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Everything posted by transam

  1. You got a link for that, please.........? 😊
  2. I hope the anti-vaxxers crowd are not going to say Covid also caused your wars..........🤣
  3. Both, but with a slight adjustment... "mentally completely impaired"............ Oh, and today I read that Trump's sidekick, Musk, has been called a troll, which is bang on.... https://uk.yahoo.com/news/german-chancellor-withering-response-elon-230715742.html
  4. That is 2 words, so......... Policeman..........🤭
  5. Gawd 'elp the USA if you're anything to go by................................
  6. Yeh, riiiiiiight................😂 Probably doesn't mean much to the average Trump voter...........
  7. So what.......Do 2 bikes fit comfortably together in a single lane or not...............? Try harder, your hang him high thing is a bit thin.. 😂
  8. So you think his bank balance is what matters, and not what his agenda may be........? 🤔
  9. Musk is sticking his African nose into affairs that have nothing to do with him. He should understand one thing, the UK is nothing like the USA he is got his sticky finger in, where the new leader has been taken in by......😬 Just because of a bank balance......🤕
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