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Everything posted by transam

  1. I thought Americans were murdering Americans every day..... Yes/No....? Trump is an embarrassment, in my opinion, those who spout your type of nonsense are embarrassing too. Oh, when is your hero's next court case...? 😬
  2. Says the Welsh Red bloke.........😂
  3. I don't know, but you could try asking your paymaster.............
  4. Peaceful, damaging the UK's priced possessions, enjoyment, you idiot...........🤥
  5. Your nuts.......😌 And if I asked, you would not have the faintest idea how things using oil now would carry on doing what they do. The world would stand still.....And folk like you can't see it, have no answers... Just lug on a fag......
  6. It reads like you are around 120 years old, or more, and so daft to think things will change because a few nutters want to annoy folk doing their daily thing with what is the norm now. Your orange protesters, I see lugging on a ciggy in public, they are hypocrite nutters...😬
  7. Sunbeam, it seems YOU don't understand, or the stop oil fruitcakes, we are nowhere near the crossroads you talk about..........🙄........ People were doing the same about nuclear power, where are they now, all toasty in their houses.....? 🤭 Do you actually think there is no one working on new types of energy at this very moment, well do you.......?
  8. e/ Personally attack anyone in his way to satisfy the back-to-front ball cap brigade. Because they swallow all that cr@p, hook line and sinker. Do you know why McDonald's has hug "M" signs, so his followers won't get lost.. So you will be OK near anywhere.....
  9. I'm not, seems you must be.........
  10. Napoleon never had air drops/helicopters...............🙄...................
  11. Why does that concern you, or is your team in the east feeding you instructions........? 😒
  12. Oh, so you arrived in LOS on an electric aeroplane, now if you didn't, you are a hypocrite......
  13. Did you get that from a how to be Nazi handbook, or Trump........😬
  14. They get confused, a bit like Trump.....🤔
  15. Hmmmm, winter fuel payments, there's a few on here in tears that will probably lose a few quid, but will not make a complaint...🤭
  16. They are not dissatisfied with the NHS, they just don't like the wait. The NHS cannot have an expert on hand for everyone, instantly, it is impossible, plus the costs are impossible for what you want to happen.... 🤒 Now if you want it to happen, then double taxes, that'll do it....But we don't want to do that, the well-off can pay if they want........ My chum has not long ago gone back to the UK to get sorted, he is getting sorted, as he needs to be sorted in emergency style, yes, the NHS does work...
  17. Ooooooh no, you, wherever you come from, are known here. I look forward to seeing Labours cock-ups and you, making excuses for them, the same you have also done for your imported chums. Your Party has already stated financial hits on folk..It will be fun, guaranteed...
  18. I thought I was going to get through the day without reading something really daft, you ruined it.......🤕 Please do a bit of Google research before you post again on this subject......🙄
  19. Will you be back here if confirmed a religious nut......? 🤭
  20. So what, as long as she doesn't hate her country, in bed with the Commies, or is anything like the fruitcake trying to be a Messiah again..? 🤕
  21. You forgot heart attacks, why not go the whole hog...............🙄 Fentanyl and suicides are both self-inflicted, in many cases, so are heart attacks..

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