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Posts posted by DirkGently

  1. She was only doing as she had been told to do. It is worth remembering that. She was not the chairman of the bank and therefore had no sway.

    Plus Thais are very reluctant to think outside of the box, or in many cases to think at all. So she had no idea that her words were offensive. Thais put Thais first, not give hand over fist to non-natives.

    Better to just shrug it off.

  2. Good dogs vs Bad owners is nonsense. It is different to the "guns don't kill, people do" argument. Dogs can act on their own.

    I like dogs as much as the next man that has bred dogs and lived with trained animals all their lives.

    We are talking about vermin with wagging tails here.

    I was chased by 3 dogs a couple of years ago and felt it was their heads V's my legs. I beat the crap out out of the leader and would have happily killed the three of them if I had a better weapon.

    My soi now is populated with the usual vermin. Most of them are too diseased or lazy to stand up, but I would happily put them down. Dogs are only nice when they are pets, when they are dumped at a temple they become vermin.

  3. All sorted! He went back to the visa department and was dealt with very well. As he had all the paperwork needed, they extended his visa by longer than was needed, just in case.

    Thanks a million folks. It was a worrying situation that I had no real understanding of.

    It should be a lesson to everyone that has poor health or is old. Make sure you have top notch insurance and make sure you know what to do, just in case.

    It has not been the holiday that he hoped for, but at least he is all sorted.

    Nice rally round.

  4. Thanks a million guys. Your advice is great.

    My father is a regular tourist that thinks that that the helpful staff in a 5* hotel is indicative of Thais in general. He was taken aback by the attitude of the immigration staff and hospital staff. Basically, get on with it.

    Tomorrow he is going back to the hospital (now that I know that hospitals do this, thanks naka) and will try to get this mess sorted. As a resident here I know the hoops we have to jump through, but a 3 times a year tourist my father is new to it all. Hence, he does not want to run the gauntlet of overstay.

    I know that WE all know how to deal with this, but most tourists don't.

    Thanks for your help.

  5. Thanks for all the time and effort guys!

    It was a heart operation and he is certainly not well enough to do mini bus visa runs.

    The airline had to be told as there is risk factors and flights had to be changed etc and of course this involves insurance companies, so it is best to be honest with them.

    Following your advice I have told him to head back to the Bangkok/Pattaya hospital and try there.

    As far as i know all paper work was in order, but he simply does not understand all the visa nonsense and the boys in brown are not the most helpful.

    ill keep you posted.

  6. Thanks naka, thats good to know. I presume BP is the Bangkok/Pattaya hospital in Pattaya.

    No idea why he has been refused. Just got the phone call.

    The comment that got me was "i really expected them to help an old man."

    He is concerned about the overstay because now they know where he is and might come knocking for some money.

    He is on the normal 30 day on arrival visa. He just wants to extend it by about 17 days or so. There MUST be some extension for this type of thing.

  7. I am in need of some advice. My father has been taken ill whilst on holiday in Pattaya and was admitted to the Bangkok/Pattaya hospital.

    He has been told by the doctor not to fly home until 17 days after his visa will expire. Today he went to immigration and they refused to give him an extension till that date. Of course the airline won't carry him before the date the doctors reccomend.

    What can be done??

    Is there an immigration dept at Bangkok/Pattaya hospital that will be more understanding?

    He is unaware of the rules and does not know what to do. Your help would be greatly accepted.


  8. Why do so many posts refer to sex straight away?

    I used to see a Japanese girl several times a week for lunch/dinner/coffee etc! It was rather romantic. It was quite some time before we stayed together. That was clearly cheating as we both knew about the other's partner.

    I showed proper respect to my partner by only going to places we had never been and therefore was unlikely to be seen.

    In fact I'd like to meet someone else like that.

  9. .....fair comment britmaveric but as you might know sometimes the opposition trap u,...i challenge any male poster on this board to tell me he's never woken up in a strange hotel room with a slim brown thing lying next to him

    Am I reading that right?

    Generally I go to the bathroom before I hit the hay. However, if you wake up with a slim brown thing in your bed, you should some adult night pants at Tesco.

  10. Garro, you went for the sensible approach, but it all fell apart. Your live and let live mantra works well, most of the time, but not when it comes to religion. What if a certain religion promoted 'un-healthy' relationships with kids, would you refrain from being "arrogant"?

    As for mental illness, let's explore. Let's look at Jim Jones of the peoples temple, David Koresh of the Branch Davidians, Marshall Applewhite of the Heaven's gate group and many others. Heck! Many serial killers claim to hear voices or acting on gods words in order to show they are mentally unstable, yet when we hear Hillary Clinton state that she "feels the hand of god in her campaign", people applaud.

    I would not persecute anyone for clinging to silly outdated ideas. I simply pity them and question their state of mind.

    I feel the hand of random and undetermined actions and reactions here as I type.

  11. I was there on the day they were found. In fact my family and I were sunning ourselves not far from that beach. At the end of the day we packed up and went home on the ferry.

    Guess how many extra police we saw? Guess how many times we were asked for I.D or for our whereabouts on a small island that was the scene of a possible double murder? THAT'S RIGHT. NOT ONCE!

    This is a joke. A sick joke.

    In the Bangkok Post today a local police chief (it says so on his coffee cup) said they spent 30 minutes on the scene.

    30 MINUTES! Holy Cover Up Batman! They kicked over a couple of stones and called it a day.

    I hope my life is worth more that that.

    My next point is where is the press coverage in the Post or Nation. A few weeks ago when a european lady was killed Samak was on the front page calling for no stone to be left unturned. Maybe it's because they are Korean.

  12. Thank god most people are atheists.

    It is the only group of people that do not display signs of mental illness. No voices in their heads. No belief in things that can't be seen. No acceptance of men claiming to speak for something that can not be proven or seen.

    It does my soul good to know that the human mind is safe from nonsense.

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