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Everything posted by ThaiFelix

  1. If I asked my misses she would just tell me if edible or not lol! (yes Isaan of course!)
  2. Absolute rubbish. There is no known case worldwide of anybody dying of an overdose of ganga.
  3. Where has common sense gone?.........for a puff?? lol! Somebody is putting a lot of energy and money into trying to scare the dumb, ignorant and the 'IdontwannabeinformedIalreadyknow' crew. Never read so much nonsense before.
  4. "But I already paid the other nice Officer who offered me a discount for cash??"
  5. Yes if closer than 1.5 mts to any other living thing of course! Please use some common sense here please.
  6. Exactly! Kinda makes one feel all snug and secure knowing that if a disaster was to strike here we have the very best looking after our interests. lol! (tho I think you were a little hard on Muppets everywhere)
  7. "for household use"?, yep I'm all for that.
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