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Posts posted by 4u2mad

  1. 1, Prove she was drunk - even if she was, I find that no excuse whatsoever

    2. Skimpy clothes - seen the CCTV have we? - still no excuse whatsoever

    3. BiB investigation - maybe if you can afford it

    4. Judicial system and punishment - oh give me a break

    If it was my daughter involved I would quite happily shoot the scum, better yet emasculate them

  2. Blimey, 4 pages and still going! obviously a subject dear to TVM hearts!

    My way out? give SWMBO 500bht to treat the family at the Korean BBQ. Tell her to invite a certain couple - the husband is a farang, We make tracks for the local steak house an a few shandys. She calls when they are thro eating, takes hours.

    You enjoy yourself darling?

    Krup khun maak, Tiruk

    OK, we will do the same next week?

    Yes please

    All parties full and happywhistling.gifthumbsup.gif

  3. Those of us who grew up during the war, with severe rationing of food, are acutely sensitive to food wastage. The same consideration does not apply to people who have never known food shortages.

    I was born just after WW2 and I remember rationing even into the 1950's with my sister and myself having our own ration books and we had to clean our plates before we could get down from the table.

    What makes me angry is the amount of food that Supermarkets in the UK throw away every day more so than the odd titbit the average Thai family doesn't eat.

    In any case it doesn't get wasted. Whatever, it either ends up inside the dogs or cats and the pigs have the rest - no big deal.

    You may have missed this, but the French government has just passed a law making it illegal for supermarkets to dump food. The poor are probably eating better than yer average working class Brit!

  4. Those of us who grew up during the war, with severe rationing of food, are acutely sensitive to food wastage. The same consideration does not apply to people who have never known food shortages.

    You mean that 'war' with the Japanese? lasted 9hrs I believe? Then the Thais "invited" them in. So Thailand was never 'occupied'

  5. Funny this. Just opened a Bkk bank a/c for the (Thai) wife. No problem. Did it in our small town. Then drove to KK to open her an FCD a/c.

    'Oh need £3,500 to open'

    No. look at YOUR pamphlet, only £200. Blank stare

    . 'Look written here' ring wording. Cheesy smile

    'oh sorry mister, you have £200?'

    'Yes in MY FCD,'

    'OK krup, you put in wifes a/c'

    Yes, you give me a/c number, I put in.

    Confused deer caught in headlights look

    'How can I put in her a/c when I don't have number?'

    'Ah, we open you put money in?'

    Yes Einstein

    Another 'amusing' story.

    Appointment with Sa Ha Gone Health workers credit union to pay off SWMBO debt.

    'Tirak ja, have man speak English?


    ' What time appointment?'

    Up to you

    Needless to say, Man speak English on holiday for 2 weeks. Stumbled tho, eventually got account number of credit union, phone number of accounts clerk and instructions to call on making transfer. Does wife have membership number in credit union? Does she buggery! Would make life SO much easier to track transfers.

    As you may have guessed, we are leaving Thailand. Wifes settlement visa came thro on Monday and we are leaving the lunatics in charge of the asylum. Never thought I would say it, but I can't wait to get back to UK. I have tried, for 10 years, but...

    I wish all TV members the very best of luck

  6. If Thai's are allowed to own real estate in any foreign country then foreigners from that country should be allowed to own property here in Thailand.

    This will never happen because Thai's fear that foreigners want to own & control their Country.

    Already do. They are called Chinese Thais!

    Surprised they are not called Thai Chinese. Bit like American Africans. If you want the citizenship so badly, should you not recognize the fact?

  7. You can easily get 10 cans in your bag and a thermos flask of ice. Passes the time and helps you sleep. The personnel of trains and buses really don't care as long as you don't get blatant about it.

    Comments about buses: NCA rarely has accidents, they are a tad dearer than Somchai's Royal Bus Service. Nowadays I only take the train (third class) when we are transporting animals or I don't feel like driving.

    Nowadays I only take the train (third class) when we are transporting animals or I don't feel like driving.

    ​ Please let us know where you get your medical THC from. Must be pretty strong, roughly speaking.

    Or are you the guy who's always traveling with his giraffe? Then it's okay. gigglem.gif

    Did that! The railway employee said "you can't leave that lion there" Isaid " Thats no Lion , Thats a Giraffe"

  8. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    I read the OP, and from that OP and your later comments I do not agree with your conclusions. And especially since you mention: 'wife was not sick till 12 hours later and nobody else on the bus got sick' it is very, very likely it was not the food you're blaming for it that caused it.

    I don't know who else on the bus got sick later on. I was only travelling with my wife. If something tastes 'off' I spit it out, wife ate the whole thing. I have previously eaten, years ago, at Lek hotel buffet. Tasted OK to me, my cousin thought the beer was 'off'. He was vomiting 2hrs later, with me 10hrs later. Please explain

    You want me to give you stories about people eating the same food and (nearly) all getting sick?

    No, explain why there should be an 8hour difference

  9. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    I read the OP, and from that OP and your later comments I do not agree with your conclusions. And especially since you mention: 'wife was not sick till 12 hours later and nobody else on the bus got sick' it is very, very likely it was not the food you're blaming for it that caused it.

    I don't know who else on the bus got sick later on. I was only travelling with my wife. If something tastes 'off' I spit it out, wife ate the whole thing. I have previously eaten, years ago, at Lek hotel buffet. Tasted OK to me, my cousin thought the beer was 'off'. He was vomiting 2hrs later, with me 10hrs later. Please explain

  10. OP, I've travelled many times with NCA in the past and I never had any misfortunes.

    I'm sorry to hear what happened to you and your wife, but you should file a complaint with NCA.

    I do think they take matters seriously and may be they can control or change their sandwich supplier, so no other person suffers the same.

    Sorry for the editing OP, but I just thought of it.

    Did you notice the other 30 or 40 passengers on the bus using the toilet as you and your wife?

    If not, could it be something you ate earlier, before you go on the bus?

    If the wife got sick, then many others must have been sick as well. Interesting point...was that the case?

    Why? I would say chances are that something they ate beforehand caused the sickness. And since the toilet was available at all times it really looks like it was not the busfood causing the problems..

    Guys, please read the OP again. I was the only westerner on the bus. Wife was not sick until 12hrs later. She is Thai like the other passengers. I am 100% sure it was the bus food. We ate totaly different things all that day. The ONLY thing we ate in common was that meal. I stated that the sausage tasted rancid, I am sure it was

  11. OP, I've travelled many times with NCA in the past and I never had any misfortunes.

    I'm sorry to hear what happened to you and your wife, but you should file a complaint with NCA.

    I do think they take matters seriously and may be they can control or change their sandwich supplier, so no other person suffers the same.

    Sorry for the editing OP, but I just thought of it.

    Did you notice the other 30 or 40 passengers on the bus using the toilet as you and your wife?

    If not, could it be something you ate earlier, before you go on the bus?

    Complaint already in with NCA Costas. I didn't see any other Thais on the bus with a problem, but as I say, wifeys probs started many hours later. Maybe the Thai constitution? The only thing we ate in common that day was that meal. In fact I was bloody lucky no one else had a problem, 30 passengers, one toilet, would have been a brown trouser moment!

    • Like 1
  12. Travelled back from BKK to KK on Wed, 4pm bus NCA. Offered the customary meal, with something resembling sliced sausage. After a couple of chews realised it was rancid and spat it out. About half hour later, servre stomach pain and the back door trots. Spent the rest of the journey back and forth to the toilet. Wife unfortunatly ate all of hers and it took longer for the illness to come on, but by 4am I had to support her on the toilet while she was vomitting into a bucket. I have used this company many times over the years, no problem until now. Anyone else had this problem?

    • Like 1
  13. Hub of escaped criminals lol.

    How many, if any, are ever brought back to face justice ?
    If the police would stop telling the press of their premature investigations and premature arrest warrants this would end their fleeing capabilities. Unfortunately it seems in most cases that warnings that the police are coming for high profile criminals is done almost deliberately to give them the chance to run while they can. Just another facet of the corruption seen daily in Thailand.

    He then prematurely ejeculated himself from Thailand?whistling.gif

  14. The biggest issue is that the British Embassy in Bangkok did not provide adequate support to the couple. Instead, they stated an emergency passport costing £95 each would be required.

    I'm personally shocked by this.

    Not shocked at all H.G. Typical of the assistance (not) that I expect to get from UK government. Yer on yer own, mate!

  15. I have a friend who was in Thailand on an Exemption entry early last year - when a border run could get 30 more days or new Exemption, never the less he paid an Agent in Bkk area ...she ran it through Ayutthaya Immigration. Magically in 5 days time by turning over his passport and 20K Baht he went from Exemption status to Extension of Stay based on Retirement ... no financials presented to the Agent. The Non 'O' Status seems to be buried in a series of stamps - can't really tell - very confusing - but everything was dated within the same week. The Extension stamps have passed a year's worth of 90 Day Reports at more than one Immigration office. He got into this in personal desperation after a meeting with a very rude I/O in Bkk where he asked what to do and how ... the I/O kept yelling 'Go to other country' - bewildered he found an Agent after being told about her by other Expats at a transit hotel near Swampy.

    I just make a new friend - an Aussie, way over age 60 who had been in Thailand on a long series of Tourist Visas and extensions. He went to the Immigration office in Khon Kaen in May of 2014 and expressed confusion and exasperation to the I/O. The I/O then kept saying 'I am here to help you' in various ways, then he made inferences that Help could be had for a payment and the payment was 20K. This Aussie fellow is ignorant of these things and easily confused due to a medical condition that has sapped his cognitive powers - low oxygen from Sleep Apnea - so he initially thought this approach was fairly normal. The I/O kept running back and forth to the Big Boss's office and did the entire application for my new Aussie friend -- all copies - no financials presented. The I/O also added 90 days onto the one year Retirement Extension - it was time still left on Tourist visa - including the 30 days TR extension he never applied for. The Extension of Stay - Retirement stamp is something like I have never seen before - A large bold square stamp taking up most of the page - with the word Retirement stamped - not in the big square stamp - but rather up in the corner of the page. At his last 90 day report the same I/O told my friend that he must come back on 5 December - (EXT. expires on 25 Dec 2015... stating that he could Help him AGAIN. My friend then began to understand the real significance of this Help and became concerned about his status. He has only reported to the Khon Kaen office to the same I/O so he does not know what other I/Os and other offices might think about his compressed application and big square stamp.

    I have since spent time counseling him for hours on the shaky status he has and have made a plan for him to get a Non O' with the 800 K that he does have in the bank and then process a real Extension of Stay - Retirement. Therefore not have to have the threat and risk of someone examining his passport / Extension. I had to explain the process at least FIVE times before it began to sink in. I will have to write a step by step set of instructions from start to finished and send by email to help him and have told him I will even help him prepare his next applications to make sure he is totally legal.

    In my opinion it is not just the new Expat that is causing the problem - the rude behavior in some Immigration offices and the corruption in others and the general red tape and bureaucracy causes many to just give up and give in to paying 15 to 20K and risk the consequences. While most of us have learned the process - others just seem to be overwhelmed by it all.

    Boy thats a 25% increase from what I was offered in KK

  16. Everything was fine until last year when wife's family built me a kitchen extension. They didn't leave room for a gutter! The tiled floor levels are all wrong. Every time it rains, we have to mop up. I was on holiday when the build took place so no supervision. I could not advise them that water does not flow uphill.

    Sure water flows uhill in Thailand, my wife told me so. Thats why all our drains were installed without a 'fall' but a gradientwhistling.gif

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