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Everything posted by transam

  1. You will never be a Thai person, a few on here think they are because they paid out the wonga, but they are not.........🤭
  2. Is this an ad for them, do you get a discount...........😉
  3. I think you are paranoid..........
  4. Are the van's fitted with roll cages..........🤔
  5. Dylan, worth a billion dollars made from song lyrics you could never understand......🤭
  6. Don't be daft, unless you are up to dodgy stuff in the Land of Smiles....
  7. Has PP's moved from Trendy as well...?
  8. I bet the BiB had their hands full controlling the rushing crowd........😱
  9. In what respect..? 🤔
  10. Hmmmm, could be Esmeralda at the back of Goat woes..........Goaty
  11. I used Key Visa Services, the total cost for a jumbo passport, using their UK credit card, not mine, cost me 12,000bht, with one visit to the post office where I live..........😉
  12. I looked in all the DIY stores, that's why I ended up on Lazada. I didn't want to throw my taps out, they are porcelain in the shape of a jumping Dolphin, which fits over a really stout brass internals. I bought 3, but when renovating one, I dropped it...😱 Anyhoo, the other 2 are back to new again.. On another note, my gas hob is of similar age, the sensor that keeps the flame alight failed, could not find replacements, until.....Lazada, yes from China, exactly the same sensor measurements, think were 45 bht each.....😝 So, stripped the whole thing down, painted the internals, refurbished what I could and installed the sensors.....Great........😋
  13. Yeh, I just knocked up cement and laid a few bricks in between, seeing where I am wanted on here.............🤪
  14. You've been ripped off, 2 agents I know charge 5000bht with everything done for you, all done by post...........🤗...................🤭
  15. So do some Gov. hozzies, I was sent to one by a professor in a BKK hozzy..🤗
  16. What did it cost you ...?
  17. The secret is in the fine, folk will not risk that. Look at 90 day report done online, you could be anywhere.........🤗
  18. Just finished the prep, now going to mix a bit of cement.........😉
  19. No condolences for the blokes' family then, just the nit-picking........
  20. Interesting, even McTrumps own are plotting a coop..................😱 https://uk.yahoo.com/news/republican-group-planning-50m-campaign-164129760.html
  21. I rat him out on here every day, you know it makes sense...................
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