot apply to Russia. Everything was flushed down the toilet there and the concepts were altered. That person is a criminal thug who usurped the power with his cronies. Russia is not a state in legal terms, but the territory run by that clique. And Russian people with their mentality of "slaves" coming from the Golden Horde times, are happy to have those thugs above them... The West just doesn't understand how deep the degradation went there in all layers of society... 

    yes dont us forget the domino theory bwahahahaha!

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  6. 2 minutes ago, Jack Cook said:

    I lived in Moscow for 3 months and never met a single Russian who didn’t like Putin. I expected grey concrete and soldiers with AK 47s everywhere and never saw one, just like I didn’t see endless tent cities and drugged out homeless so prevalent in the USA. The coming demise of the US dollar spells end of empire time for the Good Ol US of A and maybe quite a few other so called western nations. Time to stop watching the garbage pumped out by the likes of CNN. 
    Maybe, just maybe, this Sretta guy is shoring up a more secure future for Thailand in the grand scheme of things.

    Hey you cant go around spouting the truth like that, which side are you on lol!

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  7. 2 minutes ago, jesimps said:

    Thailand is a signatory of the Hague Convention and as such are committed to carrying out the arrest warrant against Putin for war crimes. So were South Africa of course. If countries have no intention of carrying out their responsibilities unless it benefits them, then why sign the festering document in the first place?

    Its all about tradeoffs otherwise the likes of Bush, Nixon and Kissinger etc would have ended up behind bars for their major war crimes/genocide.


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  8. 44 minutes ago, Eric Loh said:

    More than a few dollars. Russia is among the largest trading partner with Thailand with exports of 1.02 B USD and large investments in real estate, business and tourist revenues that will grow to 10 B. Sretha is doing what best for Thailand notwithstanding Putin is a evil pariah and a human rights abuser. 

    Logic will do you no good here, youre competing with long term propaganda.   

    • Confused 3
  9. Just now, Iron Tongue said:

    Yep.  The Israelis overseas are doing everything they can to get back to Isreal, unlike the males of other countries who run and hide.

    Even Israelis with other citizenships like US, France, Germany, etc. have headed to Israel to rejoin the IDF.

    I know an Americal-Israeli in California, he finished his service 20-years ago, but he's already back in Israel.

    They understand the situation.  As Golda Mier said: "We have a secret weapon.  We have nowhere else to go!"

    Its common among terrorists, Al queda, Isis, etc all come from lots of different countries.

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