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Posts posted by jayjayjayjay

  1. On 02/10/2011 at 7:55 PM, stgrhe said:

    Well, it is for real but it took me about a year to finish it. The more I dug the more I found.

    Hi Stgrhe,


    Thank you for the list.  I would like to take you all back to 2012 when I decided to do something for my home in Chiangmai. Although I was working in Bangkok, I made time to visit 5 or 6 of these places on the list.  Many where good, but since I was in the think of paying for international schools etc I wanted to keep my budget under 80-100,000baht.  On a New Years break in Chiangmai I wondered past a shop on the fourth floor of the Central Kadsuan Kaew, the original Central building which appears to be on the wind-down.  In a little shop at the back section towards the bowling alley I came across a shop owned by Mr Sawanwut (Khun Wut).  In his little shop he had many imported Japanese vintage stereos. For those in the know, some of the vintage equipment with well made Japanese transformers are still up there with the best sounds produced today. All be in a personal preference I am sure that many will disagree. Anyway, Mr Wut has Onkyo, Yamaha, Pioneer, Sansui, Accuphase, Dennon.  Because of my budget I thought what a good idea to entertain a listening of something old. I had always loved the sound of my Yamaha R5 bought in 1986.  Anyway, Mr Wut hooked up the 100V transformer to a Sansui AU-alpha777 DG made in 1988.  What I heard was a pure sweet soundstage. The next question was what speakers were they playing from.  As with most real audiophiles of which I am but a learner, we choose only 2 speakers. No need for surround this surround that.  This is the cracker.....  Mr Wut made and sells the speakers himself. The tweeters are made of coconut fibre. The entire tweeter are made of coconut wood outer, and the inner dome is a coconut fibre proceed and set into the domed speaker piece. The sound is soft and warm.  


    I went away and looked at another 5 or 6 shops, listened to there best, but time and time again I could not hear that sound stage I wanted.  In the end I returned back to Mr Wut a month later. The Sansui became mine along with a set of his speakers. The whole setup cost me less than 50,000 baht set up with high end cabling on the speakers and between CD drive.  I could not be happier, and as I result I have further bought another vintage Sansui direct from Japan for my Australian home. 


    I know that Mr Wut will soon close his Chiangmai shop as his 20 year lease will soon finish, if not already, but I would appreciate you adding him to the list by his direct mobile number:


    Mr Sawangwut.  Brands mentioned above, but all Japanese 100V vintage imports @ 0818439953


    Happy listening guys.  BTW, the Sansui is also connected to my Samsung 55" TV for amazing sterio movie listening.  Don't think the old stuff can only be for tapes and LP's.  

    • Like 2
  2. The 365sport.TV website shows as expiring today, that is the "www" website. The sight was first registered 15-May-2013.  Although it is off line for 4 days now, it looks as though they had no intention to extend the registration of the entire site.

    Screen Shot 2017-05-15 at 3.49.28 pm.png

  3. On 21/09/2016 at 11:29 AM, Dean1953 said:

    Just to clarify post #2, the whole post, except for the last sentence, was copied from a 2011 post.  I live in the U.S. and won't be back in CM until December.  I would like to get seat and back cushions for 6 teak chairs that I have at my U.S. House and would like to take them back with me in my luggage.  Could he have them ready 7 days after ordering them?  If not, I'll mail them.  

    I went there today after reading these posts, he has moved from the Padaet or  BarDat shop near Mahidon(l) Road. I have yet to call him but according to neighbours he has moved to Doi Saket area into a larger factory building. 

  4. Few people know or understand suicide if you think being "in great mind bod and spirit" has anything to do with it. It has everything to do with the illness. 

    Haven't been here to comment for years, but reading this just reminds me of what a collection of feeble minded anti-social keyboard warrior <deleted> still constitute a majority of the posters here. 

  5. "OK Thailand, lets see the forensic evidence left behind by the bomb"

    "No have . We clean right away. Make like new. Tourist happy. OK?"

    "Well, the list of names associated with cellphones in use in the area"

    "No have. 16,000,000 not registered. We still let use. Everybody happy. OK?"

    "Video of suspect as he move through Bangkok?"

    "90% of camera not work. Need money for other things. Tourist think work, feel happy. OK?"

    "Photos of people entering Thailand at airports and from immigration?"

    "No have. Computer not work. Just act like camera work. Only for collect money. Make bad man happy. OK?"

    Please don't be so degenerating. Quite a lot of internationally wanted criminals have been arrested in the Kingdom thanks to the immigration pics. Surely there's much one can blame authorities for, but one cannot blame a country for not being on the level of western countries.

    Your so right. I signed up in 2007 and posted often. I rarely visit now. Opening up to find a snide sarcastic comment like this reminded my why I am not bothered opening TV now. Good reply.

  6. Thais do not understand the meaning of "banned" or "not-allowed".

    Why ?

    Because no police or authorities to prevent "banned" or "not-allowed" activities.

    And the consequences if caught ? 100 baht fine.

    As simple as that !!

    I guess that goes for english speedboat drivers too then... as the story say it was an englishman allowing the jet-ski to get used...

    I day "nanny state" whingers shut the &lt;deleted&gt; up and go home. I love the Thais how they are and any amount of your bitchin' won't change it... Excellent!!

  7. quote "Kris, a red shirt..."

    Kris, a man that believes a sociopathic billionaire criminal, who developed a modern day cult similar to John Frum with added on bells and whistles with the sole aims of personal enrichment, power and face, currently on the run from justice after bribing, bombing and threatening his countrymen for a cowards way out failed, is the only hope for Thailand and her peoples.

    There we go, just clarifying a potentially misleading statement in the OP.

    Verbal spew I would say.... Take a look now, an arrest warrent for a Manager Media Group employee being sought at ASTV, not exactly someone from your so called sociopaths team!!! We are lucky you are not a journslist, and if you are your a disgrace.

    • Like 2
  8. Are the courts making a statement or are they making an example , we all remember motor mouth Jatuporn, , if the PTP ever become a political party again they must remember to tick all the boxes , brain dead idiots must not apply , however I think that former P.M. Abhist had more than this to contend with, 2 years for this or was it for a combination other outbursts as well.coffee1.gif

    Of course it's the later, he is being made an example of. This jaunta have no intention of reconsiliation, and this WILL lead to civil war. For this very reason I have left Thailand after 25 years of work and investment there. Why did Kasit the foul mouth ex-Foreign Minister just

    recently get aquitted of the same offense, I quote

    "But the court overruled the defamation charge reasoning that Thaksin was a former prime minister and a well known public figure whom everyone could criticise.

    Although some wordings in the criticism was impolite, but the public address was made with honesty to protect the ~ and national interest."

    A double standard that is at the essessence of why the majority poor will raise arms on Bangkok streets in the coming future if the upper middle class and elites don't gain an understanding of what they are feeling at heart.

    Tear me apart as the messanger, but it's not me whos mind you have to persuade with your agruement, it's 45 million north and north-easterners you have to convince.

    • Like 1
  9. Maybe give them their own space deep into the "Never Never"


    There are camels in the outback, I've seen them with my own eyes.

    300,000 plus of them!! That could be fun. We could shoot terrorist at the same time as culling a few camels. Them black suits will be pretty easy to see against the red dirt, easier than the camels.

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