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Everything posted by transam

  1. They would if they could, let's be clear about that. Plus, your chums have been sending rockets indiscriminately into Israel for many years, you conveniently forgot about that too.......... 🤔
  2. I thought the Russians gave up and retreated in Afghanistan, or was it to go have tea & sandwiches.......🧐
  3. You Reds will always deny................😂
  4. Why do you keep posting IDF operations, you have yet to tell us about your chums, Hamas operations......
  5. If friendly countries ask for assistance, why not. I am sure Taiwan will get assistance too...
  6. "Involving".....................🤣
  7. Then, think yourself lucky nobody goes there...........
  8. How do you know that....? 🤔
  9. Yeh riiiight, well, we all know you do that, you told us, but the computer dots are all lining up for those on the fiddle.......
  10. No you're not, you are the type to push the boundary's on any subject...🙄
  11. Do we all stay the same throughout our life, I don't think so................🤭
  12. As I thought, a racist thing with you, but never mind, there are a couple here like you ...l
  13. How did you come to that conclusion, your own choice experience.......? 🤔
  14. Have you been doing extensive people watching to come to your conclusion.......🤭 Airports, McDonald's, Starbucks, Dentists.......
  15. I would have thought the same for any police force.....
  16. Your fighting force ran away the same day to hide behind THEIR civilians............😂
  17. No, to sensible people, who hope this terrorist organization pay the price, as the Nazis did........🤔
  18. But, Angela Rayner is the shadow deputy Prime Minister...............😱
  19. Nooooooooooooo, whodathought...........🤣
  20. Reads like you have been burned, twice.........😬
  21. Weeell, start something new...........Go for it....

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