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Everything posted by ThaiFelix

  1. Same in our village and ignorance is running at an all time high. There are 5 members of my wifes family all have covid and yet an uncle came around begging them to come to his songkran party?? "Its ok, we are all vaxed and we have another glass somewhere if you are fussy" !!??
  2. Ive been doing my own for more than 10 years at 3 different imm offices and never really had a problem. I just follow a list of requirements every year on which I note any changes for the next year.....easy peazy. The guys I notice who have problems are usually those who need help tying their own shoe laces, are arrogant or ill mannered towards the Imm officers, or come dressed in their best Chang singlets, boardies and bare feet.
  3. I'm surprised they dont just ban news reports on attacks on tourists. Pattayas image immediately restored to a family friendly resort (was it ever?)
  4. I am with Bendigo Bank who I have always found very good to deal with compared to the other <deleted>. They normally ask to verify identity every couple of years. No big deal really. However this year I was asked via email instead of the usual secure messaging within their internet banking site. I at first smelt a scam and rang the bank. Turns out it was legit, the staff member responsible got a caning, and I recieved a written apology saying it should never have happened via normal email, I did the right thing by refusing to supply via email, and they had taken steps so it never happens again. Does make me wonder though how it could have happened with the training the staff gets and whether there is more to the story.
  5. No it goes on up here every week. The police legitamise it by dropping around every Saturday, hanging no gambling signs and picking up a large envelope on the way out.
  6. I think he should have kept his mouth shut. Who would want to eat there now?
  7. Hilarious to see the side by side headlines in this afternoons newsletter: Thai police were warning the public to obey all the rules. and next to it: Tourists ignore Songkran water-fight ban on Khaosan Road Same thing in Phuket yesterday with Crowds of tourists in waterfights but Police nowhere to be seen! and the beat goes on.......555555!
  8. Chinese tourists allegedly trying to drive home drunk? They were trying to drive back to China? ????
  9. Correct. I recall walking through the family home after her meeting with the parents and the family were all sitting around shaking their heads and criticizing the young bike rider. I interjected saying no, it was the parents fault for allowing a child to be in charge of a motor cycle in the first place. They all looked at me dumbfounded and ever so thoughtful but you could almost hear the gears slowly turning over in their heads as though the grease was far too thick to produce any thoughtful conclusions.
  10. Talking of Thai plumbers I remember a farang writing about his house build in Isaan a few years back. One day he discovered a damp area in a bathroom wall and realised a water pipe concealed under the render must be leaking. When confronted the builder admitted there was a join in that area and promised its repair. Later in the day the owner was shocked to notice huge palls of smoke pouring out from behind the house. He soon discovered the builder had piled a large heap of empty cement bags etc up against the wall and set fire to them. The builders explanation was that the heat in the wall would soften the glue and reseal the join ending the leak.......no more ploblem! True story!
  11. Much too tall. When we were nose to nose my toes were in it, and when we were toes to toes my nose was in it, but when I was really in it I had nobody to talk to.
  12. It may also be drug related. There have been many cases over the years where baggage handler gangs have been involved in drug smuggling by placing stashes in innocent peoples bags before going into the planes hold and then being removed at the other end by another gang of handlers before the bags get to the customs halls (the Shapelle Corby case in Bali is one that comes to mind). Maybe the victim had been threatened to keep his mouth shut or wanted a bigger commission share.
  13. You are right with the penalties but sadly I dont think it would make a scrap of difference changing them. Its all about having the right excuses and the correct amulets.
  14. Judging by the thief's manner in the video I wouldnt mind betting he has had dealings with the stonemason and knew already that the dog was docile. He seems all too casual to me.
  15. Herein is the gist of the problem. Last year a 14 year old girl on a motor cycle, with 2 mates on the back, were skylarking in the soi behind us when they hit a 10 year old and broke his leg. My Thai sister in law, a bright university educated lass with a high end job, was called in to liaise between the families over compensation. Two weeks later she posts a video on facebook of her own 10 year old riding a motorcycle in a suburban street, minus helmet, and boasting how clever she is!! Do you see whats missing?
  16. Yes but the problem is the right members of the appropriate families are not all that special to be 'specialists'....they do what they can with what theyve got......or are you suggesting they hire someone outside of the family and risk disloyalty??
  17. The new promotion is called 2-4-6-8: 2 per plane seat, 4 per bar girl, 6 per room and 8 per tuk tuk!!!
  18. No prostitution? How do you ban something you reckon doesnt exist? Police policing their own establishments? How does that work?
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