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Posts posted by bingobongo

  1. sorry bagholders, Lehman isn't going to care about some empty shell in LOS.........the stupid deserve to be separated from their money

    Lehman’s secret talks to sell 50% stake stall

    In addition to selling a stake in itself, Lehman is considering selling all or part of its holdings, including its troubled $40bn commercial real estate portfolio and its asset management arm, which includes Neuberger Berman.


  2. first residential took it on the chin..........but now.....holy som tham somchai!.....commercial RE spreads are collapsing.

    are you paying attention Naam? you may get another financial colonic, get ready kiddies..............

    CMBX or Commercial Real Estate (you know, shopping malls, apartment buildings)

    The important point is the direction of the graph. Higher = worse (inverse of the others i posted in this thread as these are quoted as spreads, or basis points, over the benchmark which is a swap)

    Since June the direction of those spreads have been straight up



  3. Now we have a rising China and India, a hurting America, and a rich Russia.

    Thailand can't really compete with China for slave labor and its education system is way inferior to both India and China. It is xenophobic and protectionist compared to an advanced small country like Singapore. The English standard is horrible; even the educated Chinese are learning English. Tourism is always an earner and tourism will increase from China and India and decline from the west (energy costs) but as many have noticed, Thailand has a special talent of killing the goose that lays the golden egg. Its politics have been mired in crisis for years, and there is no clear resolution in sight. The rice price increase is one bit of positive news.

    So, how does Thailand fit in this new world order, especially in relation to China (look what happened to Burma)>

    here we go again. a bunch of negative insinuations/assumptions without any tangible facts. all in all nothing but bla-bla starting with an "innocent" question and ending with one; no other intention than putting Thailand down! :D

    have you started working on your chauffeur license for baht buses Jingthing? :o

    come one Naam, it appears senility prevents you from being objective

  4. come on folks, don't attack me just becasue your portfolios are going down faster than a bar girl on her latest "benefactor"

    just wait until autumn, then it gets really fun............

    China's Shanghai Composite Index falls 4.5 percent

    Chinese shares fell to their lowest level in nearly 19 months on Friday on heavy selling of airlines and other market heavyweights, as investors and analysts puzzled over why expectations of a rally linked to the Beijing Olympic games never materialized


  5. it sill soon be time to make money..............wait for the incomptence to be fully engrained

    UPDATE 1-Thai PM adviser raises more cbank doubts

    "We aren't seeing good governance, not even in the monetary and fiscal policy-making circles in this government," he said.

    Facing mounting street protests, a spate of lawsuits and dwindling support, Samak is loathe to do anything that could hurt growth and fuel more discontent.


  6. thank you Naam, you have shown me that being geriatric and being financial astute are not correlated.......

    Thailand: Bank of Thailand Receives Ammunition for Rate Increase as Inflation Hits Decade High Inflation hit a decade high in Thailand in July, reinforcing the case for increases in interest rates. Official data released today showed that the consumer price index (CPI) rose by 9.2% on the year, standing as the fastest rate of inflation since July 1998. In month-on-month (m/m) terms, the index increased by 0.3%, slowing from the 1.2% gain recorded in June. Upward pressure on the index continued to be exerted by rising food and fuel prices. Fuel prices rose by 46.9% on the year in July, while food prices increased by 11.8% over the same period, inflated by the rising cost of flour, rice, and meat.

    Significance: The Ministry of Finance remains vocally opposed to any rise in interest rates that could undermine domestic demand as the export outlook deteriorates. The future course of monetary policy in the near term will provide a test of the central bank's independence following the reconfiguration of the legal oversight of its operations


    Residential, resort oversupply seen

    Robert Collins, managing director of the property agency Savills Thailand, said that some aspects of the residential and resort sectors now show similarities to Thailand's pre-1997 office market. :o He notes the sheer volume of residential supply, particularly condominiums, not just in Bangkok but in key resorts as well, which is being brought into the market by big, experienced developers plus some newcomers. :D

    :ohmy: Fast-forward to today's residential and resort markets, and signs that there could potentially be a downturn in certain sectors if the volume of the new supply entering the market continues at the current level. :D

    The risk that new brokerages now face is greatly magnified :Dby their dependence on foreign buying which, Mr Collins pointed out, is losing steam amid the current global slowdown. :D


  8. tick tick kiddies........

    it will soon be time to short the baht........hold on to your som tham Naam

    Credibility crisis at the BoT

    :o ......raised substantially the risk of a run on the Thai currency, which despite Thailand's rich store of foreign reserves has recently come under heavy foreign selling pressure. Thai inflation hit 8.9% in June, the highest rate in over a decade. :D

    :D Foreign-currency traders are on the look-out for policy mismatches to exploit and several have tuned into Thailand's out-of-whack real interest rates, which apart from the Philippines are Asia's highest at a negative 5.4%. :D


  9. it will soon be time to short the baht........hold on to your som tham Naam

    Credibility crisis at the BoT

    :o ......raised substantially the risk of a run on the Thai currency, which despite Thailand's rich store of foreign reserves has recently come under heavy foreign selling pressure. Thai inflation hit 8.9% in June, the highest rate in over a decade. :D

    :D Foreign-currency traders are on the look-out for policy mismatches to exploit and several have tuned into Thailand's out-of-whack real interest rates, which apart from the Philippines are Asia's highest at a negative 5.4%. :D


  10. Lehman is not going to do anything with any property in LOS......Lehman has bigger concerns than some empty shell in LOS, consider it another property/building gone bust........

    Lehman's borrowing costs rise - report


    UPDATE 1-Merrill says Lehman faces Q3 loss, $2.5 bln writeoff

    :o Lehman, the smallest of the major Wall Street investment banks, is looking at selling 20 percent of about $65 billion of its exposure to real-estate-related assets in the third quarter, he said. :D


  11. so much for the "surge in condo prices", more like surge in inflation

    maybe one or a combination of the following happened:

    1) som chai the builder went bust

    2) som chai the builder took deposits for himself and is now on holiday and did not pay the bank and now is losing the building

    3) units were not selling

    4) commodity prices are surging so value of copper, aluminum, concrete, commodities,etc was worth more in cash then the assumed debt accumulated via an empty concrete tower

    5) or common law thieves who just had sticky fingers

  12. sorry dreamers.......BOT is raising rates and will continue to do so........

    there are so many things wrong in this environment, I dont even know where to begin

    the stupid deserve to be separated from their dough........

    Home sales rise as condos sag in first half

    :o On the contrary, condominium sales sharply declined from 20,000 units to 14,000 units. :D


  13. its over kiddies, the short covering on the DOW has ended, but there may be another bounce into the 11750 to 12000 range which would be the time to sell, as for the SET, forget about it, use any bounce to sell, 725 is the ceiling

    once the olympics are over (which is already projected to be a financial bust ), its over for asia


  14. this is too easy.........cambodia/LOS border issue and internal political strife........it will soon be time to short the baht and SET........

    Thais clash in anti-government rally, 13 wounded

    About 700 government supporters armed with wooden planks, axes and slingshots broke through a police blockade to clash with 150 unarmed anti-government demonstrators in the city of Udon Thani, 650 km northeast of Bangkok, television footage showed.


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