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Everything posted by transam

  1. It seems you don't, or have never run a restaurant business, either...
  2. My friends' lady has a resort, just a pool, food and drink, him and I were sitting having a chat over beer, we noticed folk coming in with their kids to use the pool, they had their own food and drink.........???? I said they're taking the p_ss, he said I know, nobody says anything, be different if I were running the place......????
  3. Tilers in LOS are usually pretty good, can't say I have ever seen a bad job on exterior tiles, plus it doesn't cost a lot, perhaps 100bht per square meter to lay, you pay for the materials. If you are doing it yourself, the bagged powder tile mix is the way to go, it has adhesive in the mix, though a tiler may just use cement, it's cheaper....????
  4. A posh member, eh..................????
  5. If it has a guarantee, yes, back home we had shops that reconditioned them, there isn't a lot to go wrong in them.......
  6. Patters probably does it himself, rascal.................????
  7. I think you are overreacting..........???? "Up the road", it means the fish & chip shop was up the road from wherever you thought it was OK to munch your grub for free.............????
  8. B.S.......................????
  9. Why should he, would you....? Probably not, you'd be eating your fish & chips you bought up the road..............????
  10. Near 140,000 miles, usually the left side gets the bush wear, when the road use adds up. If you grab the track rod tight, see if you can feel any play in the rack bush, but really needs to be up in the air. Your drip tray will provide more evidence.... If fluid leak, it will mix with the inner ball joint oil, so will point to one thing or the other, if you have to top up the fluid, then it is probably what you are going to see. I took our run-around to B-Quik because of a steering rack prob, just to get it up in the air, I got under there to have a prod, the rack was knackered, they didn't do racks, so got it fixed where they did...
  11. If you had to top up the p/s "fluid", then the inner seal and perhaps the bush are knackered. How many Km has it done...?
  12. No, there were eating their own stuff in a restaurant business that sells food. On top of that, this is a chat forum, this forum is also a business.............????
  13. Morning...
  14. Overseeing drug abuse stuff................? ????
  15. What has that got to do with I had ONE visit from immigration on a multi-O visa.....................????
  16. What colour is it, stick your finger in it, then stick your finger in the pump reservoir to compare..Smell the oil, gaiter oil and fluid smell different. Did they inspect the gaiter for being porous, or cracked. I had a power steering rack seal fail, a lot of fluid in the gaiter and on the deck, had to replace the bush and seal, that was about 40 years back....????
  17. Oh, yes they did....................???? Calling me a liar...............????
  18. When I used an E-Visa they stood to attention, dealt with me straight away and stamped me out, I walked past the queue to the passport checkout desk outside, was not charged any T-money, in fact I wasn't charged any on my return exit. You also do not get a full page visa thingy, just a small e-visa logo the size of a stamp............. Highly recommended..????
  19. It depends, if the seal is leaking because of a worn bush near the end of the rack, then a good idea to fit a new or reconditioned rack. P.S. Are you sure it is p/s fluid and not oil lubricating the inner ball joints.....? Steering fluid is usually red, lub oil insn't...
  20. So you are going to carry on logging into a thread you are complaining about seeing....................................????
  21. But you are here, welcome aboard..........................
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