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Posts posted by phuketsub

  1. I have always supplied copies of my passport for 90 day reporting - face page, current stamp, departure card. Can't understand why not signed as all these copies must be signed to make valid copies. Must be something I am missing here ??

    Interesting; it was a first for me after about six years...and they didn't ask for current stamp. Maybe they want to increase revenue at the 2baht/page copy service downstairs... I won't lose any sleep over it, but for me the goal has always been "get in/get out" as fast as possible, so this one tripped me up a little.

  2. Just a heads up for those among us who have to do the 90-day reporting here in Phuket: You now need to present unsigned copies of your passport face pages (pic and signature) and departure card when doing this.

    I don't know why, as all of the relevant data is filled in on the form already and the officer is supposed to check it anyway, but that's the case: more paperwork.

    I don't know if this applies to other Immigration offices or just Phuket.

  3. I finally checked out the area today; the road down to the little beach is private land with a sign (Thai) reading Laem Nga Development Company. There is a closed gate about halfway down, with an unmanned security guard shack. I parked, walked over the gate, and walked a few hundred meters and almost got to the beach when I came across a pack of about 10 barking dogs and some pigs.

    An old lady there told me the land was owned by a French guy, who chose to restrict access. [yes, I know foreigners can't own land, let alone restrict access to a beach]. There is a sign near the gate that says "open 6am close 6pm", but I got there well before 6pm and suspect it is closed all the time now.

    I did find a way to the beach further south, however. Go to the Horizon villa estate and there is a little path though the woods that leads to a dirt road...It leads to a sandy beach with a big pier that does not appear on Google Maps, indicating that it was built after 2011. . I didn't have time to swim as it was getting dark, but that is the best spot I have found.

  4. Untill the OP can confirm or deny the the cause of the accident ( its speculated (on other sites where they are also asking for money to fund Gerrys lifestyle) that Gerry was blind drunk and no seat belt )so i , for one,wont be paying anything toward his funds ,if he choose not to bother getting decent car / medical insurance.No insurance company will pay out if you shouldnt have been driving in the first place.Come on OP be honest now ---WHY DID HE CRASH ?


    As I stated previously, he cannot talk or otherwise communicate effectively, and there were no witnesses, so the exact cause remains unknown.

    I refuse to pump for information a friend who is cleaning to life through a respirator and is in extreme pain and anguish: sorry.

    I likewise refuse to engage in some of the callous, tangential debates this thread has generated.

    The good news is that he will be moved to a ward room tonight.

  5. Based on 27years of experience, I think the conventional wisdom that all bar girls make bad wives is inaccurate. I have many friends whose wives had bar backgrounds and they are very happy with the results more than 10 years later.

    Conversely, I have other friends who have had nightmare marriages with "good" Thai girls.

    All of my friends married to Thai-Muslim woman are happy with them.

    I find it disgraceful how Thai women, and Thailand in general, is portrayed in the Western media.

    • Like 2
  6. I would ask everyone to refrain from speculation on matters like insurance or the exact cause of the accident, as I don't know all the details yet.

    What I will say is that Gerry has always been a guy who kept his stuff together and even though he enjoys a drink I have never seen him sloppy drunk. A friend who went to see him suspects he may have fallen asleep at the wheel, but that may just be speculation too.

    I understand that he has some medical coverage, but not enough to cover the huge and mounting bill at Bangkok Hospital...

    Anyway, I just wanted to inform friends and family about his condition.

    • Like 2
  7. I am sad to report through this forum that Gerry Mason, a longtime British expat resident, is in ICU after crashing his car into a power pole in Rawai.

    Initial reports are that he suffered extensive facial trauma, respiratory problems and possible swelling of the brain, although a scan revealed no evidence of brain damage. He had a long surgery to repair an eye socket and cannot see, but recognizes visitors by voice: a good sign.

    Efforts are underway to contact relatives and organize some kind of fundraiser to help pay his mounting bill at that hospital, before moving him to a less expensive facility.

    Gerry is a real English gentleman, former soldier and is well known on the darts scene in Patong, where he has played for the Piccadilly Bar, Hemingways and in the Super League.

    I start this thread as a way to help him on the road to recovery and will help provide updates as I learn more.

  8. Corruption is a disease similar to alcoholism! If the people don't want to change and do what is necessary to accomplish it will never change. It is a way of life for Thais and it will never change!

    Corruption is certainly not a disease, and I don't believe alcoholism is either.

    They are vices and need to be perceived as such, imho.

    But even if they were both diseases, you still wouldn't be able to compare what would be a social disease (corruption) to a more personal "disease" like alcoholism.

    Alcoholism: One individual hits rock bottom and realizes change is needed; makes changes

    Corruption: Entire populations are"infected".

    It is much easier to find solutions for individuals than groups, so I am not down with this particular analogy.

    I prefer to compare corruption to littering. If one enters a new house that is immaculately clean, that person is far less likely to make a mess than when entering a pig-sty. It's all about raising and maintaining standards.

    I think this is one of Thailand's greatest challenges, but you don't need to be a Thai to help them out in this battle. Just Say No.

    • Like 1
  9. ustvnow.com shows all the free to air tv channels free, cbs, fox, nbc etc. so you can catch the Monday morning game streaming. For $19/mo you can get a lot more channels including ESPN if you want to catch the Tuesday morning game and US sportscenter

    Interesting. I'll check it out tomorrow, when my beloved Pats play the Jets. I have a bad feeling about this one, though...

    ustvnow.com is interesting and easy to use, but they only give you five channels (for free) -- and none of them carry this game. Looks like more vipbox on this end...GO PATS!

  10. ustvnow.com shows all the free to air tv channels free, cbs, fox, nbc etc. so you can catch the Monday morning game streaming. For $19/mo you can get a lot more channels including ESPN if you want to catch the Tuesday morning game and US sportscenter

    Interesting. I'll check it out tomorrow, when my beloved Pats play the Jets. I have a bad feeling about this one, though...

  11. Coconuts on Rawai Beach shows the games live. Eat a spot of breakfast and watch the game.

    Thanks...it's sure tough with the time difference, though. Dunno whether to drink coffee or beer...

  12. Does anyone know of a decent place to swim in the sea off Koh Sireh?

    I just want a place I can access by car, get in the water and swim hassle-free...preferably without having to wade through muck.

    Any advice appreciated.

  13. September 17 to 21: San Jao Kuan Ou Chinese Shrine Fair

    @ Chinese Shrine in Nabon, Chalong, Muang District

    Highlight will be a concert by 'Ko Kai Kalamang' and "Ko Khai Naison",

    starting at 5:30pm on September 19

    I suppose this is to raise money to further build up the shrine.

    September 22 to October 1: 4th Annual DDPM-Phuket Fair @Saphan Hin Central Stage Area

    (DDPM-Phuket is the Department of Disaster Prevention and Mitigation, Phuket Office)

    Staged entertainment every night, organized in conjunction with Phuket City Municipality

    Expect all the food, entertainment, etc., normally associated with a run-of-the-mill festival at Saphan Hin

    No mention of a beer sponsor.



  14. I start this thread every year at this time, and here I go again:

    Question: Are any bars or other venues going to show live NFL games this year?

    Kindly stick to the query because I don't want this to degenerate into yet another retarded thread with snide comments from people who don't appreciate American football. I think we have all had enough of that...

    Thanks in advance.

  15. My daughter studied in an English Program for three years of kindergarten, then switched to a Thai school where she is the only 'look kreung'...she occasionally gets to study with foreign teachers, but for the most part her English comes from home schooling, which includes reading, math and lots and lots of videos.

    I don't expect her to get anything out of her English classes with the Thai teachers, but I like the fact that they use her as a resource in the classroom to help her classmates. She is 'class leader' anyway, so this comes naturally to her.

    I do notice her pronunciation slipping from time to time, that's my biggest concern about it at the moment.

    My goal is to keep her completely bilingual, but its a real tightrope act in terms of keeping her adequately exposed to both.

  16. Is that the Marriott's bus (or is it a van?) open to the general public for use?

    If so, I am surprised the Karon tuk-tuk mafia hasn't vandalized it or harmed anyone yet....

    Are the prices quoted per person, or per group?

    I love the fact that the fare to Patong is more that to Phuket Town, even though it is well less than half the distance...really reflects reality "on the ground".

  17. All in all the title of the thread has proved to be incorrect. It really has not been the fiasco some people expected. Sure there have been delays on occasion, but it really has not been very bad.

    The current traffic woes in the construction area are just the appetizer, the true nature of the fiasco will only reveal itself when this ill-conceived project is completed...with little or no improvement to the overall traffic flow. As soon as they cut the ribbon, the narrow stretch of Chao Fa West southbound just south of the project will become the worst bottleneck on the island, and it will back up all the way to, and into, the underpass.

    So sad that Phuket just follows Bangkok trends: huge billboards, 3D-traffic jams, etc...too bad they couldn't have the same level of public transport as the capital.

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