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Posts posted by transam

  1. Transam, never a truer word spoken, skun knuckles and bits all over the place. The b@@@@@@d spring was easy to find, the little filled washers with the slot were the hard bit to both find and fit.

    Forgot about those little blighters, yes, the final operation THEN, everything goes sky wards, blood on the floor and words your mrs has never heard before eh. :lol:

    Which is why I always prefered to pay expensive mechanics back home to do the brake jobs. I found it much less inconvenient to lighten my wallet than beat up my knuckles, and crawl around the floor looking for springs and other rusty parts. Even at the going rates per hour for labor, I factor in time is money. My time is worth a lot. Why spend half to 2/3 of a day doing a brake job myself due to lack of practice, when the pro can do it in a couple of hours?:thumbsup:

    Some of us have hobbies which include classic cars that no other hands touch. :D

    Look at my avatar, my work, nooooobody touches it.

  2. I watch the Thai Soap operas.

    Me too!, where do they get those young female actresses from??, I think they are all locked away somewhere, never see those pale beauties up here!

    You've been locked away too long. :)

    Where are you, might do a rescue mission. :ph34r:

  3. We seem to be not able to have a definetive answer to my original question, some thoughts and suggestions, I have always been a supporter of the Europeon Idea but as a result of reading what the Dutch Govt might be up to its does make you wonder if its worth it, the UK has one set of rules, the Dutch now think they will change all that, seems to me like whatever happens someone makes sure you dont win. I think maybe the answer is to vote UKIP at the next election, I had previously mostly voted tory, but was not there for the last one, yes UKIP for me, sometimes I think the only way to win is to turn up and claim I am seeking political assylum and after a couple of years when we have all the benefits sorted out, offer to go away, here are my terms and fees. Sure is not the country I was born and brought up in.

    How right you are. Me an oldy, and my late dad who fought for the UK in 39 up, died an unhappy man, saw his country given away to people who did not strike and fight for the stuff it has now. ;)

  4. My downstairs loo was flooded, thought, shit :) , BUT, in-laws had come and obviously didn't know the science behind the apparatus, or, they don't like me. :)

    PS. Gun shot from the rear, takes a little practise but keep water pressure a little low until you aim is accomplished. :D

  5. BTB, if it's on the cable TV system, you can come to my hotel, put your feet up with a beer (or 2/3/4 etc) and I can drop you at the airport (2 minutes away) for your flight. Would be good to meet another TV poster from Phuket


    How extremely civilized. :drunk::)

    (wish l had known)

  6. i am in the same boat after 44years of paying full stamps i dont get the yearly increase,there was a case back in 2009 in which a lady living in south africa took the uk gov.to the court of human rights over this issue they ruled in favour of the gov.any way it beats living in what has become a sh-t hole.

    Yes, l must agree, as now immigrants are taken care of big time where as those who might have fought for the UK and are old are now history. :bah:

  7. I did 220kph on the autobahn while I was there...

    two of my American neighbours visited us (on different occasions) in Germany. of course i had to show off a bit and accelerated several times to reach nearly 300. one of them enjoyed the ride immensely, the other one i asked later jokingly whether he will pay for the replacement of the handle at the door which he crushed with his right hand when holding on.


    Crushed, hmmm, must have been a BMW. :D

  8. If you ever have to install one of these individual electric shower heaters, you'll see (on the installation instructions), that the water supplied to the inlet should be at a certain pressure. If you happen to shower at a time of high water demand in your hotel/condo/apartment block, that pressure may be reduced and that has an effect. Also, by opening or reducing the supply tap (that's in your control), you'll get cooler water on high flow than you will on low flow, assuming your temperature control adjustment remains constant. Got it?

    Next, the ambient water temperature has much to do with it. During the hot months we don't even turn on our shower heater - and the water comes through well hot. Come the cold season, we might have that sucker turned up to the max and still have to reduce the water flow to get warm water. The larger capacity water heaters tend to work more reliably I think.

    Actually the problems go away when you have water supplied at a constant pressure and a constant ambient temperature, but when has anything ever been reliably constant in this non-utopian world? Taking cold water scoop baths in an Issan bathroom in December focuses the mind most wonderfully, I recall, and the installation of our first hot water shower was reason enough for a party!

    +1 :)

  9. OP I would take a lot of the comment's about machining with a grain of salt they are only machining a small amount from the drum and maybe they did the disk's at same time normally they are just taking the ridges out. With disc you can run your finger across the surface to feel these ridges. This has been standard procedure and not replace with new drum's. You will not run out of brakes for the next 11 years.

    Think your making a bit of an assumption there. A machine shop is there to make money and will skim/machine out big grooves caused by worn out friction material and/or rivet damage. They don't care about contact reduction just doing what they do for cash. :)

  10. Transam, never a truer word spoken, skun knuckles and bits all over the place. The b@@@@@@d spring was easy to find, the little filled washers with the slot were the hard bit to both find and fit.

    Forgot about those little blighters, yes, the final operation THEN, everything goes sky wards, blood on the floor and words your mrs has never heard before eh. :lol:

    Getting back to what I wrote earlier, never had any trouble with the springs in an English written interpretation on drum brake shoes assembly with my special tool :whistling:.

    Getting back on topic ' Cockpit ' have good franchisees outlets I would recommend them to anyone whatever car they had, I just hope they do not become complacent and get sloppy like so many main dealer places.

    Special tool, said that to the mrs but she's never been impressed. :lol:

  11. I thought until a girl/boy reaches 20 they are under the control of the parents. If any have a problem with the BiB under 20 then the parents are involved, we had probs with my mrs daughter under 20 and the parents were dragged in, she is 22 now and nooooo problem now for the parents UNLESS money can sort it. The daughter at 19 moved in with a low life at his parents house and the mrs went to the police and an order was given by them that the parents of the boy had responsibility for the girl if there is any hassle.

  12. Transam, never a truer word spoken, skun knuckles and bits all over the place. The b@@@@@@d spring was easy to find, the little filled washers with the slot were the hard bit to both find and fit.

    Forgot about those little blighters, yes, the final operation THEN, everything goes sky wards, blood on the floor and words your mrs has never heard before eh. :lol:

  13. there's a couple pics of that pesky mechanical adjuster in action. there's usually a slot

    in the backing plate and you insert a spoon and turn that starwheel until the brake shoes

    contact the drum and then back it off a tad. otherwise you will have excessive pedal travel

    with all-mechanical or a hydraulic system. the reason your emergency brake might have a lot

    of travel or tighten-up with just one click. it is moving the one shoe mechanically.

    Brake_Drum_Adjuster.jpg D44_drum_brakes_3.jpg

    Looking at the picture reminds me of some disasters I've had removing the assembly and stuff flying everywhere and then trying to figuring out how it all went back together (those bastard strong springs) :D.

  14. To all you poor bastards who truly believe the only way to meet a lady here in Thailand is to pick one up from a gogo bar; seriously.... put down that cheap Chang beer, put on a shirt and decent pants and step out into that other world for a change. You know, that world where people have jobs in offices, teaching, running businesses, exercise in gyms, etc. Expand your horizon, hang out with different folk for a change.


    At last! Now you two can circle jerk!

    Well, l wonder who the jerk really is here. Me personally have never been in a ''bar'', would never be involved with a hooker but have a Thai wife. WHY, cos after shit in farang land wanted something different. BUT no problem to me for any guy finding companionship where ever he wants. :)

  15. To all you poor bastards who truly believe the only way to meet a lady here in Thailand is to pick one up from a gogo bar; seriously.... put down that cheap Chang beer, put on a shirt and decent pants and step out into that other world for a change. You know, that world where people have jobs in offices, teaching, running businesses, exercise in gyms, etc. Expand your horizon, hang out with different folk for a change.


    Yep, some really strange posts here, but l guess from those who go for a particular type of bird (female) eh. :huh:

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