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Posts posted by phazey

  1. I am waiting for one of these too. I read it was supposed to be out later this year, but no doubt we will have to order online.

    As for the Ebay one, I bought one similar to it for test purposes while I wait, and I have been trying some of the google cardboard apps out. Apart from the low quality, they do give you a sense of what to expect when the 4K oculus rift and apps and are available. Also the 4k res is supposed to stop the nausea that some people get with 1080 VR.

    It's not the resolution that causes motion sickness, it's the latency.

  2. +1 for the Shure headphones up there, but for the absolute badgers nadgers, I recommend the Beats Wireless Studio 2.0's - Pricey sure, but the active noise cancelling is a dream to behold - completely cancels out Boeings finest engine note 100%

  3. Is there a TrueWifi signal in the area ? I ask as here in the UK we have BTWifi - i've build a little linux repeater that took this single signal, and rebroadcast it over a local AP - worked quite well.. Would be happy to post a Pi image if that helps - most of the legwork done.

  4. You would also need to calculate the fresnel zone, antenna will need to be higher than you may think.. love the classic metal bowl suggestion but will be no use in your situation as the only improvement is in isolation from interfering wifi's and no real gain. 5-6 miles is a little too ambitious for 2.4 Ghz wifi, 801.abgn wifi though.

    Dont waste too much money on this..

    5 - 6 miles is EASily achievable with the correct antennas. The record is 260miles :)

    I've personally got just over 3KM's with a little Linksys usb adapter and some card/foil as a reflector/amplifier. I documented it in this forum back in 2007/2008 with pictures and instructions how to build your own, so it'll be in the search tool....

  5. Maybe 15 years ago, I got offered a job in Bangkok, nice multi story office on Silom, walking distance to Patpong and Soi Convent. Sat practically on top of TGIFridays - My first Thai gig, i felt awesome! I worked maybe a year for this company before moving on to greater things, a big multinational with many foreigners working there. All on a non-imm O visas.......I didn't know it was illegal, my passport would be taken away by the local Thai HR and stamped, so all is fine, right ? I guess years later, looking back on all the horror stories i'd refuse to lift a paperclip unless all the documentation was signed and checked, but at the time - who knew..........

    Not a bash, but this was a BIG company, not a mom & pop 7/11......

  6. Get it sent Tracked, and where possible, send a dual language address label. I've found Thailand (xxxxx (Postcode)) gets it to the local post office at least.

    If you REALLY want to receive the goods, spend a little more on the postal charges, i guess is my advice.....

  7. I'll see if anything has changed in DayZ SA, but tbh, they need to fix the FPS first otherwise it'll be messy. Last time i checked I could get 25 odd FPS @ 1080P - compare that to Arma 3 130FPS @ 2160P and you'll appreciate how much of the engine they have to fix.

    Not in Thailand today, if you want a DK2, i guess go to oculus.com ? (although wait now until the consumer unit is released in Q1 2016, otherwise maybe you can pick up a cheap DK2 on Ebay ?

  8. So, I've just got my hands on an Oculus Rift DK2

    I'll be playing War Thunder, Elite: Dangerous, Alien: isolation, And whatever else works with it - I'm hoping like hell Arma3 does.

    Any questions on setup, hardware, drivers etc, send them here.

  9. Apparently it's to stop Microsoft drivers overwriting Samsung ones.....

    Which MUPPET thought that one up? Hey just sod security updates too! This will also affect malware and virus definition updates....

    Wipe and clean install any new laptop you get TBH, you never know what bloatware you have bought.....

  10. Glad you finally got it. I'm still loving mine, although having issues installing Windows 10..

    Thanks dddave.. I found a few thai companies / individuals selling on the net. I decided on the smaller X89 34gb running Windows 8.1. So far very happy. Only slight problem is because it's a high resolution screen the fonts are small.

    You can change/increase the DPI in customize screen resolution/advanced (i think)

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