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Posts posted by DirkGently

  1. Thanks Ting, I didn't know that. It just seemed to me that they were attempting to block my way to the ticket office. What if I don't want to sit in the VIP are? Can I tell them to stick it and buy a regular ticket? Would it be possible to buy a rip-off ticket for myself and then stand with the Thais that I will be going with in the back with all the pushing and yelling, not to mention a little betting?

    I hate being ripped off based on the shade of my skin or, for that matter, being treated better and shown to a special seat when i can stand as well as anyother.

  2. It could have been worse. It could have been me!

    But seriously, you got into a fight! It happens. At times I enjoy putting myself at danger and risking serious injury just for the fun of it. Most of the time you will get away with it. The thing to remember is to not look like a victim.

    The other to remember is not to have anything someone bigger or badder will want to take. If I intend to delve into the murky depths I leave my wallet at home and just take cash, swap my sim card into my old pre-war Nokia and take an old Casio watch. Perfect.

  3. Every time I visit a beer garden and order one, I have no idea what it is called.

    I am talking about those large beer containers that stand on your table with a small tap for you to top up your drinks. They usually contain something in the region of three litres and has an ice core to keep it cool.

    I guess everything has a name, right? It can't be a pitchur or a demijon.

    *****Free empty promise with the first correct answer with proof*****

  4. I have always wondered how some of these phobias manifest themselves. For example I have a phobia of crabs. I can't stand them. I don't like to look at them or be near them. So I avoid them and if there is one on a beach I will scare it away.

    So how does a fear of clouds affect a persons daily life? Do the only go out at night and on clear blue days?

    While I am on the subject, why is a dislike of muslims called Islamaphobia, when it is actually a dislike and not a fear of?

  5. Yes, I agree. Stories like this are everywhere if you look. A friend and I had rather too many beers one evening at a beer garden where we are known. In the morning I could not recall paying and an SMS to my friend confirmed that neither could he. A day or so later I called in and asked the staff if I had paid. They laughed and said yes. They could have said no and I would have handed over what I presumed would be right.

    On the other hand, a close friend of mine was stopped by an officer and was told he could go if he gave him some money. He tried telling the officer he had no money on him, so the officer took his phone.

    Yin and Yang I guess.

  6. I was passing Lumpini Park a few days ago and thought I would call in at the Muay Thai ticket office to enquire about prices etc! I would not have expected I needed an escort from a group of pushy officials that were hel_l bent on stopping me.

    I simply gave up within site of the ticket office. As always with 'officials', everything I wanted to know was impossible unless I bought a ticket. Ticket starting price was 800 Baht. I didn't even bother trying to find the upper price.

    I doubt that the average thai in the stalls has handed over upwards of 800 Baht. So, how much is it and how do I buy tickets? I have no intention of paying 800 Baht to sit in the 'sweat flick' zone, when I can mix it with the chaps at the back.

    Any ideas?

  7. Jingthing, come on now. Thailand is not just about visas and stamps in a passport. Do you not consider Thailand to be more about the people you live amongst?

    No doubt most of the country will be covered in yellow tomorrow and just a small part of it will be on me.

    You have stated that you are an American. Nothing wrong with that in anyway, but maybe this is part of the reason why you can't see 'it'. As an Englishman I have grown up with the Union Jack being displayed at times of Royal import. I recall watching Queen Elizabeth's walkabout on her 80th and was moved by groups of tourists and other non-white people in Britain (I can't be sure of their immigration status as they were on TV) waving flags and clearly enjoying being part of a celebration.

    However, Americans don't have a Royal family and I doubt people celebrate the birthday of President Bush. I may be wrong and my point is not meant to be rude towards the many fine Americans here in Thailand.

  8. JingThing, critical thinking requires that you see both sides of an opinion before skillfully conceptualizing a view. Not, as in your case, snapping back and faining offense. Yes, I read some of your responses on the mother of all t-shirts thread. A thread that was closed.

    The yellow shirt thing is so minor an issue that the very fact you harp on about it seems odd to me. I see it as taking part in something or a small step towards fitting in.

  9. I agree with all those that say Thais don't care. One doesn't have to look far to find contempt for 'farangs'. Like most racism it is bred from ignorance. From cradle to grave Thais are expected to be clones of one another and live by the mantra "Don't think about it. It's to serious".

    Today, for example, I went to a sale for staff in my building as was refused entry because I was not Thai. The staff running the sale wanted me to come in and the staff from my office thought it stupid of him, but he wouldn't relent. Both his brain cells were no doubt grinding away to produce the thought 'not Thai'.

    However, I try not to let the constant stream of nonsense and buffoonary wear me down. I have more money than most Thais. A far better education than most and almost certainly a better world view than the majority.

    But hey, the golf is cheap and the weather fine.

  10. Hey! I was in Paragon today. Dressed rather well, if I may say so myself, and I had a ball smiling at the ladies all dressed up to their nines.

    Who doesn't like being checked out and smiled at?

    The craze for shorts is fine by me. Walking behind a girl whose legs go all the way up and make an ass of themselves is great.

  11. To the people that DON'T CARE. I agree that climate change has not been proven and that change will continue due to forces of nature, but pollution has a very negative impact on our lives. Yours too!

    The filth in the air that comes from burning plastic, dirty beaches, contaminated drinking water etc are really down to us. I know buying a cotton bag won't save dolphins or whatever, but it can't hurt.

  12. I met a guy at the tattoo fair in Bangkok that had another mix up. He showed me a chinese symbol on his forearm that said 'mad' in Chinese.

    He wanted it to mean mad as in extreme sports, devil may care, base jumper sort of lifestyle.

    However it turned out to mean mad as in retarded, idiot, asylum kind of mad.

    What a chuckle!

  13. While the OP seems to be a little worked up, I tend to agree with some of his observations.

    Thais with money, not always that much, feel they must show it to the world. I am sure it is the same in many cultures it's just that Thais seem to take it too far. I have often thought that they couldn't be happier than if they could make their clothes out of 1k notes.

    The observation on the BMW, or let's just say 'nice' car, was spot on. I know that it happens. I used to visit a friend off Thong Lo and her car park was full of 'nice' cars. The average room rent was 3k. I also know a student that misses meals to ensure she can keep up the payments on her car.

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