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Posts posted by Momo8

  1. To all of you girls that wanna do something different, please reply.

    LOL it's not a pick up thread.OR a sex addicts thread,and monogamy is just a piece of wood to some I realise,I'm talking about sex with just one partner

  2. Yes but where abouts was it filmed?

    When they filmed 'Batman,The Dark Knight' here in HK there was a media frenzy with helicopters everywhere and I had to show ID to get into my own building as some jerk was filming someone jumping off the roof.Then there was a big hooha as Christian Bale couldn't jump into the harbour because it was so polluted.

    Total invasion but the government does make a lot of money from these things.In Rambo apart from the fact that he looked like he had a mouthful of tampons it was nothing special and I get dragged into watching these things.Not even a love interest hum just a bunch of missionaries getting rescued from their position er predicament.

    Will Burma/Myannmar ban it?

  3. Is this Thai related??

    It's about the sex maniacs role reversal in Thailand.The girls vs the guys.My husband is the twice removed cousin fron a Chinese concubine who used to reside in THAILAND as Thaksin's mia noi's brother before he was ousted and we ran away to HK with lots of cash and benefits.

    Prove otherwise or zip it.

  4. I don't mind getting involved ... that is if the guy's firing blanks.

    Tell this young 19 year old Swedish girl that you'v found a sperm donor ... but just let her know I've run out of the bottled stuff, she'll have to have draught.

    Oh do shut up Bogey.

    You stir things up in a small island community and you take the consequences.Beware.You don't know these people and an outsider being seen as stirring things up,well,women have been raped and murdered for much less especially with what you describe as 'young wild boys'.Hmmm

  5. Crap they never put ice in wine in China unless it's rice wine or BaiJo which is 70% proof and tastes like rocketfuel.At least in China/HK they don't put ice in the beer,now THAT is tragic.

    'Wine' in China translates to spirits not actually 'wine' usually straight or with/out ice. Rocketfuel Baijo is usually mixed with green tea and without ice you would probably have the heck burnt out of your throat and your mouth going into convulsions.Ice is used to deaden the pain.

    Never tried it myself,a lighter near a glass would be enough to explain this.OOOOOoooooooooof

    Gatorade you have a fetish for Aborigines' armpit's?Disgusting.Maybe it's actually more like your sad doggy butt slobber smell!

  6. Funny guy but believe he's been banned.Do a quick search.Though with all the oddball threads popping up maybe he's back watching at this very minute.

  7. You could always get your friend to drop them a hint after all she seems to know all the goings on.As an outsider I suggest you stay out of this it's not your business.The messenger always gets shot.Enjoy your stay and be a people watcher not an aggressor which is what you are going to be perceived as being.

    You don't know these girls or these 'boys' and hey you may end up another beach statistic.

    Don't hope to change the world.You are not god.Rough advice but sensible advice.

  8. Have to agree with Boo on this one.She makes perfect sense.

    You are not these girls' mother and even if you were I doubt they would listen to you.The holiday bling with these girls could have serious repercussions but unless they are your close friends you won't change anything.You are only setting yourself up.

    Ignore it if you can and be an observer.People learn from their own mistakes and experiences and who is anyone to give unwanted advice or to judge.I know this is hard but people do want to get involved and help out but you need to look after yourself here too or maybe you will not get such a warm welcome next time you go back.

    At that young age things can change quickly too from madly in lust to 'I hate your guts'.How old are these 'boys' by the way?

  9. No Thai woman can stand living with one of these because they are mean,nasty little things and d**kless too.if I was married to/living with that I'd leave too!

  10. Ok I will chip in here and probably regret it.

    The reason I would never marry a Thai woman is that there is no necessity to do so.

    Most Thai women are happy to live/be with you without marriage.

    Why complicate things?

    Another one that needs to go back under the bridge.

  11. What's wrong with Thai laws and foreign embassies anyway,there was a story here not long back about a homeless British guy.Whether this is self inflicted or whatever there are people out there in genuine need of support.Never mind you are a farang or gweilo as we say here but this is so sad to see.It's alao the association that a foreigner must have money which in this case probably isn't true.

    Other than that she's making some sort of statement to make her lost Thai guy lose face.

    It wouldn't happen in Australia.Too terrible like the other story.

    It's been a while since you lived there hasn't it. Look on the streets of any largish city, there are homeless folk from many nations. If you look in the touristy areas they are a little more cosmopolitan. The shelters are overflowing, they can only take a limited number. The soup kitchens feed a lot more than there are beds available. Do google search on Cornelia Rau, a German born Australian resident.

    As to the Swedish lady, if she has not asked or worse refused help from her embassy they will do little. The first step in solving this type of problem is to accept there is a problem.

    Australia you would get deported.Period.I'm talking about foreigners who overstay or who disappear not the locals.

  12. Too bad you are not in HK where a multiple entry 6 months business visa will set you back HK$1500 (that's for Aussies I think US citizens are charged much more than this) If you get a one month tourist visa it is easy to go to the PSB (Public Security Bureau) in any Chinese city and have it extended for another month but I'm sure you can talk to the Chinese embassy and they may be able to get you a double entry visa.

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