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Posts posted by lazeeboy

  1. I was born I found my first breath so I kept it:

    I had life so I kept it:

    I found LOS so I kept it:

    I found my wife so I kept it:

    I found my little daughter so I kept it :

    in 1979 i found my future wife in 1994 i found her in bed with another man the divorce in1995 was the best thing i ever found waiting on the door step to celebrate i went to thailand 2 days later and never went home ,its such a strange world now im happy and she;s alone in the uk :o

  2. I've noticed in Khon Kaen anyway that there are a lot more dottery old codgers around than a few years ago.

    What's the reason for this?

    Are heating bills going up in the Uk or something?

    Can they no longer afford their half pint and drams?

    Could they all be finding their 'tee ruks' through online agencies?

    Are they coming to get their dentures replaced?

    Anyone noticed in the other parts of the country?

    Yeah, I have. I'm only 64 and I do hate it when all these wrinklies go limping by thinking they've still got what it takes. I'm with you all the way man, ship 'em all off home to care homes, there'll be more fun for us. And I won't have to stand in line any more at the pharmacy or help 'em across the road.

    Only the young die good

    where else in the world can you wear shorts 365 days a year get a girl rod stewart or mick jagger would fancy and live on a small pension easily :o

  3. I've watched the vendors closely, still can't work out how they put the bands on, instructional diagrams anyone?

    Thank goodness - I thought it was only me!

    I have watched vendors put these bands on plastic bags literally hundreds of times and I simply have no clue how it works - it's obviously not rocket science but it's completely beyond my comprehension.

    I must admit though that the resulting "container" looks very nice, usually made even more attractive by the fact that air is also trapped in the plastic bag giving the whole thing a most appealing look - and feel.

    As for removing the things, I usually end up pathetically clawing at the bag / band until my wife comes to my rescue.


    been in thailand 13years and still cant get them off. but ive never bought any either the wife saves them ,must have saved 50b by now :o

  4. I was really happy this morning, the sun is out again after several days of heavy rain, the garden has had ample water, the people on the estate is coming out from their homes and there is life everywhere, people are smiling and chatting over the garden walls, what a lovely day. :D

    What has made you happy today???

    what made me happy is after 5 days the sun is out and i went to the beach.its the only place my wife wont go ,something about wanting white skin. happy days :o

  5. I wish people would get it into their thick skulls that most of this Thai losing face is boll@ocks and it doesnt apply in ALL circumstances. If someone is ripping you off - you can make them lose face. It doesnt matter.

    What are you going to do when someone puts a gun to your head, fool? Nothing in case they lose face?

    What about making ME lose face by ripping me off. If its so much part of Thai culture then it works BOTH WAYS !

    I wasnt being confrontational sitting on a songthaew. I paid my fare up front. HE stopped the bus after a few kilometres and DEMANDED more money from all the passengers. I was just sat there minding my own business ! And digging my heels in about something that is plainly wrong and ILLEGAL didnt get me into more trouble - i didnt pay more. But all the scando's did.

    Look i live in Phuket, in high season it's full of Scandinavians. I know loads of business owners as my g/f and her extended family are involved with the tourism business.

    Mate - they are laughing at you! They know they can rip the Scandinavians off the most because they dont complain. The people i know compare notes and play this as a game! AT YOUR EXPENSE BUDDY. They know you wont compain because you read in the lonely planet that you shouldt make a fuss.

    . But they darent try it on with the Russians. Thats because the Russians just wont accept it.

    Work it out yourself mate.

    What's wrong with you pal? did someone pee on your breakfast this morning. I couldn't care less about how you behave yourself in Thailand, but again you are blaming me personally and ALL Scandinavians in general for your trouble. As I have said in an earlier post, I live here with my wife and kids, I don't go on holidays to Phuket, and I don't get ripped of either. As far as I can understand, you sir, are an accident waiting to happen. And if you don't think face is an issue, you can tell that to the poor Welshman, who was attacked by a tuk tuk driver in Phuket, for trying to do what you suggest is the "proper" way of handling the situation. As for you not grasping the face factor, is a totally different issue.

    BTW. the OP was asking advice on being ripped of at a restaurant, not about what nationalities he should blame for it.

    If you can't contribute to that, I respectfully suggest you <deleted>, and crawl back under your rock.


    if you go to a farang restaurant you pay what the menu says so why not in a thai restaurant if it says 40b you pay 40b end of .if they get shirty tell them to call the police and let them give the police some b-ll about old menu .its not the price its the principal ,this kind of double standards really pis-es me off .if you can speak some thai it doesnt happen :o

  6. gwertz,

    You might be onto something there. I often see so many thai guys walking with their wife in the ladies section with a huge grin on their face, picking out clothes and holding them up against her. I dont think I have ever seen a Westerner do that back home or in Thailand in my entire life.

    just give her a little money every now and again and tell her to treat herself ,but let her go by her self that way you cant argue and she can show you later what she has bought it works for me anyway :o and i can relax and enjoy the peace....

  7. It hasnt started recently, and I am almost 100% certain that she doesnt want to break up with me. This has been reoccuring.

    join the club , 1000s of us our having the same problems as you ,could be she thinks you dont spend enough money on her or you look at other women (i take it your just human) maybe she thinks everyone assumes she;s on the game you say it happens at the mall.does it not happen at home? when you first met she lit your fags wiped your brow ;put toothpaste on your brush ,she spoilt you .i doubt she still does as all of them stop this at some stage ,remember they are very insecure in thailand as there are many prettier and younger girls out there looking for what she has .just go with the flow and it will pass, when though thats the question :o

  8. We spent a few hours at samui land office last week......very busy !!

    Although we were just registering a lease from a thai land owner...he told us that a lot of the foreign developers were having major problems transferring land titles, and many were being refused...

    no government offical really knows what the law is at the moment so they are overly cautious ,if you go with a genuine thai partner there sould'nt be a problem, but dont exspect to be seen too quickly it is a slow process at the best of times :o

  9. Thing is, some of these guys have been doing this for years on an end and they are really used to being told to <deleted> off, they just shrug their shoulders and move on to the next one.

    Money in this business is really good and it's surprising to see how many people are actually intereste in pruchasing time share, wether they're conned into it or not.

    get rid of this scum and they will replace them with more we dont know ,telling them to sling there hook doesnt help .in chaweng they stay outside or near the chaweng regent ,drive the wrong way up the street and litter the street with rubbish, the police see them and dont care just paper work they dont want to do :o

  10. Depending on the skills and responsobilities of the employee, my guess woukld be the average pay rate for some one doing this type of work would be 6K to 9k per month.


    with staff if they are good pay them well if you want to keep them, start them off with 5k-6k give them bonuses if they dont have days off say 1000b this way the day off cost them a lot so they dont do it if buisness in volves daily turnover give them bounuses if they hit there target say another 1000b .if they get 7-10000b per month then they are good for you ,and they will find it hard to find a job that pays this well unless they have been to university ,this works as i have kept my main staff for over 6 years and they are all very happy ...i hope :o

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