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Posts posted by transam

  1. 24 minutes ago, G_Money said:

    Your claimed piece of paper means nothing.


    Your lack of firearms safety knowledge as shown by your incompetent replies is disturbing.  

    Actions speak louder than paper.


    I keep burying you.  

    You can stand down now, don't forget to check your revolver is empty before you put it in its case, would hate for you to have an accident...................😂

  2. 1 minute ago, Yellowtail said:

    It is easy to tell dummies from live rounds, and surely this would be one of the first things they would learn if they used both on the job. 

    No its not, if a film is being shot from in front of an actor the bullet nose must be visible in a revolver, it will look like a live round.......Honestly, some of you don't have much idea about film making and real and not real.......


    Open the chamber on a revolver, what does the camera see, the casings and primers, spent rounds can be counted by the primer dents.

    So fake bullets will have no dents as if not fired when a "cowboy" checks.

    The only person that knows if live or not is the paid professional......😋


    We can argue all day about it, but the paid safety was found at fault, if the law is looking for something else, we will find out at the trial.....😉

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  3. 20 minutes ago, G_Money said:

    I have answered numerous times.  The problem is your comprehension and unsafe weapons handling characteristics.


    One thing is certain.  I would not be within 5 miles of you handling a weapon.  I consider you dangerous with a weapon.  More so than Baldwin himself.


    You’ve been buried numerous times now.


     You still haven’t answered my question of Baldwins justification in pointing the weapon at that person and pulling the trigger?


    Are you stumped again?

    I wasn't on the set when it happened, neither were you..........🙄


    Now tell me, when on set, do ACTORS point guns at each other and pull the trigger.......?


    A simple Yes or No will do for now......🤭

  4. 14 minutes ago, Neeranam said:

    “Contrary to what was claimed, the region shelled by occupying Israel on May 26 was a "safe zone" in Rafah that housed civilians seeking refuge from Israeli attacks, not a Hamas headquarters,” the directorate said in a statement on Tuesday.



    The Daily Sabah...............🤣

    • Sad 1
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  5. Just now, Neeranam said:

    This is a final warning, any more personal insults and you'll be blocked for good. 

    One more time, do you have any links for what you said about Israel saying this attack was outside the safe zone? You said there were other sources saying this. 

    I simply asked if you had any links and you refuse to give any. I've given you links proving what you said was inaccurate. Israel admitted this atrocity, through Netanyahu. 


    What, you will leave.......😱

  6. 4 minutes ago, G_Money said:

    I suppose the heat is having an impact on your cognitive functioning.


    As stated before, it’s irrelevant where he was.  On a prop set or range.  The rules don’t change.  Pick up a weapon,  battery check. Firearms 101.


    Secondly, absolutely no justification in pointing the weapon at a person and pulling the trigger.  Loaded or unloaded.


    He did that.  The weapon did not “fire itself”.


    Any disagreement with the above and your claimed certificate is as worthless as the paper it’s written on.

    So you will not answer my question.............😂


    My firearms' licence is with regard to your assumptions about me and my posts regarding firearms, so I found it for nothing.

    You are buried twice now.............🙄

    • Like 1
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  7. 1 minute ago, G_Money said:

    I’ve already answered your questions.  You just refuse to accept the truth.


    Nothing I can do about that.



    No you haven't, was he on a film set or studio with props, or at a shooting range being instructed by an instructor using live ammo..🤭.


    I found my firearms' licence, issued by the Metropolitan Police, Firearms Branch..... 

    Would you like to see it....?     😘

    • Like 1
  8. 1 minute ago, G_Money said:



    He pointed the pistol at the person and pulled the trigger.  Loaded or unloaded.


    I’m having serious doubts you ever completed any firearms training.


    The internet is great for make believe.

    So you will not answer my question, because it will bury you......🤭


    I think I have my old UK firearms licence here somewhere........😉


  9. 4 minutes ago, bullseye66 said:

    Mr Charlie big potatoes coming to defend a ladies honour. Do you ride a white horse? Obviously your mother allows you to watch far too many Bond, Reacher and Equaliser movies. You should be in bed before they come on.

    Well no, I was brought up to be a gentleman, obviously you were brought up different to me, and run the other way........🤗

    • Agree 2
  10. 1 minute ago, G_Money said:

    “He didn't know it was a loaded forearm, he is an actor, the paid safety personnel make sure everything is safe for the ACTOR.”


    He who places the weapon in his hands has accountability to ensure they know the battery of the weapon.  Period.  

    So your justification of pointing a loaded or unloaded weapon at a non threatening person and PULLING the trigger is???

    Was he at a shooting range under the instructions of an instructor, or was he in a film studio with props.......?  😂

    Tell me which..............🤭

  11. Just now, G_Money said:

    “Baldwin, a trained firearms expert, or an actor...........😂


    And your justification that condones Baldwin pointing a loaded firearm and PULLING the trigger at an UNARMED non threatening person IS????


    We anxiously await your “expert trained police pistol “ opinion.

    He didn't know it was a loaded forearm, he is an actor, the paid safety personnel make sure everything is safe for the ACTOR.


    But we have those who just want to bury folk, helps with their dribbling syndrome......😋

    • Like 1
  12. 2 hours ago, G_Money said:

    “Trained Police Pistol“


    From a cereal box with a toy inside?


    If you were as well trained as you claim you would know upon picking up a weapon to check the condition (battery) regardless of what anyone told you.  Firearms 101.


    Baldwins incompetence is to blame.  Buck stops with him.

    No, not "Trained Police Pistol", you can't even get your facts right......😂


    Baldwin, a trained firearms expert, or an actor...........😂


    Go try to bury someone else, you're good at that........😝

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