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Posts posted by phazey

  1. For HDD space, move less frequently accesed files like photos and movies/music to an external drive, and when travelling only copy the stuff you'll actually watch/listen to.

    I've got away with a 32GB SSD on /System, and a secondary 500GB mounted as /Users - that old workhorse is now 9 years old and still being used...

  2. I've seen a lot of mistakes in my time. Databases and other backend servers given an Internet Accessible IP - WITHOUT any form of firewall (This is a large VoIP provider here in the UK too!). The last two enviroments i've worked on have been a bit more security focused, with limited network access and totally locked down firewalls. It's pleasing, but hackers have a habit of exposing even the smallest exploit.

    Nothing is safe. After I saw a demonstration of a completely disconnected laptop get infected by another (using the mic and speaker to deploy a payload untrasonically from it's BIOS address space!)

    If you're an administrator or a webmaster with a VPS somewhere, just please keep on top of your updates, and review logs frequently....

  3. Just bumping this thread. Today DJI dropped the price of the Phantom 3 Standard. As a gesture to those who have recently purchased one, they have emailed a coupon for a free Intelligent Flight Battery (Worth about 6000 odd baht). Apparently if you bought from a local supplier, you should speak to them......I don't think I can link the DJI forums, but there is a discussion there.....

  4. I used iLikeHD for the first time today, and was somewhat impressed at its performance, based on the wishy-washy performance of the condo building WiFi that I have to use.

    There is an online channel guide of sorts. For about half of the channels there was no info, but for the rest it was useful. I forget just where I found the channel guide and right now I'm out of credits to check.

    Probably the biggest downside of iLikeHD is that most of the channels I watch are only 480p, which is really not a great picture. I get better picture quality on regular non-HD broadcast channels. However, I'm sure that having a relatively low resolution helps greatly in reducing buffering/stuttering.

    Will put more money on my account tomorrow and do some more exploring.

    Would the 480p problem be because the player is downscaling based on your wifi performance when you initially start ? IT sounds like you DO get some 720p/1080p channels though, so i could be talking s**t.


  5. I'm waiting for member "KenDiddsMOMinLaw" to sign up - the posts will be far more entertaining;

    "Day 4 - the idle ferrang has still not offered to feed me. God knows why my dear little girl chose this oaf. I've had to survive on toothpaste alone. sad.png I decided to sweep the floors because his toe rot is starting to blemish the tiles."

    "Day 5 - I started smoking, in a hope he'll get up off his ass to go to the shops for more, and maybe some noodle packets...Decided to invent some Colgate based deserts. Colgate and rice was not cutting it..."

    "Day 6 - Found a cobra under a bucket in the garden. Do these go well with colgate ?"

    "Day 7 - I've started smiling at him. He smiles back. If a smile can say a thousand words, mine say only four. "Are you still here?""

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