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Everything posted by transam

  1. This post is just a LIE, you have been watching your leader for tooooo long.....🤕
  2. Are you saying your leader Trump's continuos lies to the people is normal......
  3. Hmmm, that will confuse the OP...............🤭
  4. Seems the OP has one eye closed, other than that, the Prezzy race is over and done with, what does he expect, a report on MacDonalds's sales...........😬
  5. You're an insider then to know..........😘
  6. Let's hope Vlad gets his turn to face a judge...........🤔
  7. What colour do you wear, don't tell me, white with strawberry prints on........😘
  8. Hmmm, you must be a Trump voter, thinking is a problem.........
  9. Yep, and sadly Trump can't even see that..................🤕
  10. Is that what your handlers told you.............?............................😉
  11. Perhaps they pooh in the street.............😷...............😋
  12. The difference is, any foreigner can individually do what like, but, the 'country', N.Korea, has itself entered the war...... GOT IT............? 🙄
  13. .........You are so right.... There are those out there that understand that stuff and now wait to see what happens, but the gloaters on here are only folk who swooooooooon over anyone with bundles of cash, they even welcomed Musk (BRUT) into their fold for no other reason than his cash, stash......🥴 The election may be over, but I think next year there will be some flack coming their way, especially if Ukraine is taken over by the other Nazi...........🤔
  14. Then, crack on.................
  15. Eeeeeeeeer, I am not from the USA...🤭.... This is just another thread to have a chat on. Though the only reason I have posted a lot on it, is, Trump is a buffoon car salesman type, that hasn't got a clue what he is doing POLITICALLY, and a total embarrassment for the USA...........🤗
  16. Excellent reply, still on the ball, much like your leader, eh.......
  17. But you support Trump, who is going to send Ukraine to the gas chambers.......😱 Your leader has a very short memory.............😒
  18. If you do, you don't need CBO either..............
  19. Wow, and you bought an MG.................? 😌
  20. You, honest.......................😆

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