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Posts posted by Momo8

  1. Go see 1408 now...THAT...is awesome.

    Really? I found it pretty lame. Cusack didn't carry it very well and Sam's character was totally miscast.


    Totally disagree,if John Cusak was cast as Rambo now THAT would be miscasting!

  2. Astounding that women would go through so many hassles to 'fake' virginity'.Fake blood and surgery???Lol.

    Some middle Eastern countries with arranged marriages would demand it,then again if you fake being a virgin the guy would surely know he wasn't with a virgin based on her 'experience'.

    Silly really,would a man pretend to being a virgin?

    How do you know you're with a fake virgin woman/man?

  3. So people,HOW do you feel about your boobs NOW since some time has passed?

    Have they dropped? Are they more er luscious? Have you had the plastic fantastic? Have you had better ones than before? How do you feel about man-boobs?

    Do you still prefer the fried eggs or the DD cup? Hmmm that could be misconstrued.Me I have problems finding the right bra.Have them sent from Oz.Anybody else with finding larger sizes in Asia,Shoes inclusive.

  4. Well given the fact that liquor is banned there at this time (didn't know) I presume then that nobody loses here.Next time you will get a freebie for sure.Can't do too much complaining if it's banned to serve in the first place.

    Cockroach thing was disguisting as I was sitting next to that table.Was looking in my glass that's for sure.

  5. In order to answer this question, you would first have to be the right guy, who asked the right woman. There is no other way to answer it generally, because so much depends on the people and the situation, and how much they can arrange or compromise for each other. If fulfilling the scenario is less dependent on particular people rather than a particular situation, then it should be very easy to find someone or anyone to step into a scenario. But, arranging one between two people is an entirely different story.

    The right woman are the key words here Kat.Many western women are too spoilt and spit the dummy at any adverse situation in a foreign country.You have to make compromises and don't think you're still in the US,Oz,wherever.You are a different persona or you die in the place mentally.

    What gets me is the amount of western women who DO go to a different place and still believe they are 'back home'.This is when relationships die.Mentality man is the key.So my advice Sub is as Kat said you need to find the right woman.

    Since Sub is asking this question maybe he's being coy and has someone picked out already.Own up Sub.

  6. Customer: 'Waiter there's a fly/blubottle in my glass'

    Waiter: 'Be quiet,or everybody will want one'


    It would annoy anybody but not much you can do except complain to the management or they should discount/give you the champers for free.

    Put your hand over the glass if you want them to stop pouring.That aside insist on pouring it yourself.I've seen a scam in BKK where a guy put a cockroach in his last glass of vino just so he wouldn't have to pay the bill.Got a free bottle of Moet.

  7. Are you trying to pick up Sub? :D:o

    Nah he'sjust a sweetie wih a combover.

    And only American women? You might be missing out there! I think Momo's got it when she says about adaptability is the key.

    Well he did say he lives in the US too so makes sense geography and all that.adaptability and acceptance are the key things in any culture.Things pee you off but if bullets bounce off you culture wise and your Asian hubby/bf wise AND you understand the nuance of eveyday life then............you've got it made!

    I'm not particularly close with my family, I love them dearly but we've been spread to different corners of the globe for well over a decade, but living without friends is definitely the hardest thing. Women need to talk!

    Yes my mother is Swiss my dad an Aussie family everywhere but we all communicate and catch up.

    I have wondered reading your posts if you've had a bit of culture shock coming back here too, even though you are Thai, but because you are so 'westernised'? I don't feel like I had culture shock living here but will say the longer you live here the more you see how very, very different western culture is from Thai culture!

    That's got to be the understatement of the millenium!AND we all need friends to bounce back from if you are isolated you go crazy and really lose it in the 'What the heck am I here' syndrome.That's why being stong and financially independent has a lot going for it.

    You've got to take the hard knocks with the good being a foreign woman in a different culture but about the individual ed nauseum.

  8. HK for me is like living back in Sydney.Expensive,yes,but expat salaries far exceed anything.I do escape to Guangzhou where we still have a place,for me it's more real than HK.

    To the OP you need to take a reality pill about Thailand.The pull is there but the financial rewards are not that great unless you are mega rich to begin with or you make investments,open a business whatever.You always need a plan B,C,D....Z just in case in Thailand.Personally I love the Chinese business style where with a few contacts and a bit of cash you can source just about anything and do just about anything business wise.

    Frustrations aside you have more chance of making it big in China or HK then Singapore (like living in a hospital what's their motto 'A Fine city! $2000 for spitting,$5000 for smoking etc have the T-shirt).Make your life and then go to Thailand on holidays,or have one hel_l of a back up plan.Don't know what the demand for your type of work is in LOS but you will end up peniless if not careful.

    Girls,bars the hedonistic lifestyle is a big attraction sure and the UK is so well UK.Hang in there and follow your plan before the big move.

  9. It's about mentality Sub and the ability to adapt and aclimatize (spelling) to a completely different environment to the one back 'home'.

    Culture shock plays a signifcant part as well as getting used to many,many things and losing your comfort zone and network of friends/family/familiarity.Many girls here on TV are married and live great lives with their Thai husbands so it can be done.When I lived in Thailand I loved it but then again I did live a globetrotting lifestyle before so I was more 'accepting' of differences.It's very different to living somewhere as oppsed to being a mere tourist.

    When I moved to Shanghai that was an eye opener even though it's very modernized and good gweilo support groups I felt overwhelmed by the amount of people cluttering the People's Square subway station,the language differences,the Chinese way of 'doing things',the bad habits of Chinese people (spitting bones on the table,holding a conversation and mid-way spitting between your feet and continue talking) the crazy traffic,the restaurants where you can't order without being misunderstood and all the frustrations arising as a result of this.Same as in Thailand.

    I quickly adapted though and learnt early on,quickly picked up Mandarin,got my driver's license.If you take refuge in your foreign friends and comfort zones,you're NEVER going to adapt,you're just a visitor.I think it is in a person's ability to adapt.I think my husband played a big part in this process,now he says I'm more Chinese than he is hahaha and I tease him and say he's a Chinese in a foreign mind oh well.

    My biggest hurdle was with children and adapting to a Chinese family but again the key here is acceptance and forgetting your background.Meaning when in Rome (or China,or wherever,do as they do.)

    Since moving to HK I miss China and the little idiosyncracies that make it special to me.....and I always escape to Thailand to visit my good friends.

    I think also Sub money talks here.I've always managed to have fabulous jobs and was financially independent this is important.Many expat wives here in HK have just one life.Play tennis,swim,go to the yacht club,shop,expect the husband to support this lifestyle and then complain about him never being home and go off and have affairs.A very plastic life they can have back home.These type of women blah,they never make an effort to do anything.

    If you ever consider marrying and bringing someone to Thailand Sub,consider all of the above,because love just won't last unless it really is a girl who can adapt.Maybe a Thai-US girl would suit you more,and be very supportive and sensitive to her needs as I'm sure you would be since you sound adorable.(Forget the backcomb too)

  10. In a situation like this with an Asian MIL it's NEVER wise to criticise.You're frustrated,hubby is frustrated the MIL is gossiping behind your back and you lack contact and support from other farang females.I'd go nuts.Yeaaai for HK!

    Do your best to maintain your balance until you find out about the job maybe do something out of the ordinary to show you care for her and see what's her reaction.Things always look bad when you can't see a way out.

    There will be a way out,just play the waiting game here.Not for very much longer one hopes.

  11. RueFang it's not about that we forum members 'hate' your mother-in-law it's your side of the story only.

    People can only voice their opinions based on what facts you have presented.What about HER side,is there one?Sure everyone has a story to tell but calm down here and it's OK to vent on a forum but nobody here knows anything else only what you have stated.

    What has caused this change if previously it was OK?Obviously the time has come to a conclusion and you have to leave the nest or get shat on.If you're not saving money then the situation is unsolvable how can you go to Bankok without money?You don't get on period,has to be more to this story as sad as it is.Can you go back to Oz on a break?What are your family's opinion about what you should do?What does your SIL think?

    I can symphasize with you but not emphasize with you.When my MIL wanted to move in and look after the baby I very tactfully used a roundabout way to discourage her from doing it as I needed my space and bonding.All smiles,no confrontations,all very pleasant.My husband hired a full time nanny,organized everything,pretty lucky with him.My situation is different though and my husband point blanc told her that.Having my own mum here made a big difference too.

    I tell you the hardest part in these kinds of situations is when children come along and the MIL tries to run your life.She still does but that's OK groundrules have been set in a very nice way.That's something you can't escape from but with a little technique it can be done.

    I REALLY hope you get that job in BKK and escape your situation and that whilst doing so your hate for your mother-in-law doesn't come back to haunt you and damage your marriage.

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