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Everything posted by transam

  1. Oh, a friend told you...................
  2. This all sounds quite normal for this country, you know, the left hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing...........
  3. "Quiet", they know what's on the horizon, weird stuff that you support that will bring down the UK.... Your friends taking over, the British way of life destroyed.... But, you will be happy..............🤨
  4. You obviously haven't a clue what happened, but in your case not having a clue is quite normal........
  5. It would seem, these 2 numpties were lucky they had a mum that could bail them out. It would seem that many farangy's involved with dodgy stuff have the resources to get bailed out. How's that Swiss bloke Dave getting on, did money talk in his case...? I hope the cop who was attacked by these two, was handsomely rewarded by mum.....😉
  6. Not you or the NZ numpties........😂
  7. Then it's strange I don't have the daily problems you have in LOS, eh......🤭
  8. You should try reading about communist history and the executions of its citizens for near nothing, sending unarmed men in waves to face gun fire, life means nothing to who ever is in the commy hot seat. And you have the front to talk about other's intelligence, you fool...... Why don't you get out there and help out your leader, instead of waffling your Red garbage here......🤔
  9. Are you the expert on the subject regarding brain-dead numpty fools, but wait, undoubtably you are, probably of the same ilk...........
  10. Didn't you mean "numpties"......? 🤔
  11. Which you have had many-a-time.....?
  12. More guesswork from the Red bloke.............😂
  13. The game show, just about Trump's mark..........
  14. Then, just keep your head down, you'll be OK...😉
  15. On a film set........?..........😂 Just imagine John Wick with his on-screen stuff checking guns every 5 minutes...😂 That's why they pay safety to do the job for the ACTORS....🙄 But, there will always be the hang 'em high brigade on here..........😬 The judge made the correct decision.......
  16. Wrong thread, chap........
  17. I have corrected your spelling and grammar, it's an old age thing...........🤣
  18. What you are looking forward to is, the UK's downfall, more of your friends given entry to the UK, and the populace paying more taxes to cater for what you crave....
  19. Pot/kettle, Mate............🤠

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