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Everything posted by ThaiFelix

  1. I remember when it used to be 4 AM before. Then they changed it to 2 AM and they had lots of arguement to prove it was VITAL that bars closed earlier. Then it was midnight closing time and I think even 11.00 pm in Udon Thani with the storm troopers coming around nightly to check (except for the clubs owned by police). In my opinion it killed Udon Thani as a place to visit with bars closing left right and centre. But it was all VITAL. Now its vital that they stay open longer and they have a strong arguement too. Kinda feels like arguing with a woman lol.
  2. Just finished watching it and thoroughly enjoyed it. Everything just as you said. Alan Cumming, the transgender show girl, played an absolutely brilliant part. Thank you.
  3. These parrot fish have no class at all hanging around with farang and for all to see.
  4. No think theyre Lovebirds. Norwegian Blues usually come nailed to a perch which these obviously are not.
  5. Yes she is, she is not giving any to ChaiyaTh, thats why he is calling her a slut.
  6. Do any of these places have licenses? It seems to be a national joke!
  7. What do you call 100 lawyers chained together at the bottom of the ocean? Answer: a good start!
  8. Enough said! The doctors here dont even seem to understand the dangers of not following the correct protocols of prescribing antibiotics, How the hell would they know the dangers of cannabis use??
  9. Agreed. I have seen first hand on several occasions where parents just shrug their shoulders when it comes to their underage kids on motorcycles. Often it has been the parents who have encouraged the kids to ride so they can go shopping for them. It must start at home, the police, the govt etc are all to blame as well but it must start with the parents!
  10. Yes the case needs to be slowed down as some of the criminals are still alive. However as pointed out, the appeals can still ensure that crime does pay in Thailand if you hold the right position.
  11. Thailand could welcome as many as 10 million tourists Never count your chickens..........................................
  12. I am sure she really got turned on by being battered about the head........oh thats right, she cant confirm it. Send him back to the monkey house and ban him from soap on a rope!
  13. Obviously not enough weapons around to protect civilians....I was only saying the other day that food court employees should be issued with sub machine guns and star knives. RIP
  14. Not sure about the current generation, but I am sure most older Chinese consider China as home no matter where they are.
  15. Yeah but you dont have to tell everybody. This is supposed to be a new bright and shining idea from a modern forward thinking government. In any case how did you know already? Do you listen to this government or something? Well, well, now we know who it is? lol
  16. Just the US suffering one of its usual bouts of paranoia. Its nothing new, just the US deflecting from the usual, and long running troubles within by creating enemies outside for its citizens to fear.
  17. Better than the usual dirty money from the USA but then thats usually from the government.
  18. If he is not benefiting what is he doing in politics?
  19. Its very simple really. All those guys who keep telling us they are the good guys, those saving the world, etc are in fact the BAD guys. Most of us know they are the bad guys, we just dont want to face it.
  20. Since when has this government worried about practicality?? This would take forward thinking and planning etc. No, lets just do what we always do, impliment the changes immediately and then patch it all up as we go along when problems arrive. In this way the laws are confusing, vague and open to interpretation so we still got them by the balls.
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