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Posts posted by transam

  1. Could have rusted some stuff up if water was not expelled or heat dried. Drive for a while and see if it sorts itself out. If it doesn't then something is out of true, plate and/or pressure plate and will need replacing. Only other thing is if oil from trans or engine has passed their seals and has contaminated the centre plate. Usually you can spot that by sliding under and see if there's any oil present from the bell housing. :)

  2. They don't use proper wall ties, just what's laying around. Sounds like you got a bit of settlement, depending on your out board corner support column concrete pads it could get worse if put on soft ground. For now run a bit of clear frame sealer down the crack so you can keep an eye on it and see if it gets worse. :)

  3. Thanks for that. Thought l was going to get blasted. But think those who go business are to stay away from screaming kids. :D

    We go business most of the time when we fly long haul....with an 8 month old...


    :rolleyes: & are obviously very proud of that fact. Hopefully the fleas of one thousand camels infest your armpits.

    There's an apparent difference when I travel alone and others travel with kids in business class. MY child is well behaved.:D

    But you didn't know that till you tried and alas most are not, been there done that. :)

    Big % of kids have mega problems with the pressurisation process, even adults, adults suffer in silence, kids don't.

  4. Thanks for that. Thought l was going to get blasted. But think those who go business are to stay away from screaming kids. :D

    We go business most of the time when we fly long haul....with an 8 month old...


    :rolleyes: & are obviously very proud of that fact. Hopefully the fleas of one thousand camels infest your armpits.

    :cheesy: +1

  5. I've been waiting 6 weeks which by the sounds of it is not that long. The woman in the small branch of the dealership is totally unhelpful.

    Is there anything I can do to speed things along? For example, phoning the Head Office of the dealership or contacting the Land Transport Department. Is it just a case of waiting?

    I have no log book either. Should I have one of these as I am talking about a motorbike?

    As long as you have the official paper with stamp saying up to 60 days for plate manufacture for the BiB your OK, BUT we waited ages to find ours to find they were on a shelf at the licensing office. They didn't phone, so you could go to the office to see if they have the plate. :)

  6. One Word: checkedbaggage :ph34r:


    +1 :lol:

    Best idea yet, l have an horrendous memory of out of order parents that did nothing to control a pain kid. They slept while the kid run a muck round the cabin. :bah:

    Should have one of those beam me up scotty gadgets to eliminate kids from flights. :lol:,

    PS. keep kids out of business or first class, flyers pay a lot of money for the relaxed atmosphere to arrive fresh for their appointments.

    You get a better class of screaming brat in business class, I think all other passengers should be banned from flights Im on heres my list for any of u that fit the category.

    1. the guy/gal who decides to stand the entire journey whilst leaning on your head rest in the aisle constantly waking you up

    2 the screaming brats running round usually Indian when I fly who treat the plane like a playhouse ( I always wish for bad turbulence)

    3 The same Indians who start getting their bags out of the overhead lockers the second the plane has touched down

    4 The kickers or the ones who insist on changing channesl on touchscreen tvs with their fist like an elephants when there is also a handset

    5 The person with the extremely loud voice ( theres always one) and they are incessant talkers

    6 The people who aimlessly walk up and down the aisle only whe the trolley dolleys are trying to get their dinner wagons down

    7 Poeple who pi** all over the toilet seat then leave the room like a bombs hit it and the door swinging open where they didnt close it fullly

    8 the people who recline their seat right back as you try to eat your food on the tray

    ahhhhhhhhhh i could go on but people these days are selfish <deleted>***rs :D

    Even in Business which Ive been in many times the problems still arise money makes no difference. Business class main gripe is it aint worth it and the service isnt much better you just get a bit more room.

    Thanks for that. Thought l was going to get blasted. But think those who go business are to stay away from screaming kids. :D

  7. One Word: checkedbaggage :ph34r:


    +1 :lol:

    Best idea yet, l have an horrendous memory of out of order parents that did nothing to control a pain kid. They slept while the kid run a muck round the cabin. :bah:

    Should have one of those beam me up scotty gadgets to eliminate kids from flights. :lol:,

    PS. keep kids out of business or first class, flyers pay a lot of money for the relaxed atmosphere to arrive fresh for their appointments.

  8. Thanks for all ur suggestions and even some strange ones that were PM to me. Just to clear the air.......I ain't no snob and I have nothing about individuals from Isaan, etc or even about Brit Pensioners, etc. I do not care if a person is poor or rich , educated or not-educated but I do care for a certain degree of civility and general cleanliness and manners.

    I just came back to my unit after work to see the same mess outside. Sights! I am planning something drastic but its not what some of u are thinking.......Yes I do wish they die! but I am not the one who will ever want to dirty my hands.

    One of my Thai neighbours who also hate this family checked and found out that the Brit's chap details are not with the Juristic Office. By law, the juristic office is suppose to be having it and sending a copy to Immigration. They have asked him many times but he has never responded. The lease was taken under the name of the female thing! On the top of that, he never goes out and has a man of African origin visiting him sometimes and also my neighbour said the guards suspect that he has been taking certain narcotics by the poolside. What I am planning to to inform the authorities. But we want to do it the right way so that the whole family gets into a real serious mess not just say possession but more that that. I am willing to pay the authorities whatever. Trust me just give me a couple of days more to get rid of this trash. Thanks for all the suggestions but I do not think it will work on this lower life forms and that this might be the best action.

    Let us know how you get on. :ph34r:

  9. I first read this and found it amusing, why? Because I'm stood on the outside looking in. However I can see how this is driving you nuts. But be careful, if you set yourself up as the spokes person for the "get them out campaign" you could find yourself on the receiving end of a backlash from the "Adam family" and I would bet a pound to a pinch of shit nobody will help you. You are dealing with a family of Issan country bumpkins, they don't think like you, or have any respect for what you think is right and wrong. Don't bother talking to there pet buffalo, (the farang) he has no say in what go's on.

    Time and time again you can hear of stories of poor Thais with little or no education doing pretty dumb shit.......No correlation between action and conscience, setting yourself up as the focal point of a campaign to get them out...Not smart!

    I do agree with you................They gotta go! I would look at all the options posted, seriously, I particularity like the voodoo one for starters, as your dealing with a bonehead family. You need to reverse the table while staying the Gray man, start smiling at them in the lift again......

    There's more than one way to skin a cat. Good luck, and keep us posted.

    Voodoo, plus they will not know if Thai or Farang do the business. :D Hopefully think it Thai.

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