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Everything posted by transam

  1. Well yes, it is beginning.................🤔
  2. Interesting................
  3. Now what have I today, this guy tells it as it is..............
  4. What did it cost your hero Trump for a fiddle in a store changing room..............🤣 Did donations pay for the campaign, and didn't your leader's boyfriend hand over $100,000,000 so he could spout more lies.......
  5. I am sure we are all pleased that that stuff impresses you.........
  6. Yes, but you must watch them.............😋
  7. And you are not interested in the USA/Trump threads, you told us so, so I must assume this post is just a flame. Now run along, there's a good chap............🙄..........🤕
  8. You misunderstand, my posts are aimed at Trump, a lying, multi-court appearance felon, whose only goal is to be a dictator. Trump has buried any integrity in the White House, he is a disgrace of a President... Try not calling folk trolls because they do not have your bootlicker opinion.............
  9. It's not over, it is just the begging of the end......................😉
  10. It doesn't, I am posting on a Thai forum with my opinion on Trump from what I have seen, good fun...😋 This is not a USA forum........😉
  11. Yes Trump is, well spotted....
  12. That is a ridiculous accusation, but, you lying, IS a Trump trait, so well done....... Him and Musk will be proud of you..........
  13. For his and Trump's benefit.........😉
  14. Trump doesn't have a clue what he is talking about, more links for you to cringe over today. Have fun...😋
  15. You reckon.................? 😂
  16. Use Google, I am not your handler.........
  17. Yep, I read Trump still owes cash for 2020.........🤭
  18. "Am I sure", of course not, folk who pay for private school also pay towards their local schools, don't they.....? Has the UK ever charged VAT on school fees, do private schools pay tax on profits, I don't know, but I am sure you can fill us in on those details....😉
  19. Paying for a better education is just that, better, if you have a Lefty view on it, up to you....🙄 Those who do go to private school pay for it, they save the Gov money from using state schools, now they want to charge them for using their own money for education...LABOUR stuff......😬
  20. Buying privilege, is that a UK lefty thing.....? First pensioners, now education, the voters were lied to......
  21. Who said I like either of those, but I do dislike the Labour Party, lying numpties........😬
  22. Just another slap in the face for the folk of the UK by the Party for the 'working man'...........🙄 Lot's more from that lot, lied their way to govern...😬
  23. Twist away with guessing, is that from your handlers handbook.......😂

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