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Everything posted by transam

  1. OK for the dribbling OP's that lured and hooked .....
  2. Yet another baiting thread, every day here the same from a few.......
  3. Tell us about your visits to them...................????
  4. Links please, no guessing.........
  5. Links please...........????
  6. The only thing pathetic is you posting in a thread about the ladies, cos you don't like them..........
  7. No it's not, it's your daily obsession with Brits & sex stuff, do you actually think the readers here are all daft...............Weird is being kind....
  8. Oh, so have looked into his background too.......???? Let's be careful chaps, we have a weird stalker after your info. When he "rejoined"........ he tried that about my background, FAILED, yes, weirdo, to be avoided................????
  9. Strange you don't creep up behind dodgy Aussies, eh........
  10. None of your business, we all know you don't like the ladies, so butt-out...????
  11. Think he lost his bird to a Brit.....????
  12. Yes, it is strange, I wonder what tomorrow will bring......????
  13. Not interested in your weird continuous British digging...............????
  14. And telling folk on an open forum...........????
  15. You missed my point, your daily British dig, so, you're not British by any chance.....???? Can't wait for tomorrow's offering......
  16. You have a thing about Great Britain, it seems, near every day a different thread, where are you from, I forgot..........????
  17. You're well in the know then................
  18. Been digging again I see, for more British digging.......
  19. Sorry to hear that, you should be more careful out there.....????
  20. Because you maybe divorced and applying for a visa, it covers a possible loophole from naughty farangy's... Seeing as you do not have to go and get a KR2, your Mrs. does, what is the big problem...? ????
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