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Everything posted by transam

  1. Wrong, over near 18 years, at least I can count..........
  2. "Dems will try all their tricks", 🤣 you have been telling us for weeks Biden is useless, but now he is so clever he can fix election stuff.............🤣 I image next your Russian connections will fix it for Trump.........😂
  3. I would not research anything to do with a supporter of Russian aggression, you...😬
  4. "Crumbling NHS"..........😆 Where you come from you have to pay big money, insurance, eh....😥
  5. Ooooh, so you're into extended family now to bolster your Red BS...........🤭
  6. I gave you a "laugh", you are one of the best trolls we have had on here for a long time, either that or you're crackers.......😂
  7. That sounds daft, in all my life of motoring I have never had a car without a safety latch, but then I have never had a Chinese ride............😝
  8. A vehicle hood/bonnet all have a "catch" in case you forget to close it properly......🤭
  9. Says the bloke who regularly gets things wrong on here.....😆
  10. So why doesn't everyone who works or contracted to the BBC do it......? Perhaps not that stupid to risk the sack.....🥴
  11. You look up urostomy bag........Do I have to explain everything.........🙄
  12. How can I, I don't know what he was thinking, nor do you, I find McTrumps antics more amusing.......🤭 As for the White House, they are probably in fear of a possible McTrump comeback, the most embarrassing President the USA and World has ever known........😌
  13. What a load..............🤣
  14. It seems you don't understand that his job is to stay out of controversial stuff. He gets paid a lot of money to stay on his paid topic. Though it would seem you don't understand any of that, perhaps because of your time spent in football stands doing your thing..........
  15. The bloke should be castrated, given a plastic bag to pee in.............
  16. How would they have known.........? 🤔
  17. What a stupid post, from a bloke from the land of angels.........
  18. But, I don't like your communist arguments, so I respond, now you don't like responses, what a shame.......................🙄....................
  19. For you, most definitely, but don't put the rest of us in your bracket, eh........🥴
  20. Will you pass that info on to your chum on the other side..............
  21. It would seem, the illegal foreigners entering the UK get preference..........🤔
  22. In a World where one wrong word will get you castigated, I think Biden is probably using his loaf. You should try it sometime............🤭

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