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Everything posted by transam

  1. What message......? 🤔
  2. Was Germany America's war, was Japan UK's war.....? You are like few on here, do not think of aggressors mass killings over land grab, you should be ashamed of yourself............😬
  3. Blimey, you really are in with Putin's secret stuff............
  4. So, you support mass civilian killing then, on a country that did nothing wrong...........? 🤔
  5. Trump not been lying...........? 🤣
  6. Excellent................
  7. You probably remember how the dinosaurs ended...........😝
  8. Your family wouldn't be saying that circa 1939, unless they were in the Hitler clan...............😁 We know you back dictators, you got your wish with Trump..........🤗
  9. The traitor speaks.................🥴
  10. But you just did the same...................🤔
  11. You would know.................😉
  12. Probably have the golden "McD" arch on top of it..................
  13. Have you been on to Putin yet with the news...................?
  14. But lying felon won.......................😧
  15. Show me where you exposed me lying.......Go on, I am waiting in anticipation.......😁 Next thing, you will be saying your leader doesn't lie............😂
  16. Doubt it..........😉
  17. I lie, now that is a lie, as for trolling, that is your excuse for usually being cornered...........😂
  18. Doubt it, will be plenty of ammo to talk about if Trump gets the big chair, could be good fun.... Heaven knows what diatribe he would come out with at 80, perhaps get confused between a BigMac and Filetofish at breakfast, eh...............................
  19. Truth supporter, hmmm, I doubt your Trump would agree with you, even HE knows he lies to take in the numpties...........🤭
  20. You're confused and guessing yet again...........😉
  21. What's, STFU mean, is that out of your Trump handbook........?
  22. He is no hero to me, I recall his "Spurs", do you........?.......😋
  23. But, from your written words, you are racist......🤔
  24. Says a Trump supporter...........🤭 Are you in McD's with your red ball-cap on looking cool....?............
  25. Don't be silly, oh, I forgot, you know nothing...........🤭

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