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Everything posted by transam

  1. No, only numpties..........πŸ˜‰
  2. You maybe confusing him now.........πŸ€” As he is on here 24/7, I doubt he knows anyone personally...........
  3. Does that mean partnered with a female goat.............
  4. You are joking, I have lived in the same house for 17 years, yet they want a TM30. A sensible solution to the complete waste of time and effort, word be..... "You must let us know if you change residence address within 7 days, otherwise a fine of 5000bht will be applied"... Job done and easy........πŸ₯΄
  5. I think we are all happy that Corbyn's sidekick has been put out to graze, heaven knows the trouble she has instigated in her surgery over the years.......😬
  6. Who me........? Wrong yet again........................πŸ˜‚
  7. Is that him in the Levi's on the right..........? πŸ˜‰
  8. Nor is Goat..........πŸ˜‚ He couldn't win in anything from a lucky dip with glass sides.........
  9. That's in his posts........πŸ˜ƒ
  10. Our resident expert sidekick speaks..........
  11. Who wants too, you bring me daily enjoyment in one way or the other, for instance, my first post on this thread now has 20 likes...........πŸ˜‰
  12. No, three............🀩
  13. Thank you, I have the real accolades too.......😘
  14. Me having both is a plus though, and I thoroughly enjoy showing you up for what you are............πŸ˜‰
  15. I doubt you could do the maths, I will tell you roughly my daily post count average. 83,000 posts divided by about 6250 days = around 13 posts per day....... Dolf 60+ You were saying...........🀣
  16. That you spend 24/7 on....60+ posts a day......Sad........😬
  17. Well said, the bloke is a 100% master baiter, go read any of his threads, the bloke is obviously lonely, has nothing better to do, but today, has been amusing, but not for him..............😁
  18. Your 2 threads today have given me the best laugh I have had on here for a long time.... Well done..........🀣
  19. I don't doubt it, you live in girlie bars..........
  20. They have been a couple for quite a while.........😘
  21. Yeh, riiight, in a sheep pen, maybe.............🐏
  22. The sidekick is back, I doubt you know what a real woman is anyway.....😘
  23. The one you made a mistake in, your posts are a pointer.... Burned, rejected, or your mum didn't like you......😭
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