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Everything posted by transam

  1. Indeed, a................................😊
  2. Nobody has said they get the same benefits, YOU said they don't get any benefits, when they do...........🤭 You keep failing.......🙃
  3. Weeell, he keeps showing up, to show himself up......🤭
  4. Only fools don't understand that Trump is on the rails..........😊
  5. Mercenaries, sort of, but it was a misunderstanding..........🤗
  6. But he was convicted, and by a jury, but like you, there are daft folk that support him that actually think he is a saint and not a liar............🤣, which is very funny..........😂
  7. Reflective of all the Lord's, I have no idea, but I never heard any booing or shouts of despair. But the Lord was right, he quoted facts and numbers. Do those facts and numbers bother you, FROM his speech, or do you want to go off on a tangent.......🤭
  8. Oh, I forgot, the only probs I have had is with banknotes, they have to be like straight off the printing press. I pay in dollars, can save over 500bht. Once I paid with 2x20 Dollar bills, refused one, what he pointed out was ridiculous, I said I haven't got another dollar bill, he said then you pay 1000bht. Hmmmm, a nice little earner. So now when I buy dollars, I leave them and the receipt in their exchange shop envelope, when I get to Laos, I make sure he sees me take them out of the money exchange envelope, because if the refuse any note, I will ask them to write on the envelope what is wrong with it for the exchange shop......😋
  9. The British wannabe Russian speaks...........😂 Go read a WWII history book...........🙄 You are always wrong, but Russia "NEEDS YOU", now, get your bags packed, off you go, no good spouting your stuff to us lot, get over there......😉
  10. I think more a nutter, a few show up on the Ukraine threads, supporting Putin, and they are from the West.......🤔
  11. I thought Putin "deleted" them...........🤭
  12. The Western Putin supporter expert talks.........😂
  13. "Apparently"...............🤣
  14. Wrong again, what is wrong with you, it's no wonder you're a Putin fanboy....
  15. I had no probs at Chong Mek, I have never had a problem at Chong Mek, in all the years I have been here........🙂
  16. Why on earth would you think that, I think you are confused, Red bloke. Plus, I can also assure you, my arms are not little....😉
  17. The asylum seekers must be doing something to get by, there are thousands in the UK. Thousands holed up somewhere, no doubt with their own kind, working, even home deliveries. There are a zillian takeaway delivery shops in the UK too. There are some UK immigration vids out there catching these folk....
  18. Oh, so the taxpayers money your chums get is not a "real benefit". What is it then, and if it is not a benefit, why give it to them....? Honestly, once again you have been proven wrong.....😉 Oh, where's your response to the House of Lord's speech on your Islamic chums, I/we are still waiting......
  19. Yeh, riiiiiiiiight...............🤣
  20. At the moment, they can't take anyone on, they are playing the reserves.........
  21. Stop talking rubbish, you're not in Russia now.........
  22. I thought it was "Putin Wanderers"...................
  23. Thought it would cheer you up........😒

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