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Posts posted by 4u2mad

  1. A number of off topic and offensive posts removed.

    For the avoidance of doubt this highly priced service is an extra service for those who need to, and are willing to pay for a quick turn around of their visa application, it's not compulsory and the regular service continues.

    The local Embassy are only implementing a procedure announced by central Government, they haven't thought it up.

    Whilst constructive criticism is, as always, welcome, insulting Embassy staff isn't.

    So, You endorse a service that should be non discrimitory to all? i cannot help but think that an ECO will look upon an application made under these guidelines more favourably.. when will you WAKE UP and realise that the uk's immigration policy Has been driven by BIG BUSINESS for the last 70 years or so

  2. Renewed 5yr m/cycle and car license at Nam Pong KK yesterday.

    2 copies of yellow house book

    2 copies passport information page

    2 copies depature card and addmited until stamp

    1 copy of each old D.L

    Watched the safety movie

    Arrived at 11.30am. finished at 1.30pm. This included a 1hr lunch break

    Cost 1060bht for both licenses

  3. OP, the reasons why he stopped foreigners are

    1. Thais would not stop for him and most likely run him over as well.

    2. Stopping a thai requires ability to speak thai , which he does not.

    3. Fine for thai is 200, foreigner 400,pure economics

    4. This area is full of rental bikes driven by foreigners without license and no green book, so it's 1000 at least in fines.

    On 3 road, corner Pattaya tai, there is a daily police check point, everyone gets stopped.

    To answer why he would, because he deeply thinks and believes by "assisting " police he is one of the boys with "connections"

    Are volunteers alowed (by law) to write tickets?

    Nope, they can only operate in presence of real police and under police instruction

    You mean there are real police in Thailand?

    • Like 1
  4. Hope they don't get their hands on Glyphosphate it will happen though if it is not already happening.

    In 2012 Thailand imported $88,130,000 worth of Glyphosate, so it's already happening. That was Thailand's #1 import of its category. (Source: http://www.ifrnd.org/Research%20Papers/I6%284%295.pdf )

    However, why the concern? Glyphosate is a particularly cheap, safe and effective herbicide. It can also work wonders when combined with "Roundup Ready" crops. Really don't see the problem.

    Agree,much safer than Paraquat,which has been banned since the 1980's in most western countries,but still available here.

    Only thing I found that will kill bamboo, in UK, not here! Also a favourite for the neighbours leyandii, but you didn't hear that from me!

  5. I would be a bit circumspect with MSG. There is a lot of type 2 diaberes in Thailand, and I worry that it increases the bodys ability to absorb sugar. There's a lot of that in Thai food too. A sprinkle? Well OK, I guess.But here it seems to be treated like a major food group.

    I've also wondered about obese Americans, could that somehow be related to growth hormones fed to cattle? Sorry, I'm not trying to be derogerty to our colonial cousins, just my personal observations

  6. I normally take the oppotunity of a 90day visa run to Laos (Nong Khai) to stock up on bread sold at the market just the other side of the bridge. 10 baggettes 60bht. Macros ain't bad either. Also got a Panasonic bread machine, that was a hoot bringing from the UK. Also bought 5 tins of Alisons yeast too. That was 5yrs ago, kept in fridge, it's still OK

  7. Off topic a bit. I just retired my 9yo Epson CX5500. The cost of org carts (4) almost the same as printer. As an added money spinner, if the cart was removed for any reason, it would then show as empty. I then bought refillable carts, a bit messy, but hey ho, very cheap and chip never shows as empty when there is ink remaining. The older Epson ink jets remain in the printer, and when they clog, which they will, I cleaned with windowlene or nail polish remover. Use a syringe and motorcy gas tube. Fold a strip of blotting paper and slide under print heads to catch the excess or you will fill up the big sponge drain in printer.

    Just bought an HP, For colour printing it's not a patch on the old Epson, its photo programe is v. basic

  8. I wonder what other holidays are high sex times ? There should be a study on what dates people get pregnant. Take everyone's date of birth and go back 9 months I guess would be a start. If valentines day is the number one sex day that would mean most Thais are born around November 14. Would be interesting to know what this really is in Thailand. The US has the highest birth rate in September meaning that Christmas and New Years holiday is heavy sex time. November is way down the list ....

    Trying to figure out if school kids are having sex you would also need to figure in the mothers age.

    Dunno about you, but I can hardly move after a Thanksgiving dinner let alone shag!

  9. This worked for me, after being woken up at OMG o'clock for weeks. SWMBO has a karaooke machine, was simple to put a memory stick in. Downloaded some heavy metal off the internet and made sure I got up before the noisemakers - long before. They came to see her after after the first 'concert'. She told them that I was only trying to fit in, and thought that they would enjoy some farang music for a change. The compromise arrived at? We would both enjoy our own style after 8am in the morning, at a reduced levelsmile.png

    No offence seems to have been taken, as we are still invited to the local shindigs

  10. I'm driving here 12 years now both pick-up and motorbike and I am no nearer understanding why on God's earth do they pull out right in front of me when they are coming out of a side road.and I am on the main road and in most cases there is nothing behind me, they just had to wait till i passed...it's like they are saying to themselves..."I'm not going to yield, so i'll make him do it", so they make the car that's coming on the main road do the braking or pull out around them (not a good idea). I'd love sometime to have one of them charged with attempted murder..(I have a dash cam).

    Ah, elementary my dear Watson. They think they are still driving a motorsai, these NEVER stop entering a major road

  11. Started here on an O visa, changed to retirement. Then I was asked for a bottle of perfume by the captain of the immigration office, to ensure that there was no problem with my paperwork. Took her picture and told her, no, I am not paying you to do your job. Changed back to an O visa, quite like the trip to Laos for bread and wine every 90 days.Hull consulate then couldn't be bothered to update their online forms to reflect the new regs, caused me to almost miss my flight, Inefficient lot even gave me the wrong info on a further email, so I had to settle for double entry tourist visa.

    All in All, I think the lunatics are running the asylum here, nothing wrong with me, I'm a pencil sharpener w00t.gif

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