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Posts posted by transam

  1. 22 minutes ago, scubascuba3 said:

    FYI the number of tattoo shops in Pattaya has drastically reduced the last few years, that's an indicator 

    Perhaps tourists do not come on holiday to Patts to get a tattoo, in the UK there are loads a tattoo shops, where you can tell them exactly what you want in understandable English...........😋

  2. 1 minute ago, scubascuba3 said:

    It's you who seems to be living in the past, David Beckham.....get out from your isolated house and see what's really going on, don't rely on this forum

    I don't know who has tattoos on this forum........🥴


    But I do know that a huge percentage of USA police are covered in tattoos, I watch a lot of their crime vids.


    It is actually you that should get out more, you are way behind the times......:neus:.....🤭

    I would also suggest that tattoo artists are doing very well out of the business.


    As for your bar girls, I wouldn't know about that.......😉

    • Like 1
  3. 18 minutes ago, beautifulthailand99 said:

    More westerm Wunderwaffe that hit's the stark reality of the front and that highlights the strategic and logistical nightmare of the vast menagerie of wetern kit, often outdated , sometimes in bad condition , without cyrillic labelling or extensive training hits the organised chaos of front lines. F16s will join that in due course should they ever materialise. We are heading to a Korean outcome with an effective undeclared armistice and frozen lines that will be fortified like no other and the new defacto Ukraine will be the result. No one will have won but Russia is never coming back to Europe and the Sino-Russian alliance has been born from those ugly ashes. Democracy and the rule of law are not a given , dark ages often follow a period of enlightment and that is what his happening now.



    You forgot to mention the No.1 Russian tank that was taken out, but that doesn't fit your Red agenda, now does it............:whistling:

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  4. 1 minute ago, placeholder said:

    What chums are these? Just more ridiculous caricatures from you.

    The goal now is to stop using it as a fuel and contributing to global warming. It would be a nice thing if bioscience can come up with a feasible way to replace drilling for the stuff as well. And to replace plastics of which the microparticles are now found in human tissue and even in blood clots. But the technology to achieve those goals isn't there yet.

    Blood clots...................🤣

    • Haha 1
  5. 2 minutes ago, placeholder said:

    Oil that was not turned into CO2 and other noxious gases.

    When they get burned, they do.........But your chums are wearing stuff made from oil that they want stopped.....

    I suppose you could all go back to nature and dance around a Maypole....😱...😂

    • Confused 1
  6. 5 minutes ago, Yellowtail said:

    Why would you expect that an actor working on a union set, that has to handle firearms, is untrained and unqualified. Having worked in and managed unions shops, if protocol mandates the actor check the weapon, the actor is trained and qualified to check the weapon. 


    On a revolver, you just flip the cylinder out and check the primer end of the rounds. With an automatic, you just pop the clip out, but of course you guy all know this. 


    I worked on the movie Grease back in the '70s. 

    With a semi-auto the clip will be all live, the spent cases are ejected......🤭 

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