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Posts posted by zorro1

  1. Wow! Never been there??? As a person who has been living over 16 year in Thailand, I do really think that you are wrong.

    Been there, seen it, tried it and still condemned it! Better shut the doors for good, close the gate or just plainly build a fence around it. Then all the adults with no moral and values regarding life, just can continue their wild spiral down to doom and mental illness all by themselfs. Now I exaggerated, but only slightly!

    I don't understand. How is having sex with a cute 20 year old =no moral values?

    A lot of the guys living here no longer have sex with their wives. They are in different universes and have no common ground, common interest and the spark dies within a few short years [emoji30]

    Now that's what I would call no moral values.. Stuck in a shitty marriage lying to yourself and your partner but to scared to go it alone.., 50% of posters are going through it. Now this is where the downward spiral really begins!!


    I rest my case [emoji3]

    Sent from my Redmi Note 3 using Tapatalk

  2. You can never cleanup Pattaya. It's the kind of tourists that go there, the lowlife trash that lives there, including, of course, all the criminals that make it the dreadful place that it is .

    I resemble that remark!

    Guys that don't have sex, can't have sex, no money no honey despise Pattaya.

    I'm having a ball, the ultimate adult playground!

    Sent from my Redmi Note 3 using Tapatalk

  3. Zorro 1, I find your comments to be rude, arrogant and contrary to the opinions of most of the Thais I speak to daily, from market vendors to colleagues.

    You arrogantly dismiss people as not living here yet you talk of your girlfriend not your wife. How long have you lived here? Not married? No family?

    Please do tell us so we are aware of your vast experience politics!


    Perhaps if you had a wife or family then you would understand...

    I'm still waiting for farang to inform me on how exactly the junta has negatively impacted their life or those of their families.

    Do your wives feel the urge to protest? And about what exactly?

    Some clear answers on why farang are feeling the heat would be good but nobody can even attempt to begin to answer.

    Just nonsense about imposing the western version of democracy.. Because big bawana knows what's best for Thais

    History has shown democracy or the western version does NOT WORK.

    Sent from my Redmi Note 3 using Tapatalk

  4. Look you cannot say That Is Not How It Works because that is how it works here, watch the show then act out what you learned or try to, that is why there is so many screw ups, they do not learn

    Are you suggesting that some other countries have a system that is bullet proof? That is delusional to say the least.
    I responded to a post that sarcastically suggested 8 men to bring down a woman. That was an idiotic remark.. In a sting OP you hope for the best but always always plan for the worst.

    You want to see what you think is overkill? Just Google you tube FBI and swat teams.

    8 under over cops were appropriate as a minimum in any sting especially when human trafficking is involved.. Nasty shit

    Sent from my Redmi Note 3 using Tapatalk

  5. I met a guy and in his own words  "I have been waiting for about half an hour", this was about 3-30 last Wed afternoon.
    Maybe Jingthing will be along soon, he knows all about them.

    I think JT actually lobbied the junta to bring them back

    Sent from my Redmi Note 3 using Tapatalk

  6. Whats a baht bus ?

    Transport for Pattaya.

    I think what's happened is the army screwed this one up and the baht buses in bukaho will be allowed to run.. It's pointless banning them if there is nothing to substitute and all those hookers need to get to work and not arrive in a puddle of sweat [emoji3]

    Sent from my Redmi Note 3 using Tapatalk

  7. I am standing by what I said, at the market end there used to always be two or three of them waiting there. I asked the owner
    of the guesthouse what happened to them and he said most of them have been taken off because they were causing too much obstruction.
    Lets see what other posters think.


    Sent from my Redmi Note 3 using Tapatalk

  8. I can assure you I was in Pattaya Wed 15th and Thu 16th, stayed in a guesthouse in Soi Chayaphum, and only saw one baht bus in that time, and walked the full length of Soi Buckawo both ways in broad daylight.

    Im Living on Soi Buakhao. You must have gotten the wrong soi or got them mixed up.

    They are running every 5 minutes. There is no disputing that

    Sent from my Redmi Note 3 using Tapatalk

  9. Quite right. People here automatically criticise Thailand without any evidence or thought. International investors are not daft and the strength of the Baht reflects their view that the economy is healthy and it's prospects are good. As you say political upheaval may upset things but even then Thailand has shown a remarkable ability to minimise the effect of such events on the economy.
    I have seen some here say the Baht is being manipulated by the Gov. A daft assertion as they would prefer a weaker Baht if anything in order to boost exports and tourism.

    Apparently If you believe most posters, Thailand is the land of prop ups.

    Baht is propt
    SET is propt
    Condo market is propt
    Tourism is propt
    Economy is propt

    There must be a secret department deep on the bowels of government called.. You guessed it, the prop up department. Shady men in black proping things LOL

    Sent from my Redmi Note 3 using Tapatalk

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