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Everything posted by Pawpcorn

  1. I believe this forecast! Has he any bridges for sale too? ????
  2. Jesus, proof that 1) The "Second Shoe Falling" life experiences here are still in effect, and quite prompt. 2) Newbies here in the "Land of [1] Smile" should pay close attention to us long-term resident keyboard advisors here! "You Snooze, You Lose". Now eyes wide open? ????
  3. I.E. strong rip tides. Further info: Rescue workers eventually arrived and managed to pull two unconscious women, a 52-year-old mother and her 16-year-old daughter, out of the water. They then called for an ambulance as they administered CPR before its arrival. Both were later pronounced dead at a hospital. Rescue workers said there are normally two life guards posted on the Nai Thon beach from 8am until 7pm, but the two victims entered the water before they started work. ...maybe time to review the life guard staffing and schedule, think?
  4. The pictures detail IS strange... Maybe they had some doubt about your residency, from after looking at that part of your documentation....???
  5. ...And money well spent, it's plain to see.
  6. Ah, I USED to play that game, back in bkk, before moving to rural Issan, 6 years ago...
  7. What are "Spot the cop hunts"? Can anyone play?
  8. Here's a nice warm fuzzy feeling (CONFIMATION OF DELIVERY AND PICKUP!) AND 11 days, start to finish! Hard to complain about that! BTW, this site is terrific, and the FIRST PLACE where the reality check of 5-7 days NORMAL waiting period for the letter to enter USPS was shown to me, providing some reassurance! https://parcelsapp.com/en/tracking/
  9. From full article... Good to see clear thinking prevails... just associate the banking loan default rates with prior "Thai Flood Planning", lol “We have to look at it systematically, if the market forces work, to go against the market forces will cause damage to some system. We must find a way to prevent the system from damaging. If we decide to resist like when there was a flood, the water will go underground and flood anyway. This is something to be cautious about and the Bank of Thailand and the authorities are aware of this issue,” Payong told.
  10. Rich... from full article: He said that the reduction in the international value of the baht could be slowed down by short-term profit taking in the stock market by foreign investors and profit taking by some speculators, in anticipation of the better than expected recovery in tourism business.
  11. Thanks, I understand, now. Unfortunately, the device's price exceeds my budget, living and providing for 2+ here, on Social Security...
  12. Interesting eval: https://www.esquire.com/lifestyle/g20952097/best-weed-vaporizers-to-buy-now/
  13. This device uses an external lighter of one's choice for a heat source... Is that practical? What is your feedback on this battery-less design? Any down-side? [honestly this sounds like a "pipe", eh?] Would there be advantages to using an electric vape device? Thanks, Pawpcorn
  14. So joints are better. Got it.
  15. Ah, thanks! It was hidden on the extreme far righthand side!!, UPDATE: My location not serviced...
  16. I'm probably just missing something obvious here, but I can't see that option in the app:
  17. Actually FINISHING the MOTORWAY 6 from BKK to ISSAN might be a good place to "start". ????
  18. Try this search instead then:
  19. Good tip! Today I just inputted "cannabis", and came up with a local farm / bar in the results for my ISSAN locale. ????
  20. .5mg Alprazolam (Xanax) gets me through the occasional night where 1/2 through the sleep cycle, some anxiety-provoking thoughts / worries / problems have made continued sleep impossible. Xanax is effective during daytime hours, too. Good news is Thai doctors seem to have very little resistance to prescribing Xanax. NOT FOR DAILY USE, afaik.
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