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Khun Larry

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Posts posted by Khun Larry

  1. In my early more stupid days when I occassionaly visited the Nana Plaza`s of this city it was a pleasure to believe the girls size up feel in the pleasure area was to feel how big I was ...I felt good that I raised a pleasurable smile and had no trouble in being invited ..feeling good and  manly ...Years later after working here and understanding more plus actually getting to know some of the Bar girls properly as people friends of work friends ( I have over 2000 girls working in my factory )and also old school friends of my wife. I find  that the feel and the smile was ...this one is okay not too big !!! he will do .

    Perhaps it is better to live in ignorance and higher self esteem ...

    Ps the bar girls I know and have gone out with for group birtday parties , dinners etc are all more normal and sensible than any other group I have met any where in the world ... Fewer hang ups , they know how to enjoy them selves simply and take pleasures from being with friends . I also know the make up and mercedes brigade and the Wananna be `s ...I know  which I prefer .

    Did you take your meds today?

  2. "Tip for what?"

    A meal,  a taxi, a phone call,  geez.  Help her out.

    If you've ever been to Issan and met the kind people there and saw the conditions they grew up in, you might think different.

    You're probably concerned with an upgrade to Business on the next flight, or what new Computer or Plazma TV to get.

    These girls, their friends and relatives  are just worried about  the next meal.

    Not tipping the barber? That's a new one on me...

    Issan has plenty of food.

    These girls, their friends and relatives are just worried about the next farang to scam.

    I think that is more accurate.

  3. I am a 37 year old good looking guy who happens to be only attracted to Asia women. I have lived in Bangkok now for a few years and cannot seem to meet any college educated, nice girls. I have been burned many times (sick water buffalo story, $$$). Any ideas????


    You will most likely not find a "nice Thai girl".

    Like finding the fountain of youth, fools have been searching since the beginning of time. Still, not found.

    If you are attracted to Asian women try Korea or Japan.

  4. Thailand is boring. It is the same experience as in Las Vegas, same basic illusion and vice. It is a place to play, not live. Great in short spurts but a real drag in the long haul.

    Are you OK with your kids growing up in Thailand?

    Good luck to you.

  5. Phuket:

    Karon to crack down on tailors

    KARON, PHUKET: -- Community leaders in Kata-Karon have issued a warning to the 144 tailor shops in the area that they will crack down on any that continue to use aggressive touting techniques or take advantage of tourists.

    More abuse of foreigners.

    The sleazy Thai touts are much more of an annoyance.

  6. Maybe just agree and then not address the issue again. Whenever they brimg it up come up with a Thai style excuse / lie, smile and keep it up like they do. If it works for them maybe it can work for you. Also, maybe tell her 500k is too small, how about a MIL. But this will take even more time to transfer in.

    Your married to a Thai now, better practice avoiding confrontation and dust off your copy of "How to lie to your partner with a smile." Translated from Thai by David Smyth

  7. This post is open to male and females.

    I am getting so tired of the biased and opinionated attacks on farang women... not just on this forum but in Thailand's farang community-in-general!

    When I first came here (just under 3 years ago) bright-eyed and bushy-tailed - enthusiastic about working and living in such a dynamic country - I had no idea that I would be under attack as the"enemy". I am flabbergasted and shocked at the attitudes of many farang men against  western females.

    I feel so lucky to have been brought up in the western world. I've earned the many opportunities to work hard towards my own education and future prosperity. travel and living in other societies. I consider this the best education I could ever hope to have. And I do contribute valuable skills to Thailand.

    But  - as much as I do feel lucky to live and work here - I feel like I'm in a pyschic war  every day from those males with similar blood lines.

    What gives?  Am tired of being accused of all sorts of crimes I've never committed. It's not funny!  :o

    Of what crimes have you been accused and in what court?

    Sounds like feminist babbel.

  8. Scamed by a farang in Thailand? That's a switch. What country was he from? Next time get his passport #.

    He is from the States but has lived in BKK for 10 years. What use is the passport #?

    The original sample was more mass than the final product. I don't mind that if the size was good. Anyway, to save the money maybe a different mold was used which made the whole process of making the sample useless as the sample is meant to confirm the mold specs.

    I have known this guy for several years so I was completely surprised about his ethics. It is extremely annoying being ripped off by low life scum. Probably a good reminder as to the quality of jokers around town.

  9. Yes it is a tale of Jewelry rip off. YAWNNNNNNNNNN

    My apologies in advance.

    Breaking my golden rule "never to pay in advance in Thailand", I paid up front 45,000 baht for a Ruby eternity band from a "long time farang friend". I have purchased some stones from him before and was very satisfied.

    This type of ring cannot be sized up or down so I had him make a sample first in silver. Fit was great, size 4. The actual ring arrives, size 5. As my gf is a gemologist in NY she said immediately he used two different molds,. probably to save $$ on gold. It is a beautiful ring but a bit too big.

    Naturally, in typical long term penniless farang fashion, his response was "I told you it would be larger".

    What the F***, and people wonder why I am such a cynic.

    Anyway, is there any recourse, legal or "otherwise" that comes to mind?

    Also, will someone please tell me: "KNOW THE GAME KHUN LARRY"

  10. Let me see???? 60MM Thais, How many Muslems? 500MM, a Billion I'm not sure.

    Seems like the old Thai Bully methods of picking on the little guy may have some problems.

    When people are as angry as a group, as the Muslems seem to be, there may be some possible reasons the "other guys" should consider.

    It sure is not the line of BS I keep hearing: "They hate our freedoms."

  11. What is considered "normal", standard or reasonable in terms of a farang assisting (providing money) to 1. The Thai "traditional wife. and 2. Other family members, ie. parents, brothers, sisters on a monthly basis?  How much and to what extent should the daughter, ie my wife be expected to dole out to her family each month??

    nothing is normal

    maybe a few k baht to the parents as they are such a sad lot

    definitely nothing to the other family members

  12. i am not biased here, i am just another developer who knows both sides.  project B is no slouch, but if i had to choose, i'd pick project A.


    What is your recomendation, buy now or wait? I see exchange favoeing the dollar and prices comming down. Both support sitting tight.


    I would think 250K high enough in BKK. Khun la

    $250k x 45 - 50 baht / $$ --------> 11 - 12 MM Baht

    What you recommend? Any bargains brewing chai mai

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