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Everything posted by transam

  1. Talking of prat, how are you today, all charged up, ready to go.........
  2. A confused member would.........🤗
  3. So, does that mean you think it OK to stitch-up customers.......?
  4. Who's josephbloggs.......🤔 Emojis are part of my mouse, great fun, shows an added meaning to a sentence, it avoids confusion for those who are generally confused......🤭
  5. Oh well, in that case he may well be off back to his home town, what a tool....
  6. More like Chinese lack of design thought, it looks hideous.........😂 But I thought you would like it.......🤗...........🤭
  7. Yes.......Your lot, bring them all in, plenty of room..........
  8. Perhaps has an office there...........😋
  9. For once, you are correct, well done.............
  10. That happens all over the globe, but you pick on LOS, and a couple of things you know about. Eyes closed, your 'avin a laugh, I may have been here longer than you, I can tell you, I hear less here than I did in London.....🤗.............😂 Get back behind your curtain, chap....😉
  11. Your lot stood in the way of fixes, your lot are on the beaches with sandwiches and cups of tea.......... Your lot got what they wanted, now complaining because they are not in power..😂
  12. But you go off on a tangent trying to "belittle", hence my post... Besides, you are not the be-all and end-all on the subject.....
  13. Is that based on your own personal situation....? 🤔
  14. Not so fast, there is a purge on for farangy's that like to show and use their aggression, at the mo....😉
  15. But unfortunately for you, the nutters come here because they can't do their thing there......🤗
  16. Spoken like a true EV owner.........🥴............
  17. No, thats the MG...................😂
  18. I think it funny that now the illegals have found out they are going to be shipped to Africa, they are now heading to Ireland in fear......🤣 The Africa thing has sent a clear message, which may deter the channel crossing, and they settle for the EU mainland...Hoorah......
  19. If no illegals, there would be no need to spend money, would there, but of course your lefty lot would have done better, paid for them all to have a house..........
  20. Was it a Luxury Cab......?......😂

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