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Everything posted by Pawpcorn

  1. I'm very sorry for "ghosting" my OP topic this past week....!!! RIGHT AFTER POSTING, I came down with my second occasion of COVID for 2022, and I was quite miserable for the entire week! (had 2 Moderna and 2 Pfizer vaccinations, previously) THIS TIME, I can "blame" my boyfriend for the infection... he clearly had the symptoms, but he denied, denied, and denied he had Covid, until I FINALLY got him to go buy a frigging test, and of course, a big ol' RED LINE on Covid appeared. I WILL say his denials and obstructions were quite creative LOL, but just evasive and inane, in reality. I tested red-line too, after about 3 days of being sick as a dog, with the same exact symptoms I had had the first time. Oddly enough (TIT) he questioned repeatedly HOW and WHY I thought I had Covid, and I had to twist his arm to buy me another Covid Test Kit, for the positive test. "Repeat after me: 'You were RIGHT, and I should have listened to you, and trusted your judgement!' " [this until the next time 555] Take care all, Pawpcorn
  2. Hi KayDeeDee, I'm quite chill, not sure what you're implying? ????
  3. Hi, DJ54, thanks for replying back! YES, we're quite close to the "Kumphawapi Train Station" in Phan Don, it's like about 2km away from our house... I'm guessing perhaps you are close to the town of "SeeThat" (?) (lol) but I'm painfully ignorant of the communities beyond Kumphawapi, so I plead ignorance, altho my better half is quite familiar with your area, most likely. I wouldn't profess myself as being anything along the lines of a "conversationalist" but I'd certainly be happy just being able to have a simple chat with you, next time you came to Kumphawapi, if you'd like? If you gave me a day's notice ahead of time, I'd be able to secure the way and means to meet you at your convenience; I'd really like that. You can send me a PM on Aseannow, and I'll also PM you with my phone number, to assist. I'm enjoying the cooler weather also; I always look forward to this time of year, myself. ???? Take care, Pawpcorn
  4. Hi, KhunLA, thanks for the reply back; much appreciated! I only mentioned "gun enthusiast" as saying I'd have a tough time if mass shootings in the US happened to come up in conversation, with the strong opinion coming back that "All we need is MORE GUNS as a solution..." {head explodes at that point}. Not sure if you're familiar with the Phan Don / Kumphawapi area(?), but in this area there's only ONE coffeeshop in both communities (no Starbucks), which is why I suggested Amazon... but then I make a mean cup of Java at my home, with freshly ground dark roasted Thai beans... Thanks for the suggestion about UdonMap site/forum; I may give that a try too! Take care, Pawpcorn
  5. Hi! I`m a 73yo retired expat from California... came to TH in 2006, lived in BKK 11 years, but then, after retiring, we moved to Phan Don, so my boyfriend of 17 years could be close to his sprawling family, nearby. We`re both very happy here, but like the subject says... I`m frankly starved for being able to have English conversation up here in rural Issan. Phan Don is 6km from Kumphawapi (IE conveniently close by) but 38km south of Udon Thani, altho that`s only an 8 Baht train ride away... So! If anyone`s in the neighborhood, similarly wishing for an occasional conversation (like over a cup of Amazon coffee), please send me a PM? Only "disqualifiers" would be MAGAs and fervent gun enthusiasts. Thanks for hearing me out! Regards, Pawpcorn
  6. Got my 2-stage electric heater and digital electronic thermostatic control all set and prepared. ????
  7. Or even worse, LIE. Yesterday my spouse attempted to buy some AUSTRALIAN beef tenderloin at the M**** store... This time, oddly enough, they were only stocking ONE THAI brand of "beef". Because the AGED versions of this product were selling for the same 2X price as the others, (the usual price of the Australian beef), spouse assumed it must be Australian, but asked the staff anyway, to confirm: "Is this Australian beef?", and they assured her that it WAS Australian. Luckily, before leaving the store, we conferred, via video. NOWHERE ON THE PACKAGE was there any mention or sticker, showing "AUS". I made her take it back, and return it to the original shelf, explaining that they had flat-out LIED. Later, at our lovely Villa Market, a genuine Australian steak was purchased. Expensive as h*ll, but I'll cut it into 4 or more pieces after cooking, for my rare steak and eggs / hashbrowns breakfast treat. [Not a "Rich Man", ???? ]
  8. Finally updated with PICTURES! ???? https://nypost.com/2022/12/06/inside-chris-christies-niece-shannon-epsteins-violent-plane-meltdown "At one point she “broke free” as officers tried to handcuff her, forcing cops to block her path. She “was belligerent and displayed unusual strength” during the struggle, according to the report. The niece of the ex-gov and failed 2016 presidential candidate “slurred her words” and “had white foam coming from the sides of her mouth. “Epstein punched me, kicked me, spit in my face, and twisted as she attempted to free herself from my grip,” the officer writing the report said."
  9. Ant poison is also very cheap and very effective, killing the queen ants in each hive.
  10. Price of "education" = value of lesson learned.
  11. This is why I use an ATM-Mastercard, linked to a special bank account which I limit to ALWAYS containing exactly 2000 Baht, for all my Shopee and Lazada purchases, and ONLY FOR THAT PURPOSE. As a aside, I keep my main savings in a different special bank account that has NO ATM CARD. My spouse regularly asks me why I maintain 4 separate bank accounts, both in BKK and my rural Issan province. I patiently explain every time, but I know there's imaginary suspicious overtones. I got embezzled ONCE in the USA, and once was enough for me. Long story on what it took to get my money back (even hiring a strong-willed young lady whose job it was to call BofA DAILY, until they finally capitulated.) ????
  12. Briefly was! "She paid $10,750 bail and was released from the Jefferson Parish Correctional Center later on Thanksgiving Day. Epstein is scheduled to return to Jefferson Parish for court on Jan. 23, although Rivarde said most airline-related cases move to federal court."
  13. "In the scuffle, she injured six deputies, biting one of the arm and breaking the skin, and kicking another in the groin, Rivarde said. They were treated there by paramedics. All the while, Epstein shouted that the deputies were going to lose their jobs or end up in jail, boasting that she was related to powerful people and that her uncle is a friend of former President Donald Trump."
  14. Hopefully there will be some rebound... ???? sometime in 2023...
  15. Yup! I noticed the effect on the bill, since my bedroom a/c is turned on and running (set at 28°) 22 hours a day, since I`m in discomfort mode, over 28°, in the bedroom, anyway. Sleep time now gets set to 23.5°, as per my spouse`s request. ????
  16. I've started running my Carrier wall air conditioner in "Dry" mode these recent months (which makes the compressor run at 40% less power) and I've noticed about a 700 Baht per month reduction in my electricity bill. Google this mode of operation, if you doubt me. ????
  17. Yes, you are correct... the exchange rates go up... and go down: I was committing wishful hopeful naive thinking, that USD to THB exchange rates would stay so favorable. Plus it seems using the term "tanked" was both inaccurate AND "triggering". My bad.
  18. You can chat directly with the vendor on the Lazada ap, and even send them pics. I've found them to be surprisingly helpful, tho their English will be Google-ish ????
  19. I`ve been gifted this way a few times myself, in similar situations, and it`s always been an act of compassion, due to my not being "a rich man". ????
  20. Funny (not so much) true fact about this thread... is that it subconsciously reminded me, and planted the seed for a VIVIDLY BAD DREAM very early this morning, creating a long dramatic dream, effectively reviving the utter shear stupidity of the American woman I was dumb enough to marry when I was 21 years old, until divorcing after 22 years. The kind of stupidity described in the OP can leave an everlasting imprint on one's psyche, when one makes epic-fail decisions of marriage...
  21. ...until the next hatchet job of tree trimming, (here in Issan), upon which we're guaranteed a minimum of a weeks internet outage, due to falling tree limbs snapping the fibers. A yearly event, and not including weekends, regardless of multiple phone calls, thank ya, TOT.
  22. Somewhat odd that the original author of the op hasn't been back to revisit his thread. I wonder why / what happened? ????
  23. My monthly Social Security payment dropped 6.33% in one month, since my SSA payment gets converted to Thai Baht, in Bangkok Bank's New York branch, and then transferred into my Direct Deposit account, in Thailand For me... it tanked
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