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Everything posted by ThaiFelix

  1. Can I ask what experience you have had teaching in Thailand? I taught for ten years here and found the teachers were like workers in any occupation...some good some bad. However I find many people are quick to blame the teachers as though the teachers have full control in the schools. Its just like our late school president used to say at the beginning of nearly every one of his speeches : "This may be an education institution but it is a business first" When I first started teaching here 18 years ago my salary was 40,000 per month. The standard today is around 25,000....what do you expect I would like to see education in Thailand before we start talking about "Education Inequality". Its like that old saying....You cant complain about the communication if theres none to complain about!
  2. Yeah you are not alone with that one lol!
  3. The Line (2021) Imdb 7.7 1 season documentary 4 episodes tinyzonetv US Navy Seal platoon chief Eddie Gallagher is accused by his own men of being a serial killer, hiding behind his uniform, during the 'partner' campaign to oust ISIS from Iraq. President Trump interferes in the case leading to the accused going free. Quite an interesting watch.
  4. Your comments, and emoticons, are being noted and law suits will follow if found to be negative lol!
  5. No It has to be China's fault, thats what we are brainwashed to think fullstop.
  6. Crime (2021) IMDB 7.5 Season 1, 6 episodes "Prepare to enter the dangerous world and troubled mind of Detective Inspector Ray Lennox, a man engaged in a disturbing battle with his own demons, through the demanding and very public medium of serious crime investigations." DI Lennox investigates the disappearance of an Edinburgh school girl which he believes is linked to a serial paedophile/murderer responsible for a series of cold cases. Thoroughly enjoyed it but would have been better in English.????
  7. I nearly gave up after 1st episode and am glad I didnt. It is a bit slow at times but for me well worth the patience. I enjoyed it and hoping there is more to come.
  8. Great idea. Put all the loans together in bundles and sell them off as bonds. Its gotta work!
  9. Why would immigration be involved? Proof of income for visa purposes?
  10. Now how did I know that?? Mark McGowan? The less said the better thank you. Annoying? Like I said youve had a bad day so....no comment. Look mate, all I am doing is trying to help you but you are so wound up you cant hear me. You been pouring your heart out for pages about all the problems you been having trying to buy a dog collar from lazada with a credit card and I have the proven solution in 3 very easy steps: 1. Scrutinise the reviews to avoid dodgy fakes or dealers 2. Order everything COD 2. and get on with your neighbours.
  11. Actually I'm from Perth. We get on with our neighbours. I bet youre from Sydney?
  12. I did notice them but decided you must be having a bad day, especially all the problems with your credit card etc, so water off a ducks back.
  13. Shes family, we often do things for each other. Its called being neighbourly.
  14. We have a life too, a good one in fact. No need to stay home all day, sister lives right next door, easy peasy. We return the favour at times...its called being neighbourly. I always scrutinise the reviews when buying, cant get caught that way. Never had a dodgey vendor or product. However have had some damage done when delivering. This is usually sorted out direct with the vendor via chat. Vendors are always obliging as they dont want bad reviews. Only ever had one hiccup with a vendor from China. All sorted out by one phone call to Lazada helpline. You are right the Lazada chat support sucks. So as I say my only gripe was with failed delivery but COD sorted that out every time.
  15. Easy enough to organise a neighbour to receive it too. Supposed to show authorisation and ID copy but it never happens in reality.
  16. No farang can now have it. Changed a couple of months ago I think from memory.
  17. I have a house too. Sometimes the driver doesnt ring, maybe runs out of time, I dont know, and then drops it elsewhere where we catch up with it days later. However COD solved all those problems, every time.
  18. I have found the exact opposite. If the parcel is paid for they drop it where they like, happened to me a few times where its been dropped off at local shop or servo. Since I changed to COD no problems as the driver must pick up the cash.
  19. Ive used it for years but never had a problem. Sometimes have some buffering issues and have to change servers but thats all.
  20. The weasels complained it was too violent and discriminatory.
  21. and to watch Bridge on the River Kwai?? I found the place was good for a visit, crazy Songkran events, and a good stepping stone but could never understand the places full of backpackers who travelled 1000's of kms to watch an old movie lol!
  22. Because they were talking about every farang (not Thai) would have to be tested for covid, and pay for it, before entering. That kind of racism tends to not attract customers. If true then no wonder now left with only Thais.
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