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Posts posted by bingobongo

  1. cclub75 - that is not a fair comment - It takes considerable courage to take such a step and will be proactivly monitored for maybe 4 years, with all the ramifications.

    I don't understand.

    What's the link with "courage" ?

    We are talking business here, not "courage".

    Like the article, I think that the timing for this tower is wrong, and that the prices are wrong, and the location is wrong.

    To summarize my opinion : the line between "courage" and "idiocy" can be sometimes very... thin.

    come on cclub75, have you not yet realized that pkrv and backflip get emotionally involved with property? and we know that emotional decisions (when it comes to money) are the wrong ones, so leave them alone. the market will soon separate them from their money and equity

  2. I hope that isn't a symmetric triangle that just broke downward, because if it is, well, all hel_l is going to break loose.....

    Potentially as low as 62, if the "staff" on that pennant is in play, a devaluation over the next month or so of another 15%.

    good luck to bulls, bears, and pigs


  3. The link has changed.


    pain is coming.......are you ready homdebtors?

    Bankers see hazy market

    :o A decline in condominium rentals and low liquidity in the resale market are factors that point to signs of oversupply in the Bangkok condo market. :D



    why are government and builder incentives needed if things are going well? i'll give you hint, becasue they are not

    but who cares, keep building even if Bangkok ends up being a Potemkin village

    Potemkin village noun: something that appears elaborate and impressive but in actual fact lacks substance

  4. do you see a problem here? not just pork and rice in LOS...........the cat is out of the bag, raise rates or soon payment will be made in confetti

    discontent is building

    (Mon 7 Apr 2008)

    Ukraine: Surging Food Prices Propel Ukrainian Inflation Beyond Government's Control

    Cambodia: Cambodia's Opposition Party Leads Protests Against Rising Food Prices

    South Korea: Consumer Sentiment Falls to 11-Month Low in South Korea

    Taiwan: Inflation Accelerates in Taiwan as Food Prices Rise

    Armenia: Central Bank of Armenia Lifts Interest Rate Further as Inflation Accelerates

    Kazakhstan: Kazakhstan's Producer Prices Surge in March

    Austria: Austrian Wholesale Price Inflation Jumps to New 27-Year High in March

    Germany: German Manufacturing Orders Slip Modestly in February

    Ireland: Irish Unemployment Benefit Claimants at Highest Level Since July 1999 in March

    Lithuania: Lithuanian Producer Price Index Grows 21% Y/Y in March

    Gulf States: GCC Trade Offences Rise Amid High Inflation

    Iran: Economy Minister Claims Iranian Government Has Failed to Control Inflation

  5. only within the borders of thailand...out in the world they are just bratty little nobodys who'd get the crap kicked out of them in a heartbeat.

    I coudn't agree with you more, who needs coping skills and maturity when simply acting like a spoiled child works just as well

  6. not sure of the tax structure in the Thailand, but plug the numbers into LOS and the numbers dont lie (this does not even account for the oversupply of property in LOS)

    Over the course of a 30-year fixed mortgage you pay out 3x the purchase price. So... on a $100k house you pay $200k in interest. The average tax savings is 25% (in the US that is, plug in the appropriate tax rate for LOS) of that, or $50k, meaning you took a $150k loss. Doesn't make sense to me.A house is a place to live, sleep, eat, enjoy your life, raise a family. It is NOT a lottery ticket. If you want to invest in real estate, the vehicle is through rental/income properties (but not now given the glut of property in the LOS), not your own house.

    The best investment always has been and always will be a business. That's where I put the money I'd otherwise be wasting on interest tribute to a bank.

  7. regardless of what you decide to do, always remember that.....

    Agreeing to pay a lender interest for the next 30 years, or 10,950 days (or whatever the terms of the mortgage are), in order to live in a home that is not yours does not make you a homeowner. It makes you a homedebtor.Putting little or nothing down and signing up for a loan does not make you a homeowner. It did not give you special status versus renters. It did not elevate you to a new class or socioeconomic status. It does not mean you have arrived.


    but if you own the property free and clear, then congratulations as you actually own it

  8. terrible pain is coming globally once the olympics are over (yes that includes LOS)........

    China's Misery Index

    The Chinese Shanghai stock market index fell 34% (not annualized) in the first quarter vs. the previous quarter (see chart below). Couple this with the "official" consumer inflation rate of 8.7% and you have the makings of some potentially surly Olympic hosts if things don't improve by August. You also have the makings of much slower Chinese GDP growth.


  9. starve the people, and it all comes tumbling down.......

    Rice prices expected to climb on speculation Thailand to cut exports

    Domestic prices of the staple have surged 50 percent since January, and Thai farmers are reported to be hoarding rice on hopes of further increases, traders said Wednesday.

    In recent weeks, escalating inflation fuelled by higher food and oil prices has triggered unrest and even riots in different parts of the world including Indonesia, India, Mexico, Mauritania, Mozambique and Cameroon.


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