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Everything posted by transam

  1. The waiter......😉
  2. Then I am very happy you were not around in 1939, with your attitude...... Surrender, surrender, yes sir, no sir, do anything you like sir....... You should be ashamed of yourself..........
  3. Then, I am then surprised that you don't........
  4. I am a gentleman, apologise when I see fit, unlike an orange bloke who is totally the opposite.... I just love this photo, the Queen is thinking, "What is this waiter doing"..... 😁
  5. In a shop changing room.......?
  6. Then keep your fingers crossed that your hero does the walk of shame, which he should have done waaaaay back......😉
  7. I don't own a car........😉
  8. It seems you Trumpettes really fear this lady.........🤭
  9. Oh, when she was a teenager learning her trade.....What campus was that, were you there..?
  10. You wish, Trumpy will bury himself, he is doing it daily now...........😂...........
  11. Sorry to hear you are on the way out............😢 Not really, I wish you would get over to Ukraine and help your chum out, he needs some extra cannon fodder...😁
  12. I have an inset Camar-Tech glass twin gas burners. It is now 16 years old, still works, though I did strip it down and replaced a few parts a couple of years back... At the time, I think it cost about 6kbht..
  13. That reads like gay question........? 🤗
  14. Perhaps what you know is wrong or twisted.......🤗
  15. Iz zat, zat you are gay.........? 😉
  16. That reads like it is you that doesn't understand anything....🤔 And a know-it-all ta boot........
  17. Absolutely, some here are made of the same cloth................🤔
  18. It looks like his Party fears ousting Trumpy, but they know he is embarrassing to the Party..........😬
  19. It would be, he just got done for fiddling the books, you are probably not one of those who have been swindled by his dodgy practices...
  20. I understand what she is saying, I can't say the same of your leader. Your leader's constant attacks on anyone, even the Judge in his court cases, is all he has got, an embarrassment, a fallen Messiah, wannabe dictator, and it seems many have now seen the light...... Your leader destroyed himself with his mouth, blokes like you can't see it, which, me, as an outsider, find amusing...🤭
  21. Riiiiiiiiiight.............. But, with your views, you probably would have earned more in Iran........🤕
  22. You've got some front, have you ever actually listened to your leader......🤣 Is the bullet that he took going to be put on show somewhere........
  23. Your man can only castigate, Kamila has a huge arsenal to bury McTrump, if she so desired, but as things are, probably doesn't have to sink as low as the felon...🤗

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