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Posts posted by DirkGently

  1. So what is it you do here, ZaZa? If you work here then there is a chance that you can meet decent men. Of course bars are a no-no unless there is some social function on. Try joining a club or team of some kind.

    I'm still picking up a sense of 'enemy of the three goats' from you but the what the heck, it makes a nice change to converse with a muslim that is not burning the flag of some decent country or other. I trust there is no beard.

    I'd meet you. Just not near soi middle east in Nana. That is, of course, if I can find the time from trawling the rice fields and treating people like dogs and lumping everyone together like MALEE401. Poor MALEE, sounds like sour grapes.

  2. Briggsy, the number of road deaths is high but not that high. There was about 16500 deaths in 1996 and that plummeted to a 'mere' 13000+ in 2006.

    However, the Thaksin era party managed this 'sucess' by changing the way figures were collected. They stopped including those that died a certain time after the accident.

    I think the numbers show that Thai politness is a facde. They may be polite when pushing into a lift before those inside have exited, but behind the tinted windows and steel it all fades away. The real, selfish, me first and inability to think ahead shows.

    I was in a car that pulled into a magical third lane that only Thais can see to pass a few stopped cars. I saw from the backseat why they had stopped and said stop and slid down in my seat just as we hit a mini-bus.

  3. As for keeping 'jai yen yen', it only works if you can afford to lose out or go away empth handed.

    When I first arrived here I was sold a faulty product and was told by the company that there was nothing they could do. It was 19 days old and I was still expected to pay for parts and labour. I sat there with the fixed TAT smile and played along and got shafted.

    As time has worn on I have become less green and the last time I was messed about and lied to was when I bought a new phone with a faulty battery. The staff at Nokia replaced it with a 2nd hand broken one. So, I climbed aboard my high horse and went back. As my wife had picked it up they at first tried to deny that they had ever seen it or the receipt before so I took out the batt and slammed it down in front of the guy and demanded he do two things. Send me the manager and return with a new battery.

    My wife sat there and said nothing when he tried to deal with her except "you lied to him now you must deal with him" in English.

    The manager arrived and I firmly told her off for allowing this to happen.

    I walked out 10 minutes later with new a battery.

    Yes indeed, keeping ones cool works well in a restaurant where the girl has brought you chicken instead of pork or with the salesman that tells you it will be here tomorrow when in fact it will take 3 days. They are, after all, life's minor distractions. However, when the other person is trying to take advantage because they are too lazy/inept/stupid/dishonest and you are in the right, I say to hel_l with it.

  4. Zaza, I doubt that people would be openly racist towards you, but they may be wary of you.

    What with honour killings, intolerence towards non-muslims being at the core of many muslims and ugly images of islamic violence beamed to our screens, it's hard to blame them.

    If you are not like that, then It will shine through.

    At the end of the day we are all Johny Foreigner here in Thailand.

  5. Toptuan! Take a look at where the E and the O sit on your keyboard. Maybe it was a joke. I think they are still allowed on T.V.

    Taking on board what many have said, I can see most points about the Bangkok Post. I too get bored of reading letters from the same group. Another today from 'Mango'.

    Is there a rival in Thai print? I mentioned something that I had read in the Post to somebody I work with, who was reading a Thai newspaper, and they had no idea what I was on about.

  6. The Post is still much better than the Nation.

    The odd spolling mistake can be ignored as the news seems to be from a broader range of sources and the photos tend to be much better. I like the Post's habit of including quirky pictures with little more than a heading.

    As for spineless, lets just take a poke around the squeaky clean Thai Visa.

  7. I was walking with my isses when one of these people handed her a folded booklet with some Christian nonsense on the front. I took it and handed it back and said he should be ashamed of him self.

    Several years ago I visited some Thai friends out of BKK (I forget the name of the town) and was introduced to a guy who was running a playschool for kids while their parents worked. The second thing out of this guys mouth was "do you find time for jesus in your life?". I said that was the last thing I needed and he was wasting his time on me.

    Anyway, he went on to tell me what his sinister agenda was. To teach the kiddies the meaning of Christ blah blah and not to pray to HM as it was a false idol or somesuch rubbish.

    I made my excuses and left. I did, however happen to pass on what he said to some of the people in that area. I understand he left.

    It really sickens me to know that people try to crush another persons reasoning and attempt to instill some fancy notion of Jesus, who sat back through both world wars, and God, who was just a trifle too busy when the plague swept the world, when it really is about time we moved on from religion.

    We moved on from worshipping trees and the sun and moon god and its about time we set this aside as just human folly.

  8. Bloody mosquitoes. I'm convinced there is many more mozzies around than ever before. Is it something to do with the cool weather at the moment?

    It never fails to give me a kick when I dispense death in a blue flash and crack with the old electric tennis sabre. My hit-rate has never been so high, but they seem to be winning.

    So what to do? I thought about one of those ultra violet lamps,that you find in butchers, out on the balcony. However, would that just attract more?

  9. leave the OP alone. Idol gossip is not bothering anybody.

    I may have seen this guy but I'll ask a freind who is 'in the know' on Kao San. I doubt he doesn't pay his bills or he would be most unwelcome. I presume he has some arrangment with the boss. Maybe a tab or friend.

    I'd like to add an Odd-Bod to this thread. Does anybody know the identity of the Dutch 'backpacker' who sits around with a yellow sign saying something like "Please help me get home. Please donate some money for my air ticket."

    I saw him a year or so ago and a Thai friend said she had seen him at least 6 months before and I saw him near a mall a few weeks ago. He is certainly a con-artist.

  10. I received one of those FWDFWD email things and this one caught my eye. Does anyone have a clue where this place is?

    At first it may seem to be ice but if you look closely there are lots of people looking very rosy. I think it is some kind of mineral deposit from hot springs.

    I hope I have uploaded the photos properly.




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