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Everything posted by transam

  1. Just my guess, the truck is too small to carry the posts flat, they were resting on the raised bit at the back of the cab, they slide down/off, car was a bit close. I can see nothing holding the posts in position, or perhaps it was a piece of string....????
  2. Do you wear a seat belt, If yes why...? If no why...? ????
  3. Well the bug is still around, I have just been told of a few with it, so I will still use one where close contact is unavoidable when out and about....????
  4. What problems do you envisage in March 2023....?
  5. He is driving wiv one eye............????..........
  6. I have our original here, which is exactly the same as the one in the Link which I posted, so you could not question it. Yet again you try and dodge out of being proved wrong by me....????
  7. Aren't you lucky, or an MG midget.........????.............????
  8. Here you are, you really should use Google more often..... ???? https://www.thailandlawonline.com/article-older-archive/thai-divorce-law-and-legal-grounds
  9. How do you know that......????...........................????
  10. Can't you do all that where you come from....????
  11. My friend ended up using an agent, the agent did all the paperwork, a week later the gf had to go and have her fingerprints taken, that was a month ago, still no sign of a visa yes or no. Still had to pay 5000bht for visa, 3500bht for the agent....????
  12. Well no, you get behind a shed of a Nissan pickup and see what a difference the mask makes.....????
  13. Comprehension..
  14. The free "Norton Power Eraser" is well worth giving a try and IObit Advanced System Care, for starters.... ????
  15. Sooo funny..."I want to drive a big car"......and yes, it's on topic Rwanda....???? https://uk.yahoo.com/news/were-not-staying-want-come-195948601.html
  16. I don't think you know anything about the accommodation in Rwanda.
  17. Weeeell, the divorce one I have in my hand, which belongs to Mrs.T, is cream with blue surround....????
  18. But not the same bank book.........????
  19. Immigration is a police department, so I reckon they must/should take notice of Gov. instructions. But, just imagine the Imm. police redundancies with the loss of 90 day reporting..............????
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