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Everything posted by transam

  1. We KNOW your point, and we are not as daft as you think.........
  2. We know, you're late, and it would seem you have never been ripped off by a taxi driver, plus you are protecting the taxi driver here when the passenger was clearly heard saying, "Give me my money".........Hmmmmm............
  3. What would you have done if the taxi had put YOUR money in his bin.......? Being half p_ssed, would it be.."Ok, keep my money", or "OK, I am going to go and find a policeman"...........
  4. No, he's had his eyes open and not a Thai apologist like yourself.........
  5. I was watching an old Thai guy arc welding with no arc shield, I knew the bloke, I was trying to tell him about arc-eyes, made no difference, he had always done it that way. He could hardly see anything, and probably wondered why, but he's dead now...🤗
  6. So you don't understand, stand down, which means "It's pointless"..........
  7. Be fair, it wasn't farangy's this time............
  8. Yes, I am quite happy with my jabs, I am still alive.............
  9. Could be....................🤗
  10. The IDF do have a lot of farangy press in their mist, so I understand...🤗
  11. Do you flag them down and ask their nationality for your notes........? 🤔
  12. Stand down, Gottfrid, you will get too confused...............🤔
  13. What a waste of time...........😂 And you still haven't told me where your county comes in the rascal picture.........🤣 But, never mind, I didn't get that photo either, from you, now did I......
  14. Although I don't know, I was thinking along those lines, driver taking advantage of an inebriated passenger, which we all know happens a lot here. The driver did it to the wrong chap this time, perhaps...😉 If it were a British Nun, Goat would have had her hung......😂
  15. But you don't know the full story, do you, just want to hang a Brit... Let's wait and see what transpires, eh.........😉
  16. I wonder what "Brit" find you will post on tomorrow............🤭
  17. As being English, I have to agree with that........🤗
  18. Go back and read your post, it's daft, you think that folk like me are like some bloke who's come here for a cheap leg-over holiday..................🤔 I suppose your lot never do anything wrong, try thinking before you post....
  19. Stupid post......... Gottfrid, from the land of Angels.................🤔
  20. Oh, no he isn't...........😉
  21. He don't care, been at it for years......
  22. The problem is, it's an Australian's daily hobby, go read his profile/posts, you will be amazed.....😁

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