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Everything posted by transam

  1. Well, he had a string of onions round his neck, so it's obvious....????
  2. No, I didn't have one on my Trans either, thought a bit OTT......????
  3. Go get Corby's suit brushed off, and get Abbott to do more rehearsing before she speaks, a winner for the lefty crowd, plus they have a special bond with terrorist organisations to keep us safe. ???? Your current "Sir" just isn't cutting it, and his sidekick has the mouth of a public bar tender..... Get to work chap....????
  4. Sunbeam, I have lived a longish life to come to my conclusions. I read many items from various rags and I dismiss near all where the Guardian is concerned, it should be re-named "Antimush". Newspaper articles are written by individuals, The Guardian is a paper that is full of anti-anything writers, probably carefully selected. Now, if you don't like my findings, tough. I rarely watch the BBC in LOS, no need too. ???? As for lefties, well, they near hate anything in their country, reminds me of when I was a kid starting work and listening to the union carp, it soon occurred to me these people are more interested in causing grief than sorting their woes out...???? Anyhoooo, you carry on, and please refrain from talking about Boris's haircut, for some reason, those who don't like the bloke seem transfixed on that, or what the butler heard through a glass on the wall...????
  5. I have confirmed it via PM with Dave, 1 year multi-O, no funds proof needed, same as it was before covid.... ????
  6. I evade everything in the anti everything Guardian.....????
  7. Get the comedy duo back, Corby & Abbott, you know you want them back to sort things out... ????
  8. After getting married in BKK to a Thai and for the next 15 years had visas and an extension under my belt, we went for a 12 month marriage extension in Ubon, I was asked by the officer there to show him something regarding my divorce from my ex UK wife from years earlier. He got some verbal from me and Mrs.T, mainly, HTF do you think we got married in BKK, with the supporting paperwork we have, and got visas ever since. ? He carried on waffling in Thai to my Mrs, who then told him her son was a Policeman, who had worked for the "K" etc. he did go a bit red faced, but still wanted me to find paperwork on my divorce. This was surely an AH at work...???? PS. I did find one document that was slightly related to his demand, he just glanced at it......
  9. Look at the date... https://savannakhet.thaiembassy.org/th/page/visa-fee?menu=5d84a44c15e39c26b4004542
  10. I recall in my, boat cruising along heading out to mid English Channel when my boat took off with a crash, I did not see a wooden pallet floating unseen by me, very lucky our boats have steel bands on the keel in case of events like this and beaching on pebble, could have been a different story ...????
  11. Well, we know you are an expert on the subject, must have been a steep learning curve, but happy you have it sorted now and your financial arrangements prevail....????
  12. Perhaps it depends on the bloke, it seems you have the T-shirt for the snatch & run types......????
  13. I don't really know why folk here are questioning the cost of damage/repairs. A bank will not fluff around asking for estimates, they will have their own contactors to sort stuff in the quickest and secured way possible. 10,000 quid to do that doesn't sound a lot to me, but it may to those looking for a rice worker to sort it on his days off.....????
  14. So can logs, but I think you are out of your "depth" on this subject.... ........................????.........................????
  15. Weeeell, if we are honest, none of us know what might be going on out of site.........????..................????
  16. Hair in hand, DNA test on hair, hair samples from those at the scene except any bald blokes, a good starting point............????

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