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  1. And that may be the last one you ever receive, the way things are going in the USG.
  2. I didn't see OP state his nationality. One caveat to consider if a US citizen abroad: If the Trump administration starts arresting, detaining, and deporting Thais who are in the US illegally, then it is possible that the Thai government might consider some retaliatory measures -- but probably aimed at the back-pack and nomadic clusters, at least initially. Though they could move on to target other groups of US ex-pats here.
  3. Many posters on the Forum seem to think that Thai Immo officers should be more welcoming to VE types. Understand that Immo are all police officers, and have no connection to the Ministry of Tourism... As such. Immo police are gatekeepers - whose primary function is to keep bad folk out, or those who might become a burden to society. Being allowed entry is a privilege - not a right.
  4. I agree with big3116: Mainstream Thai society would be very happy to say good-bye to the long-term Western ex-pats in Thailand, and give preference to the genuine tourists who come once or twice a year for a couple of weeks. The average Thai tolerates the long-stay Western expats -- but do not kid yourself that they want us here.
  5. To OP: In October this year, I did the TM30 for the first time at Immo/CW. I told the officer that I was going out of the country for ten days at the end of October. I asked if I would have to come in to do another TM30 report. She said that I would only have to do a new TM30 if my address in Bangkok changed or the type of visa/extension changed.
  6. @richard_smith Lite Beer was referring to the type of agent who arranges a retirement extension for ex-pats who don't have the 800K baht in a Thai bank or want to avoid that requirement. There is no ambiuity about this requirement, and every Immo office has to follow the terms of the extension -- unless they are bent, and accept a bribe from the agent to sign off on the extension, despite lack of proof of financials.
  7. In 2011, my Thai wife died suddenly, and had no will. I went through the process to become "Adminstrator of the Estate" of my deceased wife, and that process was almost exactly as described by hotandsticky in the post above. Just as an aside, what surprised me most was having my name added on to the 2 land deeds -- meaning that I (a foreigner) could sell the land (which I didn't have any intention of doing). However, strangely, the house which sits on the land could only be owned (and sold) by a Thai citizen. Go figure.
  8. For some, this example may be another reason to just park the 800K baht in a fixed deposit account, and no ATM card link.
  9. Just last month, I did a TM30 at Immo/CW. I told the officer I was going to be out of the country for a week at the end of October. She said that, as long as my Bangkok address and visa/extension status did not change, there would be no need to file a new TM30.
  10. @Lorry: clever lad to spot my typo of 'Songram' instead of 'Songran.' Tocuche. As for Rob Browder: The Thai national policy in the 1970s-1980s was to make modern contraception as widely available as possible throughout the country. (Believe me -- I was there.) What the Thai government did not anticipate was that rural Thai families (mostly women-headed) wanted fewer than two children. There was no official pressure, coercion or incentives from the government to have less-than-replacement households. As a result, the Thai population is headed toward negative growth in the decades ahead. What would you do?
  11. For many years now, Thailand has had a declining birth rate. There is (legitimate) concern that, at some point in the near future, Thailand's working-age population will begin to decline. Anyone on this Forum has seen the emerging effects of this at gas pumps, restaurants, domestic-help options, etc. It is too late to try to reverse the modern Thai preference for small families and few children. Thus, in order to meet the near-term labor-force demand and need for eldercare, it makes sense for the Thai government to ease the way for migrants from Myanmar, Laos, and Cambodia to help fill these gaps -- due to the migrants proximity, ethnic similarity to Thais, Buddhist religion, and shared indigenous customs (e.g., Songkram, etc.). For those of these cross-border migrants who spend a significant time in Thailand and can assimilate to the local culture and customs, that investment in the Thai economy and culture might be a viable pathway to citizenship. It is a trend that we will increasingly witness around the world as some countries have aging populations while their neighbors are still "young."
  12. In my experience, Immo/CW wants to help you comply with whatever new or old requirements there are. Recently, I posted a thread where Immo/CW asked for a TM30 at the regular 90-day address report -- something they had never done. Instead of fining me or some other nonesense, they simply told me to present my TM30 receipt at the next 90-day address report. I agree, this is a nuisance since we report our address every year (for those on long-stay extensions. But don't get paranoid. They are far more concerned about the immigrants from the neighboring countries than they are with the "Farang" expates who populate this forum.
  13. While it may seem like "good value" baht wise, in my case, there was a half-page red stamp saying I violated the terms of the 90-day address report. That stamp could not be cleared (obviously) until I got a new passport. If they are still doing this, there must be a reason why Immo is flagging ex-pats who violate the 90-day report requirement and pay the fine. Be aware.
  14. TGJ -- I had none of these conditions. Plus, the red stamp on my receipt for the 90-day address report (see the 3rd post) was new -- suggesting that this is a new policy.
  15. Dear Dan: You mis-read the purpose of my post. I was alerting members (and viewers of AN) that your 90-day address report at Immo/CW may now require a receipt for a TM30 report, something which has not been required over the past decade or so. 'nuff said,
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